
作者&投稿:诺蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...all your relatives and friends are on the guset li
more and more people will lose their own jobs. It is unfair! For this reason, I support whatever an uncompromisingly decision to shut up it with my two hands raised high.

——唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》。28寒伧即“寒碜”: (1)丑陋;难看 [ugly;hideous],(2)丢脸,不体面 [lose face],(3) 讥笑,揭人短 [find fault with sb.]。28忏悔(chànhuǐ)[confess;repent;be penitent] 佛教语。梵文 ksama,音译为“忏摩”,省略为忏,意译为悔,合称为“忏悔”。佛教规定,出家人每半年集...

求一段关于会计职业道德的英文3000--5000字左右、同时有中文翻译!感 ...
because usually requests to oneself not strictly, lacks the moral tutelage the raise, in under the economic interest enticement, the selfish desire inflates unceasingly, not Accountant Gu profession realistic, objective fair moral standard, forge, forges, the concealment intentionally, damages...

示婕19749807808问: close与closely有什么区别 -
凉城县天力回答: close v.关, 关闭, 结束, 停止, 使靠近, 靠拢, 会合, 包围 n.结束 adj.近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的 adv.接近, 紧密地 closely adv.接近地, 紧密地, 严密地 close和closely 就象deep和deeply一个修饰具象...

示婕19749807808问: close和closely做形容词和副词的区别,急! -
凉城县天力回答: close和closely 就象deep和deeply一个修饰具象形容词/动词,一个修饰抽象形容词/动词 close 修饰具象词 1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)] They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方. 2. 紧密地,紧紧地 Anna followed close behind. 安娜...

示婕19749807808问: 1.the prisoners closely guarded escape from the prison last night.改一处错 -
凉城县天力回答:[答案] the prisoners closely guarded escaped from the prison last night escape——escaped

示婕19749807808问: Guarded是什么意思
凉城县天力回答: 看守的,谨慎的

示婕19749807808问: 壁垒森严的英语翻译 壁垒森严用英语怎么说 -
凉城县天力回答: 壁垒森严释义:closely guardedsharply dividedstrongly fortified网络:壁垒森严 strongly fortified森严壁垒 Entrenched

示婕19749807808问: closely表抽象的接近时后面可以加to吗? -
凉城县天力回答: Closely 是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”等意思.例如:The secret must be closely guarded.这个秘密要严加保守.He is looking at the bill closely.他正仔细地看着帐单.所以:He behaves closely to his father.(X) He behaves closely like his father. (v)

示婕19749807808问: 成语磊落森严的意思 -
凉城县天力回答: 词 目 壁垒森严 使用频率 常用 发 音 bì lěi sēn yán 释 义 原指军事戒备严密.现也用来比喻彼此界限划得很分明.示 例 我本想和他们商量协作,这是对双方都有利的事,可是他们~,水泼不进,只好算了.近义词 严阵以待、固若金汤 反义词 不堪一击、一触即溃 英 文 closely guarded 用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于军事防守严密和界限划得清

示婕19749807808问: powerful 和punctual 的副词!! 急! -
凉城县天力回答: 后面都加lynever本身就是一个副词!

示婕19749807808问: 抑塞磊落 求这个成语的意思 -
凉城县天力回答: 【书写】 抑塞磊落 【注音】yì sè lěi luò 【解释】形容心地抑郁,有志未伸,为人却胸怀坦白.[1] 【用法】作谓语、定语;用于书面语 【年代】 唐代 【分词解释】抑塞 : 1.压抑;阻塞.2.抑郁,郁闷.磊落 : ①(心地)正大光明.②〈书〉多而错杂的样子.[2] 唐·杜甫《短歌行赠王郎司直》:“王郎酒酣拔剑斫地歌莫哀,我能拔尔抑塞磊落之奇才.”[3]

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