
作者&投稿:琦堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高分跪求英语帝 请问一下英语里,名词,副词,代词 及物动词还有很多词我都...
注:n:名词v:动词adj:形容词adv:副词vi:不及物动词vt:及物动词p:副词 一 1 daydream vi. 做白日梦 2 realistic adj. 现实的,实事求是的 3 take n. (连续拍摄的)场景,镜头 4 actress n. 女演员 5 all-time adj. 一向的,空前的 6 mourn vt. 哀悼 7 humanirarian n. 人道主...

求暑假英语日记(带翻译的)、 40篇
I remembered the word: practices makes perfect. If I can make perfect, I will smile in bed. Ha, ok, it’s time to make my homepage now, I must build my homepage because I paid my hobbies: play game and Ping pang ball for building homepage. If I can’t build it well, it’s wo...

What are you going to do the weekend,怎么写五句话?
Saturday afternoon, I'm going to play football with my friends in public sports area. In the evening of Saturday, I have to wash my belongings like clothes, sports shoes and bed sheets, etc. by myself, and I'm proud of doing these stuff as it relieves my Mom from heavy ...

该怎么做,在被抛弃的存在前,我只能默默无言地站著。是否太过残酷?该怎么做,在也无法去忍受,我只能望着渐渐被侵蚀的他。Someday oneday (RAP 韩文) One flow we want the flow we got the flow i got the flow how now i growling on eath it's so funny i say no 现在宽早在我们...

请帮我找一下《The sun ,the eath ,and the moon 》这篇英语的阅读短文...
We live on the earth , and we also hear about the sun and the moon. But do we understand them? Okay, let me introduce them.The sun is a fixed star. It is very, very hot and it gives us heat and light. Nine planets move around it. The earth is one of them. We ...

what are you going to do this weekend?五句话
Saturday afternoon, I'm going to play football with my friends in public sports area. In the evening of Saturday, I have to wash my belongings like clothes, sports shoes and bed sheets, etc. by myself, and I'm proud of doing these stuff as it relieves my Mom from heavy ...

乾凝13299269083问: 如图在△ABC中,DE∥BC,∠DBE=30°,∠EBC=25°,求∠BDE的度数. -
点军区痛风回答:[答案] ∵∠DBE=30°,∠EBC=25°, ∴∠DBC=∠DBE+∠EBC=55°, ∵DE∥BC, ∴∠DBC+∠BED=180°, ∴∠BED=180°-∠DBC=125°, ∴∠BED=125°.

乾凝13299269083问: 如图,AB//CD,∠B=100°,EF平分∠BEC,求∠DEF的度数. -
点军区痛风回答: 因为∠B=100°∠B=∠BEC(内错角相等) 所以∠BEC=100° 因为∠BEC+∠BED=180°(平角的定义) 所以∠BED=180°-∠BEC=80° 因为EF平分∠BEC 所以∠BEF=1/2∠BEC=50° 因为∠DEF=∠BED+∠BEF ∠BED=80° ∠BEF=50° 所以∠DEF=130° 答:∠DEF的度数是130° .

乾凝13299269083问: 如图所示,将△ABC沿着DE翻折,若∠1+∠2=80°,则∠B=______度. -
点军区痛风回答:[答案] ∵△ABC沿着DE翻折, ∴∠1+2∠BED=180°,∠2+2∠BDE=180°, ∴∠1+∠2+2(∠BED+∠BDE)=360°, 而∠1+∠2=80°,∠B+∠BED+∠BDE=180°, ∴80°+2(180°-∠B)=360°, ∴∠B=40°. 故答案为:40°.

乾凝13299269083问: 三角形ABC内有正三角形DEF,且AD=BE=CF.求证:三角形ABC是正三角形. -
点军区痛风回答: 先证明一个基本原理:当两边固定长时,它的夹角增加时,对应三角形的另外两个角随着减少.(画图可很容易证明) 假设∠A∠B∠C中∠A最大,则BC大于其它两边,所以BE>CF和AD,所以∠BDE在对应的3个角中最大,根据上述原理可得所以∠B在对应的三个角中最小 因为∠A在对应的三个角中最大,所以∠ADF在对应的三个角中最大(相等边的底角) ∠ADF+60度=∠BED+∠B 因为∠ADF>∠BED,所以∠B>60度 三角形中,最小的角大于60度,是不可能的.所以假设错误 同理 b,c角也不是最大的 所以三个角一样大

乾凝13299269083问: 如图:已知AB∥CD,那么∠B+∠BED+∠D等于多少度,为什么?解:过点E作EF∥AB得∠B+∠BEF=180°(_____ - )因为AB∥CD(______)EF∥AB(所... -
点军区痛风回答:[答案] ∠B+∠BED+∠D等360度.理由如下:过点E作EF∥AB,则∠B+∠BEF=180°,∵AB∥CD,EF∥AB,∴EF∥CD,∴∠FED+∠D=180°,∴∠B+∠BEF+∠DEF+∠D=360°,即∠B+∠BED+∠D=360°.故答案为:两直线平行,同旁内角互补...

乾凝13299269083问: 已知:如图,∠B+∠BED+∠D=360°.求证:AB∥CD. -
点军区痛风回答:[答案] 证明:过点E作EF∥AB, ∴∠ABE+∠BEF=180°, ∵∠ABE+∠BED+∠EDC=360°. ∴∠FED+∠EDC=180°, ∴EF∥CD(同旁内角互补,两直线平行), ∴AB∥CD.

乾凝13299269083问: die怎么发音? -
点军区痛风回答: diev. [daɪ] ( dies; died; dying )1.die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”.引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等.2.die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态.die有时也可用作及...

乾凝13299269083问: 如图所示,如果AB平行CD,BF平分角ABE,DF平分角CDE .(1)求证∠ABE+∠CDE=∠BED;(2)若∠BED=75°,求∠BFD的度数. -
点军区痛风回答:[答案] (1)证,过E作一条平行于AB的直线EG,那么CD∥AB∥EG得∠ABE = ∠BEG ,∠CDE = ∠DEG∵ ∠BED = ∠BEG + ∠DEG ∴∠ABE+∠CDE=∠BED(2)这个就要考虑到四边形 FDEB了,...

乾凝13299269083问: 如图所式ab‖ef‖cd∠b+∠bed+∠d=192,∠b - ∠d=24,eg平分∠bef,求∠bef -
点军区痛风回答: 因为平行的关系,所以可以得知∠b=∠bef,∠d=∠def. 而∠deb=∠def+∠bef.由已知可知∠b+∠bed+∠d=192 .所以替换∠bed 得知 2∠b+2∠d=192.又因为∠b-∠d=24.所以2∠b-2∠d=48.两个方程左右相加 得知4∠b=192+48=240. 所以∠b=60° 因为∠b=∠bef,所以∠bef=60°.因为eg平分∠bef,所以∠gef=30°

乾凝13299269083问: 三角形ABD中,D,E,F分别在BC,AB,AC上,∠B=∠EDF=∠C,DE=DF.求证:BE+CF=BC -
点军区痛风回答: ∵∠B=∠EDF,∴∠BED+∠BDE=180°-∠B=180°-∠EDF=∠BDE+∠CDF,∴∠BED=∠CDF,又∵∠B=∠C,DE=DF,∴△BDE≌△CFD,∴BE=CD,BD=CF,∴BE+CF=CD+BD=BC 有疑问,请追问;若满意,请采纳,谢谢!

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