
作者&投稿:爨民 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《You are my everything》歌词:All my everthing There's nothing that can harm you In the lonely night I'll come to you And keep you safe and warm It's so strong my love When I kiss your lips I feel the rolling thunder To my fingertips And all the while my head is in...

老友记十季八集的台词:1、Shelley: Question. You're not dating anybody, are you, because I met somebody who would be perfect for you.问你个问题。你现在单身,对吗。因为我知道有个人很适合你。2、Chandler: Ah, y'see, perfect might be a problem. Had you said 'co-dependent', o...


拜托了!找一首英文歌 !
歌手:Samantha Mumba Written by Mikkel S.E\/Hallgeir Ruston Yeah, check it out What, what, what, what Uh, you like that? Uh Come on yeah Uh, no doubt Break it I've been up and down (uh, what)Been going round and round (uh)I've been all over town (wha-what,uh)But...

JIM CARREY 月亮上的男人 Man on the Moon (1999-12-22)最后的歌曲是什...
Vocal:R.E.M.\/Andy\/TonyANDY: Hi, Michael.MICHAEL: Hi, Andy. Thanks for joining us. Do youwanna ... you wanna sing a song together?ANDY: Sure! Is it a sweet song?MICHAEL: Yeah, it's real sweet.ANDY: O.K.![They laugh.]MICHAEL:In this friendly, friendly worldWith each day so ...

Oh... she's fine. As long as you keep her happy. ---Velma Kelly: [singing] Now you see me goin' through it. You may think there's nothin' to it. But I simply cannot do it alone. ---Velma Kelly: She'd say,

A.P-E-T-E-R, Peter. B.This is Peter. C.I'm Peter. D.You can call me Peter. 30.— ___ — She is a nurse. A. Who is your mother? B. Is your mother a nurse? C. Where is your mother? D. Wha t does your mother do? 31.— ___ skirt is this? — It's...

What are you doing?实际可能是Wha tu doing?You更多是读轻音ye,类似的your也有轻读的,其实代词一般都可以轻读;And会是轻读的en,或者就省略成轻读的a;Military, secretary, 后面的ary美语音标是marry的[eri];相应的ory经常是读重音的。美语的half等等中间的音可能都成hat, mat等等中间的音。...

昔虞17511012006问: 功能:下列程序,求数组中主对角线元素之和. -
德惠市明可回答: #include int main() {int i,j,a[3][3],s=0; cout for(i=0;i for(j=0;j cin>>a[i][j]; for(i=0;i for(j=0;j {if(i==j || i==2-j) s=s+a[i][j]; } cout return 0; }

昔虞17511012006问: C语言 设有宏定义"#define S(x) x*x",则表达式"a=S(n+1)"展开后为 -
德惠市明可回答: 宏定义只是在编译的时候作字符串替换,不会进行数学运算.S(n+1)展开就是把"n+1"这个字符串替换宏里面的x,得到n+1*n+1,即2*n+1

昔虞17511012006问: 在C语言中(m+1)*m/2怎么运算的 -
德惠市明可回答: #define num (m+1)*m/2 运行时相当于 (n + 1 + 1) * n + 1 / 2 相当于 (2 + 1 + 1) * 2 + 1 / 2 所以答案是8;define m n+1 ;在程序运行时,直接在m的地方替换为n + 1;然后再将n的地方替换为 2,这样才开始运算;所以define后最好打(),免得出错

昔虞17511012006问: 有一个二维数组整数型数组中,每一行都有一个最大值,编程求出这些最大值以及他们的和 -
德惠市明可回答: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12#include<stdio.h> #define N 4 #define M 5 voidmain() { inta[N][M],i,j,k,s,b[N];for( i=0;i<N;i++ ) for( j=0;j<M;j++ ) scanf("%d",&a[i][j]);for( i=s=0;i<N;i++ ) {for( j=1,k=a[i][0];j<M;j++ ) if( k<a[i][j] ) k=a[i][j];s+=k; b[i]=k;}for( i...

昔虞17511012006问: 、#define PT 3.5 #define s(x) Pt*x*x main( ){ int a=1,b=2; printf(“%f\n”,s(a+b));}结果 -
德惠市明可回答: #define PT 3.5 #define s(x) Pt*x*x -- 这里的 Pt 应当 是 PT 才对,否则 Pt 无值. printf(“%f\n”,s(a+b)) ; -- 宏里的 x 用 a+b 替代 即可. s(a+b) 把 a+b 看成 x , s(x) 是 PT*x*x ,替代 成 PT*a+b*a+b, PT 用第一个 宏 定义里的 3.5 替代. int a=1,b=2; printf(“%f\n”, 3.5*a+b*a+b); 3.5*1+2*1+2 = 7.5 %f -- 按浮点数格式输出,得 7.500000

昔虞17511012006问: C语言5、以下程序的输出结果为 - -------.. #define s 5.5 #define f(x) s*x*x main() { int a=1,b=2; prin -
德惠市明可回答: 展开:s*a+b*a+b=5.5*1+2*1+2=9.5 显示" 9.5“【不含''"】

昔虞17511012006问: 用C语言编写:s = 2/1 + 3/2+ 4/3+ 5/4+ ….20/19 + 21/20 -
德惠市明可回答: #includevoid main() { int i; float s=0; for(i = 1;i

昔虞17511012006问: C语言:Y=1+x^1+x^2+...+x^n(x^n从键盘输入) -
德惠市明可回答: x^=n; x的n次方不能这样写. ^在C里是异或操作#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h> int main() {int x=0,y=1,n=0,s=0,z=0; scanf("%d,%d",&x,&z); s = 1; for(n=1;n<=z;n++) {y = x*y; s+=y; } printf("%d",s); return(0); }

昔虞17511012006问: 编写程序,求1+3+5+7+……+101的和 -
德惠市明可回答: #include "stdio.h" main(){int s=0,i,sign=1;for(i=1;i<=101;i+=2){s=s+sign*i;sign=-sign;}printf("1-3+5-7…………-99+101=%d",s); }

昔虞17511012006问: C语言,关于定义#define 的一个问题 -
德惠市明可回答: #define S(x) 4*(x)*x+1 //注意后面的x没括号S(k+j)会被替换为 4*(5+2)*5+2+1==143输出143

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