
作者&投稿:蔚骂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

众多的股份有限公司发行了股票,但不是所有的股票都可以自由上市或上柜交易的。股票要上市或上柜交易,必须按一定条件和标准进行审查,符合规定的才能上市或上柜自由买卖。已上市股票如条件变坏,达不到标准,证券交易所可以停止其上市资格。1、证券交易是特殊的证券转让 证券转让是指证券持有人依转让意思及...

Relatively few foreign films and television programs produced abroad are broadcast on non-ethnic stations with dubbing or subtitling). The show Survivor was originally a Swedish show called "Robinson" (taking its name from Robinson Crusoe). Americans also tend to travel to other countries less than...

关于 烟有害健康 的英语小短文
care. The final stage is death from slow and progressive breathlessness.参考资料:http:\/\/\/health_advice\/facts\/smokehealth.htm

more to take into account the interests of safeguarding national security and sovereignty, but also had to study international information policy co-operation, in order to establish a good international information order.Finally, from a judicial point of view, international institutions, shou...

Americans and Southern Europeans, and may not initially appear to be as open or friendly. Friendships take longer to build; however, once established they tend to be deep and may last over time and distance.http:\/\/\/resources\/global-etiquette\/UK.html ...

private cars tend to be cleaner to begin with.那些在交通繁忙地段车中的人们,就直接暴露的污染源之中,污染源就是其他车辆的烟筒。轿车中的污染会比其他车辆的污染度轻一些,主要是因为轿车在路上的时间比出租车和公车少很多,而且私家车在使用之前也比其他车干净得多。Bikers stick mostly to the...

, keeping an eye on itter, monitoring their *** artphone, and interacting with co-workers. This type of ADD-like behaviour causes stress levels to rise, and lowers our productivity. When you read a book, all of your attention is focused on the story—the rest of the world just falls ...

求1 5 篇英语日记。为了交作业。你懂得。谢谢了。
There ai many things you coule do.First, you shoule say sorry to your headteacher for being late for school. You should try to be at school on time.Then you could borrow a math book from your frieng.You should have enough sleep so that you're able to listen to the teachers ...

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is now the realty favorable developed connection between the lamps and lanterns of choose ~ comprehensive sales for example Beijing the bright house with dragon lighting Co., LTD, it is a typical comprehensive quality lighting company, it also become 2011 Beijing's most competitive vendo...

林雪14782482468问: 比赛的英语单词 -
松江区艾和回答: competition

林雪14782482468问: content与contend的区分? -
松江区艾和回答: contend: [v] 搏斗, 声称, 宣称, 辩论, 争夺 content: [v] 使...满意;[adj] 满意的, 高兴的;[n] 内容, 满意, 含量, 满足, 内含物 意思完全不一样.

林雪14782482468问: contend和compete有什么区别? -
松江区艾和回答: compete: 普通用词,含义广泛.既可指体育活动等活动中争取优胜的相互竞争,也可指为了自己的利益与他人竞争. contend: 指为战胜或击败对手进行不懈努力,强调拼搏.也可指口头上进行有对立情绪或严重分歧的争论.

林雪14782482468问: competition和contest有什么用法上的区别? -
松江区艾和回答: contest 作为动词是对于某种说法 观点加以反驳 质疑等 可以说contest a statement,point,etc (对某说法,论点进行驳斥) 作为名词则表示比赛 竞赛 可数名词 competition 是名词 表示比赛 竞赛时是可数名词,还可以 解释为竞争者,对手 当它作竞争角逐的时候是抽象名词,就是不可 数名词,就像一楼的例句里说的He was in competition with 10 othersfor the job.这时的competition就是不可数名词

林雪14782482468问: contest和competition的区别 -
松江区艾和回答: 这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意. competition : 多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛. There will be a chess competition next week.(下个星期有一场国际象棋比赛.) contest : 多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争.其结果,由评判委员会裁决. We entered a fishing contest.(我们参加了钓鱼比赛.)

林雪14782482468问: contest 和 compete有什么区别? -
松江区艾和回答: contest和compete的区别主要是:1、作名词时:contest:竞赛;争夺;争论.例句:Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as thrilling.翻译:英国拳击近代历史上鲜有这样激动人心的比赛.compete:没有具体的名词含义...

林雪14782482468问: game与contest的区别 -
松江区艾和回答: match常指足球、篮球、棒球等的比赛;contest也表示“竞赛”,但一般不指体育上的竞赛,而是其他类的,比如说,演讲比赛;game与match类似,侧重指球类比赛.

林雪14782482468问: 几个关于比赛的单词区别 -
松江区艾和回答: race,match,game,competition,contest 五者都有“比赛”之义,但适用的范围有所不同.race通常指短跑比赛,如百米赛跑、接力赛等;match 一般指代表队之间的大型的公开比赛,尤指球类比赛;ga...

林雪14782482468问: comprtition和contest 的区别 -
松江区艾和回答: 一般说来 contest是比赛,比如学校举行的数学竞赛,英语知道大赛等 而competition(你拼错了),则表示竞争,比如工作中的竞争,争先 compete从这个动词的基本意思也可以帮助理解它的名词意思

林雪14782482468问: 争辩与辨别的区别 -
松江区艾和回答: 争辩与辨别的区别在于对象不一样. 争辩:争辩是与人进行的,多指两个或两个以上的人有不同的意见; 辨别:是对不同的事物在认识上加以区别,如辩别方向,辨别正常情况下会混淆的各种声音. 扩展资料:争辩 【拼音】 zhēng biàn 【英译】[contend] 【近义词】争论、 【解释】辩论;争论. 辨别,是一个汉语词语,拼音是biàn bié,是指对不同的事物在认识上加以区别.出自唐代元稹的《哭子》诗 、宋代曾巩的《范贯之奏议集序》、鲁迅的《南腔北调集·“论语一年”》. 解释:对不同的事物在认识上加以区别,辨别方向,能辨别正常情况下会混淆的各种声音.

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