
作者&投稿:臾明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

come to,come into,go into的意思
come to:常指出现,共计,的意思,例:The bill come to (共计)$20.帐单共计二十美元。The idea came to (出现,想出)him when he was watching TV.他看电视时想出了这个主意。come into:进入,得来, 起来,例:She came into a fortune when her uncle died.她叔叔死后她继承了财产....

请问短语get into,come into的区别
get into 1.(使)穿上 I can't get into these shoes.这双鞋我穿不上。2.(使)陷入 He got into debt.他欠下债务。3.学会 I'll soon get into the way of things.我不久就会学会处理事务的方法。4.对…发生兴趣 come into 进入, 得来, 起来, 继承(财产)例句:She came into a ...

get into 和come into 的区别
come 表示向特定位置或状态靠近,come into 基本意思是“走过去进入…之内”,可以引申为“接近…去得到\/继承”或“在…中起作用”,如:Would you come into the bar and have a drink with me? 你愿意进酒吧和我喝一杯吗?The new law will come into operation by midnight tomorrow. 新法律...

come in 和 come into有什么区别
come in 不及物动词短语,相当于不及物动词,后不跟地点,如:The teacher came in .come into 相当于及物动词,后面一般加+人或者地点 加人的时候,解释为:撞见某人、与某人邂逅 He came into his teacher in the park 加地点时,解释为:进入某地。He came into the house with no ...

walk into 和come into有什么区别
walk into是“走进去”的意思,强调的是“walk";come into是“进来”的意思,若想强调“走”这个动作就用“walk into",其他方面也没有啥区别。

come in 与come into有什么区别?
简单的从意思上可以区分: come in是“进来”的意思,而come into是“进的来、起来”的意思。 如:May I come in?我能进来吗? A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。 另一方面,比较复杂的是: @come in有“收到、开始生产、在某件事中起的作用、开始流行...

get into,come into,step into各是什么意思
get into, 进入 get into the car 进入车里面,上车 come into, 形成 生效 come into being 形成 step into 步入 step into the building 步入这个建筑

表示走进的意思,用enter 和 come into 这两个可以吗,这两个词有区别吗...
可以,但表示进入的词实际上是into和enter,enter是一个及物动词,而into是一个介词,需要前面跟一个有走的意思的不及物动词如:come,walk。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论 1 2 骑士圣辉 采纳率:36% 擅长: 暂未定制 其他回答 come into 表示“进入”时,可以和enter互换; 但它还有其它意思:得来; 起来; ...

英语翻译。这里为什么有come into 呢?能不能去掉?
come into本身有撞见某人,偶遇某人的意思,come into contact with,与……接触,与……联系,contact有两个词性,一个是及物动词,后面接宾语,contact me联系(表示动作)我。一个是名词,contact with里面的contact是名词,表示联系(名词层面的)x和x之间的联系的意思。如果取消come into,contact就...

come in 和come into的区别及此处in into的词性 告诉我吧谢谢了_百度知...
come in 不及物动词短语,相当于不及物动词,后不跟地点,如:The teacher came in .come into 相当于及物动词,后跟地点,如:The teacher came into the classroom.in是副词 into是介词

米蚁18834224059问: come into power是什么意思 -
温岭市首乌回答: come into power[英][kʌm ˈɪntuː ˈpauə][美][kʌm ˈɪntu ˈpaʊɚ] v.(开始)掌权,上台,执政; 以上结果来自金山词霸

米蚁18834224059问: come to power come into power用法一样吗 -
温岭市首乌回答: 不一样

米蚁18834224059问: come in power与come into power的区别 -
温岭市首乌回答:[答案] 前者表示将要执政,后者表示已经执政了.

米蚁18834224059问: 关于come into 后加一些词的全部短语 -
温岭市首乌回答: come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come into effect/force 生效 come into power/office 上台,就职,开始执政,当权,当选 come into one's own 得到自己该得的东西, 显示自身的特点(或价值)come into play 开始活动,开始运转,投入使用,开始起作用come into possession of 占有came into action 开始起作用

米蚁18834224059问: come into force 和come into effort的区别 -
温岭市首乌回答: 应该是 come into "effect" 吧?come into force (或 effect) 都是“(开始)生效” 的意思;常见短语中没有 come into "effort" 这句

米蚁18834224059问: cometopower的反义词 -
温岭市首乌回答: 下台 [词典] resign; (下舞台或讲台) step down from the stage or platform; resign one's right [power]; (多用于否定式,比喻摆脱困境) get out of a predicament or an embarrassing situation; drop the reins of government; [例句]他的挑战导致了撒切尔夫人的下台. His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.

米蚁18834224059问: 上台执政用英语怎么说?
温岭市首乌回答: come into power 开始执政;当权 eg:The new president came into power last month. 新总统上个月开始执政.

米蚁18834224059问: 请问Afterhecametopower是什么意思
温岭市首乌回答: power指权利,come to power或come into power都可以,掌权. After come to power就是掌权以后

米蚁18834224059问: 英语问题 -
温岭市首乌回答: ...因为后面加了个十年的段时间,所以前面所要求的持续动作也必须是可以成段持续的动词....

米蚁18834224059问: 10.As soon as his party came into - ----they changed the law. A.force B.power C.strength D.position -
温岭市首乌回答: 选B,come into power 是 政党执政,掌握政权 come into force 是 指(法律、规则等)开始生效,开始实施 剩下的两个不是固定搭配


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