
作者&投稿:巴珊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1:am\/is\/are+played造句 再改成被动语态句式 2.was\/were+played造句 再...
am\/is\/are+played已经是被动了 The basketball is played by us.

European fottball is played in 80 countries,making it the mos...
哎,只可意会不可言传,我尽量表述清楚一点。词句的大意为:欧式足球在80个国家盛行,是世界上最流行的运动。其实这句话的完整句式应该是:European fottball is played in 80 countries, (which is)making it the most popular sport in the world.to do 这种句式一般是目的状语从句,而这里“...

European football is played in 80 countries,___it the most popular...
答案为B ,此题考察非谓语动词在句中作状语,非谓语有不定式,动名词和分词,European football is played in 80 countries为主句,making后半句是现在分词作结果状语,表顺其自然的结果,由于主句80多个国家踢欧洲足球和使得足球在全世界受欢迎质检是主动关系,因此用排除过去分词C, A D两项无法充当...

press HOMW Key XMB(MENU)isplayed
press HOMW Key XMB(MENU)isplayed 按下HOMW键,XMB菜单,游戏开始。

european football is played in 80 countries , ___ it the most pou...
making.或者which makes 即:European football is played in 80 countries,making\/which makes (make)it the most popular sport in the world.此处是分词短语做结果状语。当然动词不定式也可以做结果状语,但是不定式作结果状语时,一般都是强调此结果的出乎意料;而分词作结果状语更为强调其顺其自然...

am,is,are后的动词一定要ing吗?比如She is play,这句话就是错的吗...

此句子可知 Ours 其实代表的是 our hotel first 第一的 rate 等级 所以first-rate 一流的 (Ours is)chosen as the favorite places to stay by VIPs 这句是一个被动句 by表示主动语态时候动作的发出者 所以可以翻译为“被”某人……比如 I play basketball 那就是 Basketball is played by me....

although sb is played a joke on...造句
although sb is played a joke on.这里应该是被动,例如:Although he is played a joke on, he is very happy.尽管他被开玩笑,但他还是很开心。希望能帮到你

过去式: played 过去分词: played 六、双语例句 We'll need a flat surface to play the game on.我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。I used to play here as a boy.我小时候常在这里玩。There's a time to work and a time to play.工作、玩耍皆有时。He played a major role in setting...

动词时态练习题 1、 The violin will have to be tuned before it ___.A. is played B. should play C. plays D. is being played 2、 By the time you arrive in London, we ___ in Europe for two weeks.A. had stayed B. shall stay C. will have stayed D....

皮亲17790741867问: 英语主谓一致的选择题2.A wide range of washing machines and refrigerators___displayed in our showroomA.has B.have C.is D.are 为什么3.Most of the news ... -
爱辉区返魂回答:[答案] A wide range 是主语,所以用单数 of +n,就是后置定语修饰前面的range 所以,以前面为准 Most 是主语,of the news跟上面一样 也是修饰most的 但是news不可数,用单数 concern,“关系到",是主动的

皮亲17790741867问: Like (sth) displayed in (somewhere) ,+句子. 请问逗号前面的是什么成分?like是什么词? -
爱辉区返魂回答: Like (sth) displayed in (somewhere) ,+句子. 首先:分析句子成分,这是个简单句. 再次,like 在这里是介词,引导一个状语. 其次: displayed 做sth.的后置定语. 即 sth is displayed in somewhere.造句; Like LED lights displayed everywhere, it's easy for us to find what we're looking for.像LED灯饰处处罗列,我们很容易找到我们正要找的东西!

皮亲17790741867问: 英语主谓一致的选择题 -
爱辉区返魂回答: A wide range 是主语,所以用单数of +n,就是后置定语修饰前面的range所以,以前面为准Most 是主语,of the news跟上面一样也是修饰most的但是news不可数,用单数concern,“关系到",是主动的

皮亲17790741867问: display谁翻译一下,中文 -
爱辉区返魂回答: display vt.1. 陈列;展出 The cakes were displayed in the window.糕点陈列在橱窗中.2. 显示;表现;显露 He displayed interest in archaeology.他对考古学有兴趣.3. 炫耀,夸示 n.1. 展览,陈列;表演[C][U] Children enjoy a fireworks display.孩...

皮亲17790741867问: display是什么意思? -
爱辉区返魂回答:[答案] display vt. 1.陈列;展出 The cakes were displayed in the window. 糕点陈列在橱窗中. 2.显示;表现;显露 He displayed interest in archaeology. 他对考古学有兴趣. 3.炫耀,夸示 n. 1.展览,陈列;表演[C][U] Children enjoy a fireworks display. 孩子们喜...

皮亲17790741867问: display的现在完成式是什么? -
爱辉区返魂回答: 第三人称时:has displayed其他人称: have displaye被动时: have been displayed现在进行完成时: have been displaying

皮亲17790741867问: 一道英语题~!~ -
爱辉区返魂回答: B displayed被展览 She wants her paintings displayed in the gallery . 她希望她的油画将能在美术馆展出

皮亲17790741867问: 我想问一道英语改错题,Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exbibition hall.这话怎么翻译啊!哪有错误啊! -
爱辉区返魂回答:[答案] 意思是一些古老美丽的意大利油画正在展览馆展出. 出错的地方在于are 和being的重复使用.我们知道,这句话应该用被动句形式,被展出的英语搭配是be displayed.所以应该把being去掉.

皮亲17790741867问: display是什麽意思?
爱辉区返魂回答: display [dI5spleI] vt. 陈列, 展览, 显示 n. 陈列, 展览, 显示 显示,显示器

皮亲17790741867问: There are many wonderful clothes - ___ - in the window .如题 -
爱辉区返魂回答:[选项] A. displayed B. spread C. exposed D. located

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