
作者&投稿:汪侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

11.以ould结尾且读音为〔ud〕的情态动词过去式。如:can—could,shall—should,will—would 12.把动词原形中的o改为a,变成过去式。如:come—came,become—became 13.在动词原形后加d或t变成过去式,并且发生音变。如:hear〔hi 〕—heard〔h :d〕, say〔sei〕—said〔sed〕,mean〔mi:n...

翻译求助 谢绝机器翻译
相貌和财富 弗朗西斯帕金森凯耶斯 “忠于自己。”——莎士比亚 我一直非常喜欢一个故事,它是关于林肯内阁的一个提议。林肯的一个顾问强烈建议林肯启用一个求职者,而林肯拒绝了他的提议,为此林肯给出了他的理由。“我不喜欢这个人的相貌。”林肯简短的解释说。“但是我不得不说要让一个穷人注意相貌是...

We should be 是什么时态
ould的用法1)表示“允诺”。Mother told Tom he should have such a book tomorrow.妈妈告诉汤姆明天他就可得到这样一本书。You should have a ticket as soon as I get some.我一弄到票就给你一张。2)表示“强制、命令、威胁”,用于二、三人称的陈述句中。You should do it as I told ...

旅游景点介绍房间英语翻译 英文介绍酒店房间设施
用英语介绍房间My room Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room. The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next ...

(膝)十一、字母l在-alf,-alk,-alm,-ould中, 如:talk [t):k] (谈话) half [ha:f] (一半) calm [ka:m] (平静) could [kud] (能)十二、字母n在词尾-mn中, 如:autumn ['):tεm] (秋天)十三、字母t在词尾-sten,-stlet和-ften中, 如:listen [' lisn] (听) castle ['ka:sl] (城堡)...

英文便条格式及范文如下:一、格式:便条通常由四部分组成——日期、称谓、正文和署名。1、日期:位置在便条的右上角。2、称谓:顶格写,后面用逗号。3、正文:便条的主要组成部分,一般安排一段或两段。4、署名:在正文右下角,靠右写。二、范文:Dear Alice:I wonder if you eould lend me your...

was. 否定回答 No, it wasn't.All the students were very happy.否定句 All the students were not very happy. 或者 Not all the students were very happy.一般疑问句 Were all the students very happy?肯定回答 Yes, they were. 否定回答 No, they were not....

According to the beer though pasteurization or not, separate to draft or Pasteurimd Beer.按发酵形式分:1, 上发酵啤酒上发酵啤酒是指在啤酒发酵的过程中,酵母上浮,发酵的温度较高,因在发酵过程中掺进了烧焦的麦芽,所以生产出的啤酒色泽较深,酒精含量也相对比较高(一般在4.5%)左右。主要产地是英国和爱尔兰。

If it had not been for your help, we ___ ( n
如果不是你的帮助,我们不可能找到车站。考点是if 引导 虚拟语气,根据从句可知与过去事实相反,那么主句应该用would或could或might have done形式。

如:break—broke,speak—spoke 9.动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。如:sell—sold,tell—told 10.以ought和aught结尾,且读音是〔 :t〕的过去式。如:bring—brought,buy—bought,think—thought,catch—caught,teach—taught 11.以ould结尾且读音为〔ud〕的情态动词过去式。如:...

翁以15743018172问: could not help后接doing和to do的区别 -
集贤县解郁回答: 你好,could not help后接doing是情不自禁做某事,could not help后接 to do是不能帮助做某事.回答者:jingruijiaoyu nanfangshangcheng.

翁以15743018172问: could not but后面是do还是to do来着 -
集贤县解郁回答: could not but后面是do. could是can的过去是,could not but do原形是can not but do,意思是禁不住做某事,不得不做某事,是固定搭配. could not but: 英 [kʊd nɒt bət] 美 [kʊd nɑːt bət] 不得不… 1、I could not but laugh to hear such a ...

翁以15743018172问: 虚拟语气用法 -
集贤县解郁回答: 选make 下面是虚拟语气的用法用法及动词形式 1、表示与现在事实相反的情况: 从句:主语+过去时 主句:主语+should/would/could/might+do 例句1.If I were you, I would take...

翁以15743018172问: could you please don't to do 还是could you please not to do -
集贤县解郁回答: 答案:【Could you please not do sth 】才对 请不要做某事 【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

翁以15743018172问: 情态动词的用法 -
集贤县解郁回答:[答案] Grammar—Modal-verb Ⅰ.情态动词 一、can/could 1.表示能力时 was/were able to 具体做成某件事(=managed to do ) could 只表示能够 2.can+感官动词 can taste/ see/ hear/ smell/ feel/ believe/ decide/ understand 3.can表示惊讶、不敢相信 Eg: How...

翁以15743018172问: Could you please+ not do还是not to do? -
集贤县解郁回答: please+ not do.

翁以15743018172问: not to do 或是 not doing.don't do.那为什么是 could you pl -
集贤县解郁回答: 个人观点 先说not to do和not doing 就拿could you please和would you mind做比较 could和would都是情态动词 后面的 please和mind都用了原形 但是因为please后面加动词原形 mind后面加doing 所以是could you please (not) do和would you mind (not) doing 至于为什么是could you please not do而不是could you please don't do 这个句子里已经有情态动词could了 否定时不用借助助动词 只需加not即可 当然这只是个人观点 我还没有经过证实

翁以15743018172问: 求七年级下学期所有单词的短语和翻译 -
集贤县解郁回答: do,does,did+v. shall,will+v. be going to+v. had better+v. let sb.+v. make sb+v. to+v. can,may,must+v. would,could+v. why not+v. would you please+v. like doing /to do enjoy doing finish doing keep doing practise doing keep from doing go on doing ...

翁以15743018172问: 急could have been doing sth有没有可能翻译成“可能是在做...”? -
集贤县解郁回答: 我读完了你整个句子,如果单从"could have been doing sth"这句话来判断,是不知道什么意思的..首先你先要知道“could+have+过去分词”的10种用法: 一、表示主观猜测 即对已经发生动作或已经存在的状态作出主观上的猜测,通常可译为...

翁以15743018172问: It is +not+adj+to do sth.的用法 -
集贤县解郁回答: 你说的正确. It's not difficult to learn a foreign language. 学一门外语不难.

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