
作者&投稿:镡贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

姬径17161355631问: dizzy怎么读 -
从化市关节回答: dizzy[英]['dɪzɪ] [美][ˈdɪzi] 生词本 简明释义 adj.头昏眼花的;使人眩晕的,引起头晕的;昏乱的;愚蠢的 v.使头晕眼花;使发昏;使昏乱;使茫然 第三人称单数:dizzies过去式:dizzied过去分词:dizzied现在分词:dizzying比较级:dizzier最高级:dizziest

姬径17161355631问: 'DIZZY'的中文意思?
从化市关节回答: dizzy adj. (1) (指人)晕眩的, 昏乱的, (指地点, 情况)使人晕眩的 [基本词义] dizzy adj. (1) 使人晕眩的; (高度, 速度等)过高的, 过快的 (2) 使人眼花缭乱的 (3) [美俚]被弄糊涂的, 令人昏乱的; 愚蠢的 a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高...

姬径17161355631问: 英语翻译我晕 到底哪个 -
从化市关节回答: 我晕,到底哪个?翻译成英文是:I am dizzy,Which is it?相关单词学习:dizzy 英[ˈdɪzi] 美[ˈdɪzi] adj. 头昏眼花的; 使人眩晕的,引起头晕的; 昏乱的; 愚蠢的; v. 使头晕眼花; 使发昏; 使昏乱; 使茫然; [例句]Her head still hurt, and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented 她的头还痛,并且觉得有些晕头转向.[其他] 比较级:dizzier 最高级:dizziest 第三人称单数:dizzies现在分词:dizzying 过去式:dizzied 过去分词:dizzied

姬径17161355631问: 希望英语1月29日的词汇和句型急求 -
从化市关节回答:[答案] There is no turning back!不能回头,没有退路 dizzying 令人目眩的 catch your breath 喘气 ninja 忍者 terror 恐怖的 unique独特的 coaster 过山车

姬径17161355631问: 我晕了用英语怎么说
从化市关节回答: MY GOD! FAINT! SHIT! 仅是表惊讶,很多词都可以说!相当于”哇,靠,日,顶你个肺”等 晕..在现在汉语非正式口语中表示对对方观点的不理解和一定程度上的吃惊,含有一种善意的贬义... Damn it! gosh! puzzle Dizzy

姬径17161355631问: At the end of the day的中文翻译 -
从化市关节回答: At The End of The Day ——藤田惠美 结束的那天 Well, my days went by at a dizzying pace 我的一天是匆匆忙忙过去的 I was always running to and fro 我总是来回奔跑 And then before I even knew where I was Off to dreamland I would go 于是我知...

姬径17161355631问: 英语作文《The Spring Festival》 -
从化市关节回答: The Spring Festival Spring Festival is the most solemn, the grand festival. One to the Spring Festival, people of all ages and both sexes high streets and back lanes huge crowds of people, with a smile on his face, to enjoy the festive fun.New year ...

姬径17161355631问: 英文翻译,这个话翻译成英文
从化市关节回答: 可是,这样..更会让我忘不了你..一直记得你 but,this can't let me forget you,remembering you all the same. 就让我们心里都留一个美好的回忆吧 Let's have a sweet memory in our hearts. 当你无助,彷徨的时候,你可以来找我 When you are dizzying or helpless,you can find me. 我一直等着你 I will always wait for you . 祝你幸福 Wish you happy.

姬径17161355631问: 请问英语中wheel和 zoom的中文是什么意思呀?在英语中有这
从化市关节回答: zoom [zu:m] n. 急速上升, 陡直上升, 图象电子放大, 缩放, 嗡嗡声 vi. 突然扩... 骑自行车的人 the dizzying wheel of the dance 使人晕眩的旋转舞 the wheels of life 人体...

姬径17161355631问: 以其人之道还至其人之身,这句话的英文怎么说,麻烦不要在翻译网站直接翻译过来,我要的是比较确实点 -
从化市关节回答: 1. An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙2. give sb some of his own medicine 哈利老是取笑我.我想以其人之道还治其人之身.Harry is always making fun of me . I 'd like to give him a taste of his own medicine .2. deal with sb as ...


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