
作者&投稿:巫修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

fuck losely是什么意思
他妈的密切 望采纳,谢谢

bewilderingly 源自bewilder,而bewilder = to confuse or befuddle, 因此从这个意义上,bewilderingly和confusingly是同义词。 【但】二者的侧重不同:confuysingly = To cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding; To cause to feel...

求首英文歌开头好像是It' easy to see how everything is losely
歌名是Love In A Box,是The Workday Release 的歌。完整歌词:It's easy to see how everything is loosely Put into a box to describe how Well it is working but can you tell me How did she knock me off of my feet When she said hello My name is beautiful I said excuse m...


I think you are wasted.这句话什么意思啊
lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief 同义词:pine away, waste, languish cause to grow thin or weak 同义词:waste, emaciate, macerate devastate or ravage 同义词:lay waste to, waste, devastate, desolate, ravage, scourge waste away 同义词:waste, rot 形容词 wasted:serv...

find 强调了结果. I am finding a book.Find out 强调找到客观真理,事实,真相 Look for 强调了过程,不知道结果 lovely a.n. + ly a.a.+ ly ad. eg: careful (a.)+ ly carefully(ad.)keep……as…… 保留……作为…… (keep-kept-kept)...

关于Tina turner的歌 求歌词
1.Tina Turner - Let's Stay Together Let me say that since Since we've been together ohh Loving you forever Is all I need Let me be the one you come running to I'll never be untrue Let's, let's stay together Loving you whether, whether Times are good or bad, happy ...

简单的 enjoyable \/ pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的 every \/ each 每个 fail \/ miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall \/ drop 落下 famous \/ well-known 著名的 fast \/ quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine \/ good, nice 好的;优的 finish \/ end 结束;终点 following \/ next 以下的 ...

简单的 enjoyable \/ pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的 every \/ each 每个 fail \/ miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall \/ drop 落下 famous \/ well-known 著名的 fast \/ quick(ly) 迅速的(地) fine \/ good, nice 好的;优的 finish \/ end 结束;终点 following \/ next 以下的 friendly \/ kind ...

fail \/ miss, lose 失败;丧失 fall \/ drop 落下 famous \/ well-known 著名的 fast \/ quick(ly) 迅速的(地)fine \/ good, nice 好的;优的 finish \/ end 结束;终点 following \/ next 以下的 friendly \/ kind 友好的 game \/ match 比赛 glad \/ happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的 go \/ ...

边辉13186937273问: carefully的近义词是什么? -
东区安宫回答:[答案] 表什么意?小心还是密切.密切是closely, 小心是quite

边辉13186937273问: 密切的近义词是什么啊 -
东区安宫回答: 亲,你的问题已回答.如果满意请给赞,如果不满意请你后续说出具体的情况,我将尽己之能帮助你.你的好评是对我最大的支持,祝你生活愉快&-&密切的近义词是亲密 亲近 亲切 亲热读音 【词目】密切 【拼音】mì'qiè 基本解释 密切m...

边辉13186937273问: close有什么知识点? -
东区安宫回答: close,它既是形容词又是副词,意思是靠近的,亲近的,靠近地,也还可以做为及物和不及物动词,意思是关,合起,现在举些例子帮助你理解吧;I live close to the shops ,(我住得离商店很近)a close friend,(一位亲密的朋友) She came close to him,(她走近他) When does the shop close ?(店铺几点关门)常用短语有 close down ,(关闭) close to (紧密) close up堵塞,愈合,停业.close on/upon 接近 close off 使隔离

边辉13186937273问: keep a close watch是严密看守的意思 但是close不是靠近地吗 closely有严密的意思 为什么不用closely呢? -
东区安宫回答: close在这里是做adj词性的,修饰名词watch(这里的watch是n,意思为监视,看守),意思是周密的,严密的.而clo...

边辉13186937273问: be close to的同义词 -
东区安宫回答: be closely

边辉13186937273问: close的同义词是什么意思啊? -
东区安宫回答:[答案] 同义词就是意思相近的词. 2.CLOSE:(路途)近,同义词:NEARBY,NEAR 3.CLOSE:亲密,同义词:intimate,bosom

边辉13186937273问: finally的近义词和反义词是什么?用法有什么不同? -
东区安宫回答: 近义词:at last ,in the end. 反义词:at first at last / in the end / finally 三者都可作“最后;终于”解,但用法有所不同. at last只能指时间位置,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过,周折,等待,耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果. 1 ...

边辉13186937273问: 头头是道的反义词和近义词 -
东区安宫回答: 头头是道反义词:乱七八糟、 杂乱无章、 颠三倒四 头头是道近义词:井井有条、 层次井然、 条理分明、 有条不紊、 有条有理

边辉13186937273问: 比肩继踵的近义词 -
东区安宫回答: 【拼音】bǐjiān-jìzhǒng 【英】cheek-to-jaw;be crowded closely together;crowd against one another;walk shoulder to shoulder and follow in the footsteps of one another 【义】 肩并肩,脚尖接脚跟,形容人多拥挤 【例】齐之 临淄三百闾,张袂成...

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