
作者&投稿:家庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

乌洋18835426734问: come through for 什么意思? -
玛沁县安凯回答: come through . 经历,脱险You always come through for me when I need you. 你总是在我需要的时候,帮我度过难关.Your fax didn't come through for some reason. 因为某些原因,你的传真没有传过来呀.

乌洋18835426734问: i hope everything will come through for you.句子里的come through翻译为什么最合适. -
玛沁县安凯回答:[答案] come through的意思是"安然渡过(危险或难关)" 因此这句话可以理解为:我希望您一切顺利(或平安无事)

乌洋18835426734问: come 的用法有哪些? -
玛沁县安凯回答: come vi. ①来,来到 ②经过 ③达到,至 ④产生(于),来(自) ⑤变成,实现 ⑥开始 ⑦发生,出现(于),位(于) come about 发生,产生; come across 偶然遇到,碰上 come along 出现,发生;进步,进展; come apart 破碎,崩溃 ...

乌洋18835426734问: 区别"come through" "go through" "get through" "pass through"谢~~~~~~~~~ -
玛沁县安凯回答: come through、go through、get through、pass through的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1.come through意思:安然渡过(危险或难关);显现;显露 2.go through意思:经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期);翻阅;...

乌洋18835426734问: come through什么意思,可以不加宾语吗? -
玛沁县安凯回答: 1. come through是英语当中的固定表达法,含义较多,具体请参考第二条解释.短语当中的through是介词,后面可以跟名词、代词宾格、动名词等做介词宾语.2. 用法举例:(1)活下来;经历(灾难、危险) His mother came through a serious...

乌洋18835426734问: come组成的短语有哪些, -
玛沁县安凯回答:[答案] come”构成的词组?很多啊,例如: come: come full circle,绕回原处,毫无进展 come home to...,完全理解,领悟 come and go,来来去去,变来变去,转瞬即逝 come unstuck,遭受挫折 how come?,怎么回事? to come,即将到来,以后 ...

乌洋18835426734问: come off, come out, come round, come through 区别 -
玛沁县安凯回答: come off 离开,举行,实现,成为 come out 成为众所周知,发行或发表,正式的社交,结束,结果,自己公开宣布 come round 来,前来,过访,绕道而来,苏醒,转变,改变主意,笼络 come through 经历,脱险,传出,捐助

乌洋18835426734问: 以come为中心词的短语 -
玛沁县安凯回答: come in 1. (比赛)得名次 2. 到达 3. 上市 come on 1. 跟着来 2. 进展 come back 1. 回来 come off 1. 脱离;分开 2. 表现 come out 1. 出版 2. 传出 come true 1. 实现 come around 1. 苏醒;恢复健康 2. 让步;改变立场 come up 1. 被提出,被讨论 ...

乌洋18835426734问: come 的用法有哪些?
玛沁县安凯回答: come vi. 来; 来到 Come here, please. 请来这儿一下. 移动, 行走 到达, 达到 Has the train come through? 火车到达了吗? 出现于…, 位于… The car skidded off the road and came to rest in a field. 汽车滑出公路, 在田里停了下来. 转入另...

乌洋18835426734问: come 后加介词能组成多少种不同短语?
玛沁县安凯回答: come off 实现,成功,奏效 come on 请,来吧,快点;开始,出场,上演 come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是 come round (around) 来访,前来;苏醒,复原 come through 经历,脱险 come up 走近,上来;发生,被提出


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