
作者&投稿:子丰滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

真炎18852943573问: 求favor的常用短语RT -
泸定县双黄回答:[答案] favor of 有利于;赞成;支持;喜欢 in favor 有利于;被喜爱的 in favor of 有利于;支持;赞同 do me a favor 帮个忙好么;给我点面子 in your favor 以你方为受益人 in our favor 以我方为抬头(在商务场合付款时使用) curry favor 巴结,拍马屁 curry ...

真炎18852943573问: 关于英语单词favor的用法 -
泸定县双黄回答: favor的发音: 英音 [ 'feivə ]; 美音 [ 'feivə ] favor的中文翻译: 名词解释有以下几种: 1.好感,宠爱,关切,欢心,好意,喜爱 及物动词讲解: 1.支持,赞成,照顾,促成,喜欢,证实,赐予词形变化:形容词:favorable;副词:favoringly;...

真炎18852943573问: 巴结上司用英语怎么说 -
泸定县双黄回答: Curry favor with the boss:巴结上司

真炎18852943573问: 求《肖申克的救赎》中30个好句子 -
泸定县双黄回答: Red narrating: You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or, mabye make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normanl again, if only for a short while.瑞德话外音:你会说他做这些是为了讨好看守.或者也...

真炎18852943573问: 英文“责备”、“讨好”怎么写?谢谢! -
泸定县双黄回答: 责备常用的是blame, scold等,但是blame一般不用被动语态,它一般用于以下结构:We are to blame rather than she.(该受责备的应该是我们,而不是她).scold没什么限制.讨好rub sb. the right way ingratiate oneself with fawn on curry favour with play up to kiss up to 这些都可以

真炎18852943573问: 拍马屁用英文怎么说 -
泸定县双黄回答: lick sb.'s shoes; fawn on; lick sb.'s boots; flatter; soft-soap; pat a horse on its hind guarters; play up to; kiss sb.'s arse; curry favour with sb.: toady to the boss; 给老板拍马屁 fulsome flattery; 令人恶心的拍马屁 fawn on a rich or powerful person; 给...

真炎18852943573问: 英语:“拍马屁”用英语哪个讲法最好?谢谢Flatteringb
泸定县双黄回答: 英语中关于“拍马屁”的词汇很多,除了您列出的以外,还有toady ,palaver , fawn,... Everyone in this company knows that he's trying to curry favor with the board of the ...

真炎18852943573问: 求肖申克的救赎全部台词!!!
泸定县双黄回答: We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation.”... “You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a ...

真炎18852943573问: You are currying favor with me.什么意思
泸定县双黄回答: 你在拍我马屁

真炎18852943573问: "阿谀奉承"用英语怎说 -
泸定县双黄回答: She could be very pleasant and flattering, almost subsequent, to people she met.她在交友时,会和蔼可亲,阿谀奉承,甚至可以卑躬屈膝 Some people use flattery to get favours.有些人靠阿谀奉承谋求好处.He is above flattery.他不屑阿谀奉承....

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