
作者&投稿:谷郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一首英文歌 女声 开头一句是" in the dark they go like star bright...
In the dark they go like stars, bright, light In the night I see them glow Wild eyes I can see bright light Ooo, In your wild eyes I can feel the night Ooo, in your wild eyes In your wild eyes Ooo, in your wild eyes In your wild eyes Its the way you love And th...

Ready For The World 歌词
Im ready for the world the the the world Way til they gget a load of me Im ready for the world the the the world Im ready for the world the the the world Way til they gget a load of me http:\/\/music.baidu.com\/song\/8513908 ...



they shows idjust as other kinds of art do 为什么用do?
在这个句子中,"they"可能指的是某种特定的艺术形式或者作品。"Show ideas and feelings"是这些艺术形式或作品的功能或特性。所以,当你问"是不是代表前面的'show ideas and feelings'"时,如果你的意思是"they"是否代表或者执行了"show ideas and feelings"的功能,那么答案是肯定的。这个句子的意思是...

求MJ的they dont care about us 在监狱里的MV地址,最好能下的
http:\/\/www.56.com\/flashApp\/56.swf?img_host=v42.56.com&host=c24.56.com&pURL=10&sURL=29&user=wbs880926&URLid=zhajm_118792743283&totaltimes=277240&effectID=0&flvid=17438627&56.swf 56里的。我也可以发给你,给我你邮箱。

求:悲惨世界 one day more 谱子
idbelyingifisaidiwasntchuffed cosialwayshatedrob andnowthey'llprobbalyoffermerobsoldjob andintheparkatlunch theresnowhinosonmyfavouritebench noneofthatdrunkchatternoneofthatpissystench andthe20littlepiegeonswiththegammyleg decidetodinefromsomeoneelsessandwichinstead andtheressomethingaboutthecitytoday like...

e.g. Idare say that the computer would provide a clear answer to that...想必计算机能就其给出一个清楚的答案。e.g. People always think I'm a fool, and Idare say they're right...人们总认为我是个傻瓜,想必他们是对的。四、例句The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操...

when they played id sing along的谐音怎么念
谐音:文 贼 普雷的 艾迪 sei应 e隆 音标:[wen] [ðeɪ] [pleɪ]d [ɪd] [sɪŋ] [əˈlɒŋ]

them (they 的宾格)他(她;它)们only 只;仅like 喜欢;喜爱easy 容易的;不费力的after 在……以后class 班级;课classmate 同班同学Bill 比尔(男名)Unit 6 Do you like bananas?banana 香蕉hamburger 汉堡包tomato 西红柿ice-cream 冰激凌salad 沙拉strawberry 草莓pear 梨milk 牛奶bread 面包birthday 生日dinner (...

卷怜17152985578问: 教教我动词 get 的几种用法 -
沈丘县板蓝回答:[答案] 得到,收到;经历Did you get my telegram?你收到我的电报了吗?Did they get any compensation when they were dismissed from their jobs?他们被解雇时有没有得到赔偿费?获得,取得I must get some fruit in the mark...

卷怜17152985578问: 英语的过去式 -
沈丘县板蓝回答: 基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他(sb+过去分词+sth);否定形式①was/were+not;②在 前加didn't,同时还原 ;Did+主语+do+其他.疑问句词+did+主语++其他 肯定式 I worked He(she,it) worked We worked You worked They worked 疑问式 Did...

卷怜17152985578问: Did+主语十动词原形例十个句子 -
沈丘县板蓝回答: 1.Did you go to school?2.Did I take a shower? 3.Did you tell me anything about the art festival? 4.Did she like the movie? 5.Did he agree with me? 6.Did they go swimming? 7.Did it run? 8.Did you close the window? 9.Did they bring their notebooks? 10.Did you finish your homework?

卷怜17152985578问: They did not pay any attention为什么不用had not -
沈丘县板蓝回答: 这是个一般过去时的句子,否定句的结构是: 主语 + didn't ( did not) + 动词原形, 所以用: They did not pay any attention. 而不用had not

卷怜17152985578问: did everyone开头的一般疑问句怎么回答(如did everyone get a surprise or not)? -
沈丘县板蓝回答: Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

卷怜17152985578问: Did you go out with anyone?求翻译.. -
沈丘县板蓝回答: Did you go out with anyone 你和谁一起出去了吗? 1、go out 【读音】 英[ɡəʊ aʊt] 美[ɡoʊ aʊt]v. 出去;熄灭;过时;相恋;出局;移居国外;罢工 He goes out drinking most evenings.晚上他差不多都到外边喝酒. 2、with anyone 和任何...

卷怜17152985578问: they did not pay any attention为什么要加did.不懂did得用法? -
沈丘县板蓝回答: 否定的过去式吖,一般式就是“they do not pay any attention”

卷怜17152985578问: They didn't get home until twelve o'clock last night,did they?后面为什么是di -
沈丘县板蓝回答: did they 跟前面的they didn't是相对应的,反问句,时态相同.

卷怜17152985578问: Hardly - ---- - when the bus suddenly pulled away.
沈丘县板蓝回答: 答案D 否定副词hardly放于句首构成倒装句.Hardly+had+主语+done when...did...是固定的句式.选项A

卷怜17152985578问: they did not pay any attention为什么要加did.不懂did得用法? -
沈丘县板蓝回答:[答案] 否定的过去式吖,一般式就是“they do not pay any attention”

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