
作者&投稿:邵畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

onfident (自信的, 确信的)impressed (留下印象的)reverent (尊敬的)polite (有礼貌的, 文雅的)2.贬义词 apprehensive(担忧的)hostile (敌对的)dubious(怀疑的)intolerant (不能容忍的)negative (否定的, 消极的)pessimistic (悲观的, 厌世的)subjective (主观的, 个人的)disappointed (失望的)frust...

对什么有自信的英文? confident of (confident是形容词。)2.have confidence in (confidence是名次。)注意 介词的搭配不同。我对你有信心 英语怎么说 I have confidence in you.I'm 浮onfident in you.也是对的。对自己有信心用英语怎么说?有哪些同类短语?Confidence in yourself be confident to yourself .....

I am interested to this job and fill onfident to do it well.I really hope you can assign it to me. Thanks。我对该工作很有兴趣,并由信心把它做好,希望贵公司提供这宝贵的机会。

onfident that will e

双桶洗衣机洗涤桶不转嗡嗡响用手拨能转是什么情况啊 谢谢了

希邦15337888604问: confident用法confident与介词的搭配用法?有be confident in 这用法吗?谢谢! -
和田县感冒回答:[答案] be confident of对...事有信心,确信...(指对某具体的事有信心. be confident to后接人,是某人对某人很有信心的意思 be confident in sth. be confident of sb.

希邦15337888604问: confidence与confident用法 -
和田县感冒回答:[答案] confidence是名词,可以做主语,宾语等. 如I am full of confidence.我自信满满. I just need confidence.我就是需要自信; 固定短语 have the confidence of sth或have the confidence to do sth确信……或有勇气有自信做……; in confidence,秘密地,私...

希邦15337888604问: 关于confident的短语问题~有没有be confident to ?如果有be confident on 、be confident of、be confident to 三者的群别是什么?打错了是be confident in、... -
和田县感冒回答:[答案] be confident of/about sth be confident in sb. be confident to do sth.

希邦15337888604问: confident的用法 -
和田县感冒回答: be confident with sb.举例如下: of William is certainly confident of his future success. I think I am fully confident of his And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward. 对这些将我们团结起来并指引我们向前的原则,我们充满信心.with Appears confident with opposite sex 面对异性坦然自信

希邦15337888604问: confident固定用法 -
和田县感冒回答: be confident to do sth be confident of (doing) sth 两个都表示自信的做什么 be confident in sb、 对某人很有信心/相信某人

希邦15337888604问: “自信”的英语单词怎样拼? -
和田县感冒回答: 自信的英语单词是confident,名词形式是confidence.confident adj. 确信的,深信的; 有信心的,沉着的; 自信的; n. 知己; 心腹朋友; 比较级:more confident 最高级:most confident 复数:confidents [例句] I am confident that everything ...

希邦15337888604问: 我对你有信心 英语怎么说要用到confident.可以说i'm confident in -
和田县感冒回答:[答案] I have confidence in you. I'm confident in you. 也是对的.

希邦15337888604问: confident与cofidence的固定短语搭配与区别 -
和田县感冒回答: confident是形容词,自信的 cofidence是名词,自信 I am confident I have confidence

希邦15337888604问: “自信的”英文怎么写? -
和田县感冒回答: confident

希邦15337888604问: 表示自信的英语单词?
和田县感冒回答: 自信 1.confidence 2.self-confidence 3.assurance 4.lacks confidence and poise 自信的 1.confident 2.self-confident 缺乏自信 1.diffidence 2.lack of confidence 自信地 1.with confidence 2.assertorically 自信,保证 1.assurance 2.assran

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