
作者&投稿:宠季 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 ...

牛津英汉词典里对strike 的解释
油田等的)突然发现: (fig 比喻) a lucky strike, ie a fortunate discovery 幸运的发现. sudden attack (esp by aircraft or a missile) 袭击(尤指用飞机或导弹的): an air strike 空袭 * [attrib 作定语] first strike capacity in a nuclear war, ie the ability to attack an enemy before they ...

503、the(o) = god神504、therm = heat热505、thesis, thet = setting放置506、tim = fear害怕507、tir = draw拉508、toler = endure容忍509、tom, tomy = cut切割510、tort = twist扭曲511、touch = touch摸,碰512、tour, torn = turn转513、tox = poison毒514、tract = draw拉,拖515、treat = ...

图4-5 塔北地区地层水矿化度垂向变化曲线 Fig.4-5 The vertical variability curve of stratigraphic water mineralizaton intensity in Northern Tarim 二、地层水的同位素特征 通过对地(油、气)层水中氢氧同位素特征可以判断油气层的保存条件,“八五”期间共采集了油气层及近地表潜水样21个进行了氧同位素测定(表...

英语跟美语有什么区别 我不知道我现在说的到底是什么,这对一个英语专业...
"Several circumstances render a future separation of the American tongue fromthe English necessary ...二、读音方面 英语和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a,o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上.1,在ask...figure\/'fig�\/\/'figj�r\/issue\/'isju:\/\/'i�u:\/leisure\/'le��\/\/'li:��r\/...

高分找人翻译一段英文 GOOGLE的别来了
计算完所有尺寸后,用Microwave Office 2006软件对其仿真,以获得回波损耗,辐射图和VWSR。响应频率是2.4 GHz,回波损耗是 -16.29 dB,VSWR是VSWR。单片式天线辐射图的仿真结果如图9所示。45o 极化1x2天线阵列的仿真结果为VSWR是1.376,回波损耗是-18.16。然而,-45o 极化1x2天线阵列的仿真结果...

Regional igneous rocks
The Nangqen volcanic rocks(Sun et al.,1999)are also plotted for comparison.The Yulong porphyries are from this study and others are from Ma(1990)and Tang and Luo(1995) Fig.5 w(AR)vs.w(SiO2)(Wright,1969),where AR(Alkalinity Ratio)=w[Al2O3+CaO+(Na2O+K2O)]\/w[Al2O3+CaO-(Na2O+...

Hydroxides氢氧化物 3.7. 钴作为骨架铜添加剂的效果 研究表明由其相应的氢氧化物生成的氧化铬和氧化锌沉积在完全过滤的骨架铜上增大了甲醇蒸汽重整反应、水气转换反应和甲醇合成反应中骨架铜的活性。 然而同样方法制备的钴添加剂的行为在所有反应中非常不同。它在甲醇合成反应中无效而主要是降低了水气转换...

(2)、Fig200 1.广泛用于低压井管线,也可应用于中等压力范围的空气、水、油或汽应用场合的要求 2.可用型号采用对焊Sch.40。3.200型 2000PSI NSCWP,测试压力3000PSI 蓝色螺母,灰色零件 (3)、Fig206 l.推荐用于歧管和管道连接,负压使用和腐蚀性使用场合。2.在公接头密封表面装有O-型环以便密封更...

in which the dark gray phases are NiAl intermetallic compounds with no display of grainboundary, while the black phases are Al2O3 in irregular shape; the white particles in regular shape shown in Fig. 5(C)are all TiB2. TiB2 is of great morphological diversity, including cube ...

主父庆13174673338问: fight to do sth.(解释) -
苏州市酚咖回答: 和、、做斗争

主父庆13174673338问: 一个英语问题
苏州市酚咖回答: 只有一种,fight for +名词/名词性物主代词(在介词for后这两个成分都充当宾语),比如fight for ourselves,为我们自己而努力,比如fight for him,为他而奋斗,比如fight for the victory,为胜利而战斗,这种结构就足够了;或者合起来,fight for ourselves and the victory,为我们自己和胜利而战 .后面加to do一般来说不必要,意思重复,都是表为什么或者为谁而努力这样的意思;另外,也没有在 fight for sth. of doing 的结构.

主父庆13174673338问: be important of与be important for区别 -
苏州市酚咖回答: be important 是个系表结构, 可以和介词to 或者for 连用, 没有和of 连用的be important for sb/sth 和be important to sb/sth 汉译过来意思都是“对....来说很重要” , 区别在:A: be important for sb/sth 侧重相对for 的宾语来说很重要,而...

主父庆13174673338问: Sia的《The Fight》 歌词 -
苏州市酚咖回答: 歌曲名:The Fight 歌手:Sia 专辑:We Are Born Sia - The Fight we are born without a care as we grow old become aware as we grow tall , begin to falter we want to know ourselves, give love to all and we falter yes we are human yes we anger we ...

主父庆13174673338问: 关于fight的句型fight to do somethingfight for something最好造几个句子 -
苏州市酚咖回答:[答案] fight to do sth:争取做某事 Car workers are fighting to keep their jobs. 汽车工人们在极力争取保住自己的饭碗. fight for sth:为什么而战(争取某物) He surely is go to fight for that prize. 他确是要去争夺那奖品. 二者意思差不多.

主父庆13174673338问: 英语翻译Do you fear the force of the wind,The slash of the rain?Go face them and fight them,Be savage again.Go hungry and cold like the wolf,Go wade like the ... -
苏州市酚咖回答:[答案] Do you fear the wind?你畏惧风吗?——by Hamlin Garland 哈姆林·加兰Do you fear the force of the wind 你可害怕寒风凛冽,The slash of the rain?你可畏惧大雨滂沱Go face them and fight them,去迎着风雨努力拼...

主父庆13174673338问: Did he fight with you yesterday?= -- - - - - - - - - - - --. -
苏州市酚咖回答: 答案:【Did he have a fight with you】yestarday?他和你吵架了吗?【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

主父庆13174673338问: What do the school rules say about fight -
苏州市酚咖回答: What do the school rules say about fight 关于打架,学校有什么规定?arrive at school by half past seven 在七点半之前到达学校

主父庆13174673338问: Fight The Good Fight 歌词 -
苏州市酚咖回答: 歌曲名:Fight The Good Fight 歌手:triumph 专辑:Triumph: Greatest Hits Remixed Fight the Good Fight Triumph 小顺 生命不止 希望不灭 The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long Feels like we're running out of time Every day it ...

主父庆13174673338问: ...out invited 19.invite sb,to do sth/to sp 20.left sth+地点 angry with sb=be mad at sb (in) sth/to do sth /in doing sth 23.get on well with sb 24.... -
苏州市酚咖回答:[答案] 1 这似乎..(三种都是这么翻译)2 更少的人3更少/更多的去做某事4 看见某人做/正在做某事5 某人自己的东西6 一遍又一遍的做某事7 人 人类1 与某人吵架2 给某人写信3 给某人打电话4 ..的门票5 播放CD声音太大6 使某人惊...

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