
作者&投稿:长孙梅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Democratic Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States, the other being the Republican Party. It is the oldest political party in the world.[1]Since the 2006 midterm elections the Democratic Party is the majority party for the 110th Congress; ...

DPRK(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)是什么意思?
同学你好,很高兴为您解答!DPRK(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea),您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取过程非常重要,这个词的翻译如下:朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交...

Democrats and Republicans are the two major political parties in the United states. Democratic in founding in 1791, when by some planting garden owners, farmers and some and southern slave owners had contacted the capitalists. The former Republican and democratic republican party, now ...

democratic centralism是什么意思
democratic centralism 民主集中制

因为地理位置上朝鲜在北部,韩国在南部,而这两个国家又是由大韩民国分裂而来,所以朝鲜一般简写为N.Korea,韩国一般简写为S.Korea。全称如下:朝鲜,即朝鲜民主主义共和国:Democratic People's Republic of Korea。韩国,即大韩民国:Republic of Korea。一般而言,由于朝鲜在国际上地位不及韩国,所以媒体...

Democratic National Committee 民主党 Republican National Committee 共和党 Libertarian Party 自由党 American Independent Party 美国独立党 Green Party 绿党 Reform Party 改革党 Communist Party 共产党 Natural Law Party of the USA 自然法律党 Constitution Party 宪法党 New Party 新党 ...

民主政体(Democratic Regime)是一种源于西方、与专制相对的政治体系,其理念简单地说就是“人民做主”。更详细一点说,就是人民有权参与国家政治,国家权力的来源即全体人民,人民并不是被国家统治的对象,而是统治国家的主人。基于这个政治体系而形成的政治制度被称为民主政体。美国总统林肯曾在一次演讲中...

In a democratic society, this means that the public needs to have a basic. understanding of science, so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.At the moment, the public is in two minds about science. It has come to expect the steady in crease...

“穷富差异” 英文怎么说
民主集中制 democratic centralism批评和自我批评 criticism and self-criticism反对官僚主义 to oppose bureaucratism避免教条主义to avoid dogmatism反对形式主义 to oppose formalism反对奢侈浪费 to oppose extravagance民生people's well-being法制依法治国 to rule the country according to law人民代表大会制度 the system...

The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837. During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. "The President is the direct ...

滕夜19742951451问: socialdemocratic 这个单词什么意思啊? -
城阳区益比回答: 社会民主的

滕夜19742951451问: 美国所有的党派、团体都是哪些? -
城阳区益比回答: Democratic National Committee 民主党 Republican National Committee 共和党 Libertarian Party 自由党 American Independent Party 美国独立党 Green Party 绿党 Reform Party 改革党 Democratic Socialists of American Social Democrats, USA ...

滕夜19742951451问: 日本和美国,目前都有几个党派啊? -
城阳区益比回答: 战后日本实行“政党政治”,代表不同阶级、阶层的各种政党相继恢复或建立.目前参加国会活动的主要政党有自民党、民主党、公明党、日本共产党、社民党、保守党等. 自由民主党(...

滕夜19742951451问: 求一个以globalization为题的讲稿,可以然我讲10 - 15min...只要有中学的英文程度就好了...anyboss help me pls.. -
城阳区益比回答:[答案] Globalization全球化, Globalization is the best word of the last ten years. All the newspaper followed the word and politician ... And economy prorisation is also social prorisation and it's democratic social prorisation. So centrally we have a contract thing ...

滕夜19742951451问: 请问谁能提供关于globalization的负面影响的英文演讲稿?长度为8分钟左右(慢速)吧,merci beaucoup!极度急用(本周四前),小女子在此谢过了. -
城阳区益比回答:[答案] Globalization全球化, Globalization is the best word of the last ten years.All the newspaper followed the word and politician ...economy prorisation is also social prorisation and it's democratic social prorisation.So centrally we have a contract thing ...

滕夜19742951451问: 日本民主党和民进党的英文翻译theLDP是民进党吗?全称是什么?
城阳区益比回答: A Democratic Progressive Party民进党The Democratic Party民主党〔日本の主な政党〕自由民主党|the Liberal Democratic Party ((略LDP))民主党|the Democratic ...

滕夜19742951451问: 急..可以帮我修改一下这篇英文演讲稿么 看看有没有语法错误就行 主题是Aisan games and I -
城阳区益比回答: Democracy is a system in favor of social stability: Cai Jian (2010.11.8 stability of the system, which was originally evidenced by the truth of world history. However, in view of some, democracy is considered to harm social stability of the system! One ...

滕夜19742951451问: 重读音节是什么意思? -
城阳区益比回答: 重读音节 单词中读音特别响亮的音节.重读符号为“”,标注在重读音节前左上方,如:[tmru],也可以直接在单词里标注,如:tomorrow.次重读符号“”,标注在重读音节前左下方. 在双音节词和多音节词中,必有一个音节读得较其他音节...

滕夜19742951451问: 最新英语短篇新闻 -
城阳区益比回答: 日本民主党代表(即党首)鸠山由纪夫在昨日下午举行的日本特别国会首相指名选举中当选为日本新首相.当天下午,日本国会众参两院先后召开全体会议,举行首相指名选举.在首先举行的众议院投票中,鸠...

滕夜19742951451问: 爱沙尼亚国家怎么样?发达不? -
城阳区益比回答: 2007年3月议会选举后,4月5日,改革党、祖国联盟-共和国党和社民党组成具有右翼倾向的执政联盟.改革党主席安西普连任总理.本届政府为爱恢复独立以来的第12届政府,内阁成员为:总理安德鲁斯·安西普(Andrus ANSIP,改革党),...

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