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大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 college 和 school 吧:college 和 school 的区别:【区别1】 教育阶段与类型:College: 指提供本科及以上学位课程的高等教育机构。学生通常在高中毕业后,进入大学攻读学士学位或更高学位。例子1:She is attending college to pursue a bachelor's degree in engineering...

1、He's hoping to go to college next year. 他希望明年上大学。 2、I worry that I won't get into college. 我担心自己进不了大学。 3、The college is not an officially recognized English language school. 那所学院不是官方认可的英语学校。 4、The college has a good name for languages. ...


One of the best things about college is the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life. We get to learn about different cultures, perspectives, and ideas that we may not have been exposed to before.Of course, college also comes with its own set of challenges. Balancing ...

college, school, faculty三个词的差别?
college:n. 1. 大学, 学院; 高等专科学校2. (英国)学院,职业学校,技术学校3. (美国)大学4. (英国大学如牛津和剑桥中独立的)学院; (美国一些规模大的大学的)学院 5. (学院的)师生,教师,学生 6. (尤指必须交费的)中学,公学7. 学会;协会;社团 school : n. 1. 学校2. ...

其他信息:一、意思不同 “college”意思是:n. 大学;学院;学会 “university”意思是:n. 大学;综合性大学;大学校舍 二、用法不同 1、college:多用于指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。例句:Their daughter Joanna is taking business courses at a local college.译文:他们的女儿...

College changes lives. 大学改变人生。 College is the single largest determinant of social mobility for those with the lowest income. 对于那些收入最低的人们来说,大学教育能在最大程度上决定社会阶层的流动性。 第六段 Lie 3:Everyone should go to college. 谎言三:每个人都应该上大学。 It may seem ...

Finally,college is great stage to improve a student and show one's abilities.In college,I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world.I realize that I am not only a student but also an *** who is preparing to step into the society.最后,...

My uncle is a professor in this university. 我的伯父是这所大学的一名教授。 三、侧重点不同 college 作名词有“学校”的意思,college多指与综合性大学相对应的或综合大学内的专科院校,尤指军事、体育或艺术院校。 作名词含有“学院,大学”之意,college多指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。 univers...

“college”:当一个学校的规模只是”学院级“的时候对整个学校的统称。“school”:一般用于表示真正意义上的学校,多用于描述小学,比较口语话。4、造句 “faculty”:He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty.翻译:他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。“college”:He is a ...

穆欣17721926114问: 在unique和university前为何加不定冠词a而不是an? -
集安市胃复回答: 因为unique和university虽然是元音字母开头,但是发音上来讲却不是以元音音素开头,所以用a而不是an. 一、unique 1、读音:英 [juˈniːk] 美 [juˈniːk] 2、释义:唯一的,独一无二的. 3、语法:unique非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可...

穆欣17721926114问: 关于英语语法the college is twice what it was five years ago. -
集安市胃复回答: 表示倍数的句型归纳:1. 主+谓+倍数+ as +形容词/副词(原级)+ as +比较对象. This bridge is three times as long as that one . 这座桥是那座桥的三倍长. 2. 主+谓+倍数(分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+ than+比较对象 The grain output is 8 ...

穆欣17721926114问: 被动语态句型构成 -
集安市胃复回答: 一、 被动语态的用法: 1. 一般现在时的被动语态构成:is / am / are + 及物动词的过去分词 Our classroom is cleaned everyday. I am asked to study hard. Knives are used for cutting t...

穆欣17721926114问: college前不加冠词吗,哪些词前不加the,什么是定冠词什么是不定冠词,the 和a怎么区分 -
集安市胃复回答: go to college表示上大学(读书)这个意思,不用加the/a. 例如: i went to college in 1998. 而go to a/the college不是读书的意思,是去一所、这所大学,比如可以是找人,玩,踢球.例如:We will go to the college to play football. 译为:我们要去这所大学踢球. 总体说来,加a表示一个,一的概念,加the表示特指这,那个,不加表示固定含义.

穆欣17721926114问: 单选题]1.It is necessary that a college student - ------ - at least a foreign -
集安市胃复回答: .It is necessary that 从句用虚拟语气 should + 动词原形 should 可以省略 望采纳!祝学习进步!

穆欣17721926114问: 请问这里,在什么什么大学,应该用in还是at???!!! -
集安市胃复回答: 用At 如果表达在什麽学院学系学什麽专业用at例句:I major accounting at the college of management. 如果表达在大学的某一天之类的用in例句:This is my first day in college.所以I am a college student majoring in mass media at ***college.

穆欣17721926114问: 英语作文college in my mind -
集安市胃复回答: college in my mind Many students may think a lot of their college before they enter their college. I was one of the students among them. I have a lot of thoughts about college life. In my mind Ideal college life includes many aspects.It include study, ...

穆欣17721926114问: Education means different things to different people, () their... - 上学吧
集安市胃复回答: 1,选C,need有两个用法,既可以做情态动词,也可以做实义动词,情态动词的用法是need do,否定式是need not do,实义动词时的用法是need to do,否定式是need not to do...

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