
作者&投稿:门佩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

问Oin the passion of this master of soul.当带两个of时怎么进行翻译...
后一个OF 修饰前一个,this master of soul 可译为精神方面的大师,道德高尚的人,(精神)高贵的人 整句话应该是修饰一个行为的,所以可以译成 有(带)着高贵者的激情 具体还看上下文

oin是开放创新网络的意思。oin造句如下:1.A convertible and a 4-wheel drive areals oin the final design stage.2.Use of its TTS technology, voice synthesis, the mixed reading oin English and Chinese.3.Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up oin bamboo leaves on Dragon Boat Day.

join in,join,take part in,attend的区别 experience有复数
oin in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。例句:①May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗?②I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。如果说"与某人一起做某事"、"和……在一起"则用join sb. in sth.\/doing sth.。例句:①Would y...

求oin in和take part in的区别。
区别如下:在做动词时,join的解释有become part of; become a member of a group or organization,强调的是成为某个组织,某个团体的一部分,比如说入党,就用join the Communist Party ;还有一个意思是come into the company of,强调陪伴某人做什么事情,比如She joined him for a drink。而join...

1.Does she want_-. -(oin)theclu
填 to join 固定用法 want to do sth想做某事 Does she want to join the club?

The boy was sitting oin his chair leisurely,___ in the magazine h...
be absorbeb in 固定语法,因为前面是be doing ,所以看后面也得是be doing,the boy was 可省略,与语法得和前面一致。两句分开就很容易理解了,The boy was sitting oin his chair leisurely and he was being absorbed in the magazine he was reading。懂了吗?

美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd]adj.失望的;沮丧的,失意的;v.使(人)失望( disappoint的过去式和过去分词);使破灭,使落空;[例句]Castle-hunters won't be disappointed with the Isle of Man.马恩岛不会让城堡探寻者失望的。[其他]比较级:more ...

join和join in的区别

oinact能组成单词atonic,具体释义如下:读音:\/ eɪˈtɒnɪk \/ 表达意思:无重音的;弛缓的;无活力的;清音;无重音的词。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作形容词,修饰主语或宾语。例句:Objective To study the advance in the treatment of atonic bladder after ...

1.yes Iwant to j( ) the English Club 2.Good May I k( ) your name...
1.yes I want to j( oin) the English Club 我想加入英语俱乐部。2.Good May I k(now ) your name 请告知我您的名字。3.Can you s(peak ) English 您能讲英语吗?4.I want to l( earn ) English well 我想学好英语 5Please f( ind ) it out 请把它找...

耿勤18859788953问: 在C语言中sigh=( - 1)*sigh term= sigh*(1/deno ) term=sum+term deno= deno +1 谁什么意思? -
揭阳市止痛回答: 你这里少了对sigh、term、sum、deno的定义,看不出它们是什么数据类型;也没有deno的初值;没有上下文的语境,看不出具体的用意 sigh=(-1)*sigh//把sigh的相反数赋给sigh term=sigh*(1/deno)//deno的倒数与sigh的乘积赋给term term=sum+term//把sum与term的和赋给term deno=deno+1//把deno与1的和赋给deno

耿勤18859788953问: 英语c0丨in的中文意思 -
揭阳市止痛回答: 你好!coin 英[kɔɪn] 美[kɔɪn] n. 硬币; 金属钱币; [建筑] 拐角,墙角石; vt. 制造硬币; 杜撰; 创造; [例句]Jaron Lanier coined the term 'virtual reality' and pioneered its early development 杰伦·拉尼尔创造了“虚拟现实”这个词,并成为推动其早期发展的先驱人物.

耿勤18859788953问: 在学期末(in还是at the end of this term)
揭阳市止痛回答:at the end of+地方.是指空间上的“最后”或者是故事到了最后,都可以啦in the end of+事情.是指事情的“最后”.这是用于过去时的. 倾向于in ,实际上两种都可以用

耿勤18859788953问: My plan of the new term 英语作文80词以上! -
揭阳市止痛回答: My plan of the new termThe new term is coming, and I'm planning to make some plans to insure my improvement on every subject. My plans are as follows.First of all, I should prepare lessons because it is the most important step to study every ...

耿勤18859788953问: 学期term前面加不加介词? 请附例句 -
揭阳市止痛回答: term 表示学期,和特定的学期前 是需要加the的 eg: the summer term, the winter term 夏季学期,冬季学期

耿勤18859788953问: 是by last term还是 by the last term -
揭阳市止痛回答: by the last term last前通常用the, the last表示特指

耿勤18859788953问: coined的翻译是:什么意思 -
揭阳市止痛回答: coined v. 创造; 制造硬币( coin的过去式和过去分词 ); [例句]Jaron Lanier coined the term 'virtual reality' and pioneered its early development 杰伦·拉尼尔创造了“虚拟现实”这个词,并成为推动其早期发展的先驱人物. [其他] 原型: coin

耿勤18859788953问: 英语单词:clause 和 term 都有“条款”之意思 其区别和用法是如何? -
揭阳市止痛回答: 这两个词汉语翻译相同,但应用的领域不同: (term做条款讲时,必须用复数)clause:指法律条款或有法律效力的条款, a part of a written law or legal document covering a particular subject of the whole law or document:terms,做条款讲时...

耿勤18859788953问: the new term是什么意思 -
揭阳市止痛回答: 基本的意思是“新学期”, 也有“新的条件”,“新的任期”等的意思,要从上下文来理解.

耿勤18859788953问: Many+students+have+new+ - -------形象at+the+------beginof+the+term怎样做
揭阳市止痛回答: Many+students+have+new+(image)(形象)at+the+beginning(begin)of+the+term.

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