
作者&投稿:萧丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等)pressure on sb\/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this producesTheir marriage is under great strain at the moment.眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。These re...


strain的意思是:拉紧。strain造句:1.I found it a strain looking after four children.我觉得照料四个孩子挺累的。2.Don't strain your eyes by reading in poor light.别在光线差的地方看书把眼睛给伤了。3.The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team.过度的疲劳开始让救援队吃不...

stress in还是on
stress on通常一起使用。stress的用法如下:1、stress作动词时,和lay stress on一样,一般表示“强调”,有时表示“注重”。2、stress后可接that从句,做作它的宾语。3、stress同strain(紧张,拉紧)的区别:strain是stress的结果,紧张是由于压力产生的。而stress(压力)是相邻的物体或部分之间的相互...

stressor, stress与strain的区别
一、意思不同 “stressor”意思是:n. 紧张性刺激(心理学)“stress”意思是:1、n. 压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重读 2、vt. 强调;使紧张;加压力于;用重音读 3、n. (Stress)人名;(意)斯特雷斯 “strain”意思是:1、n. 张力;拉紧;负担;扭伤;血缘 2、vi. 拉紧;尽力 3、vt. 拉...

表示负担的时候不可数:As you get older, extra weight puts a lot of strain on the heart.表示一股压力的时候(物理)时可数:The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it broke down.

strain one’s memory (绞尽脑汁的回忆) a blinding flash of green light (闪瞎眼的绿光) rush sb out of (因为想避开、躲开而催促某人出去) 在什么的那一秒:The weirdest thing about all these people was the way seemed to vanish the second Harry tried to get a closer look. Bit off 咬 小任务...

take the strain是什么意思
The liquid strained easily.这种液体容易过滤。I boiled the potatoes and then strained them.我把土豆煮熟后把水滤掉。n.拉紧; 绷紧; 张紧 拉力; 张力; 应变 The strain on the rope made it broken.绳子因受力过大而断了。(演出的)音乐片段, 乐曲 写作或说话的方式或风格; 笔调; 语调 ...

it's no strain on convenience in terms of getting there这句话是什 ...

put a potentially fatal strain on the heart什么意思
put a potentially fatal strain on the heart 放在心上的一个致命 双语对照 例句:1.Failing to brush your teeth properly could lead to potentially fatal heart problems, scientists have found.科学家们已经发现,没有正确刷牙可以导致潜在的致命心脏问题。2.Most cases are mild, but severe ...

占辉17640867729问: constrain - 搜狗百科
莒县利君回答:[答案] 束缚,强迫

占辉17640867729问: refrain和constrain的区别? -
莒县利君回答:[答案] refrain是不及物动词,有宾语的时候用refrain from,抑制,戒除,就是克制不要做某事. 例子:Please refrain from smoking during the performance.演出时请勿吸烟. constrain首先有强迫的意思,强迫做某事.【refrain没有这个意思】 其次做抑制来讲是...

占辉17640867729问: refrain和constrain的区别? -
莒县利君回答: refrain是不及物动词,有宾语的时候用refrain from,抑制,戒除,就是克制不要做某事... 例子:Please refrain from smoking during the performance.演出时请勿吸烟.constrain首先有强迫的意思,强迫做某事...【refrain没有这个意思...

占辉17640867729问: constrain和restrain有什么区别吗?好像两者都可以
莒县利君回答: restrain 指情感"抑制",还可指阻止某人做某事:如 restrain one's anger /laughter ... constrain 1.强逼:通过身体的、道德的或环境的力量强迫;迫使 2.限制:把…限制...

占辉17640867729问: inhibit和restrain,constrain有何区别?inhibit和restrain,constrain都有“抑制、约束”的意思,那么具体在含义和用法上有哪些区别呢?请举例说明,而不是... -
莒县利君回答:[答案] inhibit抑制 eg.A substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of algae. 杀藻剂用来杀死或制止水藻生长的物质 Constrain表示力劝,强迫,常用于constrain do sth.; eg.She tried to constrain herself from a cough in class. 上课时她竭力忍住不咳嗽. ...

占辉17640867729问: constrain,compulsory,impose,oblige作为强制意思时用法的区别 -
莒县利君回答:[答案] constrain,vt.通过身体、道德或环境压力强迫,意思如约束、克制.等同于oblige compulsory,adj,obligatory; required,必需的,必要的. impose,vt. 以权威或认为是必需的行政手段强加于人,意思如征收.

占辉17640867729问: 在sql中,constraint用法 -
莒县利君回答: 是用来添加完整性约束条件,并且指定该约束条件的名字(这样就方便以后删除这个约束条件). Constrain也可以用在Create语句中,在建表时就用它来设置 PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, CHECK 等约束.

占辉17640867729问: constrain表限制时,在英语中与restrict有什么区别? -
莒县利君回答:[答案] restrict:限制,constrain:约束

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