
作者&投稿:朝戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

desirable 英[dɪˈzaɪərəbl] 美[dɪˈzaɪrəbəl]adj. 可取的; 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; 性感的;n. 称心如意的人[东西];[例句]Prolonged negotiation was not desirable 拖长了的谈判并不是大家所想要的。[其他] ...

desirable 英译汉
desirable adj.理想的, 合意的, 希望到手的, 值得要的 令人满意的, 良好的, 优良的 与 desirable 相关的例句A desirable reform; a desirable outcome.有利的改革;值得努力的结果 Abounding in desirable elements.优厚的,诱人的充满大量所希望的成分的 The correct or desirable thing 正确、恰好的...

[A] desirable[B] resistible[C] respectable[D] agreeable
【答案】:A 形容词辨析题。desirable意为“合意的,令人想要的”,消费品吸引人才能促使消费者购买,故[A]符合句意。resistible意为“可抵抗的”,例如:aresistible、temptation(抵得住的诱惑),如果人们能够抵抗住消费品的诱惑的话,就不会有消费品的极大繁荣和发展,可见[B]与语义不符。respectable...

desirable adj.释义:worth having and wanted by most people 例① 每年要过年的时候,许多东北人都会去海南省避冬。Hainan is a desirable place for many northeasterners to visit during the winter months.例② 美国畅销书作者马尔科姆•格拉德威尔在 David and Goliath 中提到过一个概念,叫...

desired表被动;人做主语或修饰人;desirable表能力渴望或值得渴望。desired造句 1、He desired me to inform her that he had made his peace with God.他想让我告诉她他已接受了上天的安排,获得了心灵的安宁。2、Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be ...

adj. 令人满意的;值得要的 n. 合意的人或事物

n. 合意的人或事物 adj. 令人满意的;值得要的

每日一词 | desirable
词:desirable 英英释义:worth having and wanted by most people “desirable”是“desire”的形容词形式,意思是“值得拥有的” “理想的”,是一个口语和写作中都能用到的高频词汇。我们想表示“一份好工作”“一个好结果”时,除了可以用最常见的 good 外,还可以用 desirable,比如“...

adj. 令人满意的;性感的;有吸引力的;值得的;令人向往的;n. 有吸引力的人或物。desirable 英 [dɪ'zaɪərəbl]     美 [dɪ'zaɪərəbl]It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose.原子能应该为了和平的...

1. 这是什么词?词:desirable 英英释义:worth having and wanted by most people 例句:Hainan is a desirable place for many northeasterners to visit during the winter months.2. 为什么选这个词?“desirable”是“desire”的形容词形式,意思是“值得拥有的” “理想的”,是一个口语和写作...

鄂管19784445472问: 英语翻译He struggled to achieve a more desirable social position.struggle to do怎么翻好?desirable? -
额尔虎市盐酸回答:[答案] 努力奋斗以(达到某种效果或目的) 想要的,理想的

鄂管19784445472问: It is desirable that every effort - ---to reduce expenditure 这句话怎么翻译 -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: 我觉得答案应该是 be made,will都可以不用.这里是一个虚拟的变形.reduce可以做及物动词的,reduce the amount of something,就是一个常用的结构

鄂管19784445472问: 令人向往的的英文,令人向往的的翻译,怎么用英语翻译 -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: alluring sought after attractive desirable

鄂管19784445472问: “要得”翻译成英语是OK吗 -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: 要得,相当口语化,大致南方、尤其云贵川(西南地区)口语 书面语即——可以(全国通用) 另有:成(北方)、没错儿(京腔)、中(三声,河南) That's OK.——第一反应 That's right.——推荐 Alright.All right.That's all right.Okay/OK.——所以说OK也成 Good.Fine....总之,一切轻松的口语表述皆可;供参

鄂管19784445472问: you have to try,it is desirabLe翻译中文是?
额尔虎市盐酸回答: 你必须尝试一下,那还是蛮有希望的.

鄂管19784445472问: 英语有哪些从句,分别表示仨子意思? -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: 【名词从句】:名词从句在句中是一个相当于名词的主谓结构.名词从句含盖了主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句.连接这些从句与主句的关系词主要有三类: 1.从属连词:that(无有词义) , whether(是否) ,if (是否)2.关系...

鄂管19784445472问: “正合我意”翻译成英文怎么讲? -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: “正合我意”在不同的上下文,不同的情景里意思有不同,例几个场景供楼主参考: just what I wanted. 正是我要的(你得到某事或物时说) It"s just as I thought.恰如我所料(跟我想的一样) It"s just my idea. 正合我意(跟我的主意一样) This is which I have been expecting.这正是我一直期待的.(你得到某事或物时说) cup of tea.一般用于否定句,而且是非正规的,不拘礼节的用法: S耿发钝菏墁孤惰酞伐喀kiing isn't really my cup of tea. 滑雪不是我的嗜好.

鄂管19784445472问: 我认为这种行为是不可取的的翻译是:什么意思 -
额尔虎市盐酸回答: 我认为这种行为是不可取的的翻译是:I think this behavior is not desirable

鄂管19784445472问: 请帮我翻译一句句子to do the job of the sales representative,it is desirable that you know sthing about the products as well as about the market.最好能帮我分析... -
额尔虎市盐酸回答:[答案] 做销售代表的工作可取的,你了解对市场上的产品的事情. To do (主语)the job(谓语)of the sales representative(后置定语) it(形式主语)is(谓语)desirable(补语) 后面的都代表it的实际意义. 可以说补语.

鄂管19784445472问: 英语翻译Is it really desirable to have the most remote beach,the most hidden temple exposed to human curiosity and at the same time to the litter and graffiti that ... -
额尔虎市盐酸回答:[答案] Is it really desirable to have the most remote beach,the most hidden temple exposed to human curiosity and at the same time to the litter and graffiti that humanity leaves in its path?Would it be bett...

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