
作者&投稿:夕娄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Cherished - 表示被珍视、被爱护的感觉,代表着深厚的情感和爱意。2. Soul Mate - 指的是心灵相通的伴侣,暗示着彼此之间有着深刻的理解和共鸣。3. Passion is Sweet - 表达了一种热情和激情是美好的,令人感到甜蜜和满足。4. Sweetie - 亲昵的称呼,用于称呼自己珍爱的人,表达着温柔和爱意。...

Passion is a plain is permanent 什么意思
我自己觉得语法有问题,不知道是不是写错了,怎么会有两个is,plain 平凡的,朴素的。我觉得是平凡造就永恒

My passion is full of life翻译出来是什么意思?

passion is sweet love makes weak you siad you sherished ferrdom...
激情(热情) 是甜美的。爱使人软弱。你说过你珍惜自由,所以你拒绝放手。 (是cherish freedom 不是sherished ferrdom xD)跟着你的缘分。 (其实说成 一切随缘 貌似更好听哦?)去爱去恨。切莫虚度光阴,绝不放弃自己。噢~~当黑夜降临(我痛恨中文里的 哦 啥啥的 = =)你是否孤独。。...

I tell you hopeless grief is passionless. ( E. B. Browning ) 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有感情的。(勃郎宁夫人) He who has never hoped can never despair. ( Bernard Shaw ) 从来没有抱什么希望的人也永远不会失望。(萧伯纳) Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become...

TED经典演讲 | 毅力是成功者的共有特质 附视频&演讲稿
Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it'...

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer - A- chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North The birth place of Valour, ...

life is nothing without passion什么意思
Life is nothing without passion.对应的中文意思:没有激情的生活什么都不是.没有激情就没有生活。生活离不开激情。

There is no passion, there is serenity There is no chaos, there is harmony There is no death, there is the force 不 会 诉 诸 感 情, 我 们 心 平 气 和 不 会 不 学 无 术, 我 们 追 求 知 识 不 会 狂 热 激 情, 我 们 沉 着 冷 静 不 会 坠 入 混 沌,...

Passion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的 Love makes weak而爱使我们脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由 You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它 Follow your fate跟随你的命运 Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨 Never fail to seize the day, 紧紧抓住那一天 But dont give yourself away...

锁刷18071328639问: 以dis为开头否定前缀的词 -
合浦县宁雪回答: dislike、disorder、dishonest、disappear、disproof、discourage、disarm、dispel、dispassionate、discover、disagree等. 一、dislike 英 [dɪs'laɪk] 美 [dɪs'laɪk] v. 不喜欢;厌恶 n. 不喜爱;厌恶;反感 1、dislike用作动词表示“不喜欢...

锁刷18071328639问: quietly 同义词 -
合浦县宁雪回答:[答案] 同义词 adv.1.宁静地,淡泊地 sedately unexcitedly calmly impassively serenely pacifically indifferently coolly dispassionately peacefully soberly composedly placidly tranquilly collectedly imperturbably peaceably 2.无声地,秘密地 silently inaudibly dumbly ...

锁刷18071328639问: 关于“好学生标准”的英语作文 -
合浦县宁雪回答: First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people insiste justice,rectitude,make people help others who need help,make people grow up as a man. Second,a good student ...

锁刷18071328639问: 折扣的英文缩写是什么 -
合浦县宁雪回答: 折扣的英文缩写Dis. 全称是discount. Dis.其他意思: 1、pref. 相反;分离;夺去 2、abbr. 无能(disability) 同近义词: cross- 意思是:pref. 相反;分离;夺去 用法: If actions are necessary, they can be taken before, or in concert with, the ...

锁刷18071328639问: dis开头的表偏见的单词 -
合浦县宁雪回答: disappointed失望的;沮丧的,失意的 disappointing令人失望的;令人扫兴的 disabled残废的,有缺陷的 disadvantageous不利的,诽谤的,不便的 disconsolate孤独的,郁郁不乐的 discreet谨慎的,慎重的;考虑周到的;小心的 disgraceful可...

锁刷18071328639问: 帮我写篇英语作文,会的来
合浦县宁雪回答: Do you want to learn other language? If your answer is "Yes" .I can give you some advice , First you are supposed to listen to the foreigners when they are talking . it's the best way to learn the other language.Second you can read a lot of the ...

锁刷18071328639问: 英语翻译What is a good Student?大约450个单词 -
合浦县宁雪回答:[答案] First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people...of an open mind is one which is willing to dispassionately and rationally analyze new ideas,weighing them objectively against...

锁刷18071328639问: 求英语作文what do you think makes a good student? -
合浦县宁雪回答:[答案] First of all,a sense of resbonsibility and goodness are valuable for a Good Student.resbonsibility and goodness make people...of an open mind is one which is willing to dispassionately and rationally analyze new ideas,weighing them objectively against...

锁刷18071328639问: disproportionate是什么意思 -
合浦县宁雪回答: disproportionate [英][ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:ʃənət][美][ˌdɪsprəˈpɔ:rʃənət] adj.不成比例的; 不相称的; 不均衡的; 打破平衡;This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence. 从所犯罪行来看,这一量刑完全不合理.

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