
作者&投稿:镇官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jane is only four years old and doesn’t go to school. Her grandp...
”“One.”answered Jane.“You’re wrong,”called out the rich woman.“All of them will fly away!”“Don’t you think a dead fly can fly,madam?”asked the little girl.The guests began to laugh and the woman’s face turned red.简是只有四岁,不能去上学。她爷爷是个教师,...

andwho's that
old结尾辅音 is元音开头 所以可以连读 and和who就不能连读 一般情况下辅音结尾和元音开头就可以连读

years old是什么意思
7.I'm fourteen years old.我14岁。8.He is ten years old.他十岁了。9.Nora thought he was seventeen years old.诺拉觉得他有17岁。10.He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.他只有24岁,可已经是一个瘾君子。11.He's 58 years old.他58岁。12.I was a virgin until I was ...

In ancient times, there was a monster that lived deep on the sea floor for many years and crawled ashore every New Year's Eve to devour livestock and kill people. People called it Nian. On New Year's Eve, people, old and young, fled to remote mountains to avoid Nian.It ...

steam engines are not used, produced, or needed anymore. Yes, they are also old and out of date, but obsolete is kind of the next step after old and out of date。这个单词在科技行业经常出现。在科技文章评论中,人们会说某个电话机obsolete(未使用的),其实他们是想说电话机过时了。

老年;晚年 young and old 老老少少 例句:Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.旧自行车很便宜就能买到。The old man combed his snowy hair.老头儿梳他的白发。Remember the old adage—buy cheap, buy twice!便宜无好货。近义词:adj. 年老的;陈旧的,古老的 ancient,aged,advanced ...

Perhaps the most distinctive difference between Old and Modern English reflected in Aelfric's sentences is the elaborate system of inflections, of which we now have only remnants. Nouns, adjectives, and even the definite article are inflected for gender, case, and number: ðære ðeode "...

一个聪明的移动或一个Error-The故事的新可乐 在五月1985年,可口可乐公司犯了个大错误,“实99成功后多年的时间里,它扔掉它的原始配方可乐!在自己的地方来,新可乐味道啊……光滑甜一点该公司宣布了新的口味有非常大的广告。起初,新可乐畅销但是销售很快便平淡无奇可口可乐公司收到了超过1500电话和许多...

完形填空 Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a 1 job which gets him 2 at five o'clock every morning. He is a 3 .Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5: l5 to go to the corner 4 the newspapers are. The newspapers are d...

Avril Ramona Lavigne was born in Napanee, Ontario, to parents Judy and John on September 27th, 1984. She was the middle child. She has a brother names Matthew who's 19 years old and a younger sister Michelle, 14. But she was always the feisty one and spent most of her school years ...

仇由胜13062706458问: cold and snow汉语是什么 -
绥滨县洁欣回答:[答案] 原句的意思是又冷又(有)降雪. 意译的话那就是 冰天雪地 Cold and snowy 冷若冰霜 Cold as ice

仇由胜13062706458问: cold and snow汉语是什么 -
绥滨县洁欣回答: 原句的意思是又冷又(有)降雪.意译的话那就是 冰天雪地 Cold and snowy 冷若冰霜 Cold as ice

仇由胜13062706458问: it is cold and snow here.改错 -
绥滨县洁欣回答:[答案] it is cold and snowy here.cold 是形容词,而snow名词,名词和形容词是不能并列的.这是最简单的一种改法.

仇由胜13062706458问: cold,snow 造个句子 -
绥滨县洁欣回答: The weather is cold because of the snow.

仇由胜13062706458问: It's cold and it's________.(snow)snowy和snowing都可以吗? -
绥滨县洁欣回答:[答案] snowy 下雪的

仇由胜13062706458问: It's cold and snow in winter in New Zealand.用snow 还是snowy -
绥滨县洁欣回答:[答案] 用snowy,前面是 be 动词+形容词(snowy),表天气,而snow是名词/动词“雪/下雪)

仇由胜13062706458问: How is the weather ? it is cold and - ---(snow) -
绥滨县洁欣回答: snowy

仇由胜13062706458问: In winter,the weather is cold and - ----(snow) -
绥滨县洁欣回答: snowy,snowy是形容词,而snow是名词,这里在系动词 is 后要填形容词.

仇由胜13062706458问: The weather is cold and snow, I want to know whether you warm.什么意思 -
绥滨县洁欣回答: 天气寒冷并且在下雪,我想知道你是否温暖.

仇由胜13062706458问: 连词成句the is cold snow weather there and -
绥滨县洁欣回答: The weather is cold and snowy there.那里天气寒冷多雪.希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢.

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