
作者&投稿:暴殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

content 读音:英 ['kɒntent] 美 [ˈkɑ:ntent]n.内容;满足;(书等的)目录;容量 adj.满足的,满意的;愿意的;心甘情愿的 vt.使满足,使满意 第三人称单数: contents 复数: contents 现在分词: contenting 过去式: contented 过去分词: contented 例句:1、She is reluctant...

happy is he who is content.是什么意思?

content 形容词,满意的,满足的 be content to do 放在句首一般不倒装,但是也有倒装的时候,如 Although he is content to do the job, he has no chance now.---Content as \/though he is to do the job, he has no chance now.

内容如下 用英语怎么说?
内容如下的英文:The contents are as follows content 读法 英 ['kɒntent]     美 ['kɑːntent]n. 内容; 目录; 含量 adj. 满足的; 满意的 vt. 使 ... 满足; 使 ... 安心 例句 1、We're also in the content business.我们是也在满足的生意方面。2、I am very...

英语content 和contented的区别。请高手指点。谢谢:)
contented [kənˈtentid] a.满意的,满足的 content [ˈkɔntent] n.内容;含量;满意 a.满意的 vt.使满意 当content 和contented 都是形容词的时候,区分重点不在中文意思上,而是在于他们在句中所做成分不同。从牛津字典上的例子来看,content通常是做表语,contente...

content contend 具体指什么意思?
a. 满足的,满意的,意义的 v. 使...满足,使...安心 词形变化:动词过去式:contented 过去分词:contented 现在分词:contenting 第三人称单数:contents 例句与用法:1.I like the style of his writing but I don't like the content.我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他的内容。2.He is quite ...

英语作文 Helping other is happy
most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different ways.%D¯rom my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. There is an old saying going like this, "happy is he who is content."...

容量的意思。content英 ['kɒntent] 美 [ˈkɑ:ntent]n.内容; 满足; (书等的) 目录; 容量;[例句]The review is dull and devoid of content.这篇评论语言干瘪,内容空泛。

词汇解析:content 英 ['kɒntent] ;美 ['kɑːntent]n. 内容; 目录; 含量 adj. 满足的; 满意的 vt. 使 ... 满足; 使 ... 安心 例:Teaching content should be concise.教学内容要少而精。例:The book is rich in content and succinct in style.这本书内容丰富,...

happiness is for everyone英语作文
From my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. There is an old saying going like this, "happy is he who is content." I can't agree with it any more. I still remember a story my mother told me ...

毕韵17070506964问: “不满”的英语名词形式是什么? -
勉县鹿胎回答:[答案] discontentment或discontent n. 不满; 不愉快 Sometimes discontent turned into action. 不满有时导致行动. dissatisfactionn.(名词) The condition or feeling of being displeased or unsatisfied; discontent. 不满,不悦:不高兴或不满足的状况或感觉;...

毕韵17070506964问: discontent做动词讲时,例句 -
勉县鹿胎回答: discontent [英][ˌdɪskənˈtent][美][ˌdɪskənˈtɛnt] n.不满,不平; 不愉快; 不满的人; adj.不满的; 不安分的; 不快的; v.使不满意; 使不快; What he said discontented his mother. 他说的话使他妈妈很不满意.

毕韵17070506964问: “不满”的英语名词形式是什么? -
勉县鹿胎回答: 1. discontentment或discontent n. 不满; 不愉快 Sometimes discontent turned into action. 不满有时导致行动.2. dissatisfactionn.(名词) The condition or feeling of being displeased or unsatisfied; discontent. 不满,不悦:不高兴或不满足的状况或感觉;不满意 A cause of discontent. 不满意的原因

毕韵17070506964问: 当它们作名词,不满意讲时,discontent,dissatisfaction,fulfillment 的区别在哪? -
勉县鹿胎回答:[答案] discontent n.不满 dissatisfaction n.不满,不平 fulfillment n.愤愤不平

毕韵17070506964问: 令人不满的令人不满的英文怎么写 -
勉县鹿胎回答: 令人不满 [词典] discontent; [例句]他列举了很多令人不满的事例,为最近的军事行动辩护.He defended the recent military action by citing a long list of grievances.

毕韵17070506964问: crash,discontent,opinions分别是什么意思 -
勉县鹿胎回答: crash 破产; 撞车事故; (机器或系统,尤指计算机或计算机系统的)崩溃; 突然发出的巨响; discontent 不满,不平; 不愉快; 不满的人 opinions 意见

毕韵17070506964问: discontent, dissatisfaction, fulfillment区别在哪?
勉县鹿胎回答: 维科英汉词典 discontent [dis·con·tent || ‚dɪskən'tent] n. 不满牛津高阶英汉双解词典 discontent / ˏdɪskənˈtent; ˏdɪskənˋtɛnt/ (also discontentment / ˏdɪskənˈtentmənt; ˏdɪskənˋtɛntmənt/) n [U] ~ (with sth) lack of ...

毕韵17070506964问: 英语口语对话,主题是DISCONTENT.要求简短,几句就可以搞定. -
勉县鹿胎回答: A:What's wrong with Bob? He locked himself in his bedroom after he went back from work. B:Well, I have no idea. He seems discontent with his job. I guess he's under a lot of pressure.两句够么

毕韵17070506964问: 英文名词当形容词 -
勉县鹿胎回答: 名词作定语的用法 1、名词的普通格:在英语中,把名词用作形容词,放在其它名词之前 (即放在“定语”位置),这种现象称之为名词形容词,例如: 1)That iron door is for the center building.那个铁门是给中心大楼用的. 2)The glass ...

毕韵17070506964问: sicontent是什么意思? -
勉县鹿胎回答: 是不是discontent啊?discontent [ˈdiskənˈtent] n.不满

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