
作者&投稿:谯伦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(2nd)The place country notarizes organization to perhaps have a power organization to submit of, halt that country to make(get) a building attestation that country to perhaps halt Hua legation an attestation through the People's Republic of China of oneself have no the certificate of...

he wanted to get away from the sorrows. Then he was in a legation .But the life was not the same as he thought, he always be looked down on by the nobility and the gentry as he was not rich and he was not in the high status. Apart from that, he found himself ...

少年维特之烦恼的英文读后感 3000字的
Then he went away from his hometown and Lotte to be a minister in somewhere else ,he wanted to get away from the sorrows. Then he was in a legation .But the life was not the same as he thought, he always be looked down on by the nobility and the gentry as he was not...

亲亲您好呀,很高兴为您解答,八国联军侵华战争(Siege of the International Legations),是指1900年5月28日(清光绪二十六年)以英、俄、日、法、意、美、德、奥为首的八个主要国家组成的对中国的武装侵略战争。1900年春,义和团运动成为了八国联军侵华战争的导火索,以此为借口,八国联军以镇压...

1776 bis 1782 wohnte Goethe in einem Gartenhaus an den Ilmwiesen. Er wird Beamter der Stadt Weimar und zum Geheimen Legationsrat ernannt. 1776 kommt auch Herder, als Generalsuperintendent, nach Weimar. Mit der Oberaufsicht über den Illmenauer Bergbau und der engen Beziehung mit Charlotte von...

爱莉18453033578问: delegation是什么意思 -
赣县卡碧回答: delegation[英] [ˌdelɪˈgeɪʃn][美][ˌdɛlɪˈɡeʃən] n.授权; 委派; 代表(团); 例句: I see no delegation from the city. 我见不到市民代表团.

爱莉18453033578问: delegation是什么意思
赣县卡碧回答: delegation n. 代表团, 授权, 委托

爱莉18453033578问: delegation是可数名词吗
赣县卡碧回答: delegation [不可数名词]意思: 代表的委派;委任,授权Mr. Wan has just received the delegation as a school principal.万先生刚刚接受作为校长的委任. delegation(s) [可数名词]意思: 代表团; 派遣委员团; 派遣代表The French and British delegations are just arriving at the conference. 法国和代表团刚到会.

爱莉18453033578问: 社区服务中心用英语怎么说? -
赣县卡碧回答:[答案] community service center1.拜访海殿区社区服务中心及四季青医院.Visit to the Community Service Centre of Haidian District and the Sijiqing Hospital.2.美国印第安那州教师代表团参观社区服务中心.Delegation o...

爱莉18453033578问: Delegation怎么造句? -
赣县卡碧回答: Each country sent a delegation to the Olympics. 每个国家都派一个代表团参加奥运会.

爱莉18453033578问: deviation和delegate是近义词吗 -
赣县卡碧回答:[答案] deviation:from sth ) not following the normal or expected course、plan 偏离正常或原定的路线,计划 ;偏差 deviation from ... 派这位新经理重新组织该部门. The job had to be delegated to an assistant. 这项工作得交给助手去做. delegation(n):代表,...

爱莉18453033578问: deligation -
赣县卡碧回答: delegation1. 代表的委派;委任,授权[U]2. 代表团[C][G] The French delegation is just arriving at the conference.法国代表团刚到会.

爱莉18453033578问: java 中 delegation composition aggregation 都是什么意思啊? -
赣县卡碧回答: delegation : 委托 JDK中的消息就是基于委托模型 Java事件机制: composition :组合.组合又是一种特殊的聚集.在一个组合对象中,部分对象只能作为组成对象的一部分与组合对象同时存在....

爱莉18453033578问: 委派(delegation)在iphone开发中是什么意思呢?
赣县卡碧回答: 是委托吗?委托:是一种对象,另一个类的对象会要求委托对象执行它的某些操作.实际上就是类别(category)的一种应用.例如:可以创建一些NSObject的类别,然后派生自NSObject的类都可以用这些类别了.

爱莉18453033578问: hesitate,hesitation和gelegate,delegation和major,majority这些词各属于什么词性 -
赣县卡碧回答: hesitate [简明英汉词典] v.犹豫, 踌躇, 不愿 hesitation [简明英汉词典] n.犹豫, 踌躇 gelegate [简明英汉词典] n.使节 delegation [简明英汉词典] n.代表团, 授权, 委托 major [简明英汉词典] n.[教]主修课, [律]成年人, [乐]大调 adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的 vi.主修 majority [简明英汉词典] n.多数, 大半 n.[律] 成年

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