
作者&投稿:宦终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

lose vt.(lost [lCst])丢失, 丧失 迷路, 使迷惑 损失, 浪费 错过, 失去 看漏, 听漏, 放跑 输掉; 使失败 [用被动语态]使毁灭; 使破坏 使沉湎于 (赛跑中)超过 摆脱, 脱离 无法控制[保持](医生)未能救治(病人)减少, 降低 lose memory 丧失记忆 lose one's eyesight 失去视力 lose one's ...

迷路的英文怎么说 迷路的英文怎么说
迷路的英文:get lost、lose one's way、miss one's way、stray、go astray、inner ear。一、get lost 1、People with no sense of direction can easily get lost.路痴经常迷路。二、inner ear The moon, does not have the lamp not to have the star nighttime inner ear person's lantern....

lose one's heart 是什么意思?
1、lose one’s heart 是“爱上了”的意思,需要用介词to说明爱的对象,如:Jim lost his heart to the Persian cat at first sight.(Jim一看见那只波斯猫就喜欢得不得了。)2、lose heart 却表示“丧失信心”或“情绪低落”,例如:Don’t lose heart;make another try.(不要灰心,再试一...

lose one's in doing something是什么意思?
lose one's in doing something 某人失去做某事的兴趣 lose失去;丢失;遗失;减少 例句:1.Not sure how much weight you need to lose?不知道多少重量你要损失?2.How much do they stand to lose by this merger?这次合并,他们要遭受多大损失?3.Banks and other companies do not like to ...

lose one's heart 是什么意思
lose one's heart 痴心于 双语例句 1.There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it.失往心中所欲的和得到口中所欲的,是人生的两大哀剧。2.There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire, the other is ...

lose one's breath是什么意思及用法
意思:喘不过气 用法:sb+lose one's breath He lost his breath in running.他跑得上气不接下气。While climbing up the stairs the old man always loses his breath.那老人上楼时总是气喘吁吁的。

[lu:z]vt.(lost [lCst])丢失, 丧失 迷路, 使迷惑 损失, 浪费 错过, 失去 看漏, 听漏, 放跑 输掉; 使失败 [用被动语态]使毁灭; 使破坏 使沉湎于 (赛跑中)超过 摆脱, 脱离 无法控制[保持](医生)未能救治(病人)减少, 降低 lose memory 丧失记忆 lose one's eyesight 失去视力 lose one'...

lose one's life是什么意思
lose one's life [lu:z wʌnz laif]丧生; 毙命; 没命; 人头落地 双语例句 1. Whoever lose one's life for country is worth admiring by us.凡为国捐躯者,值得我们钦佩.2. To lose one's life is a tragedy, but to lose one's soul is even worse.一个人失去生命是一个...

lose one's heart in…什么意思
lose one's heart in…失去一个人的心…失去某人的心…

lose one's temper是什么意思及用法
lose one's temper 发脾气;发怒。例句 She soon lost her temper with him and drove him away.不久她就向他发脾气, 把他赶走了。

俞军13727757911问: 关于CLOSE的短语及其意义... -
常德市爽前回答: ①close about【包围、围住】②close down【关闭、停止播音】③close in【包围、迫近、渐短】④close one's ears to【掩而不听】⑤close over【淹没、遮蔽、封盖】⑥close up【愈合、靠近、关闭】⑦close with【答应、接受、靠近】.嗯.就是这样!

俞军13727757911问: keep+one's+eyes+and+ears+open是什么意思 -
常德市爽前回答: keep one's eyes and ears open 眼观六路, 耳听八方;眼观六路,耳听八方; . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

俞军13727757911问: 英语中什么情况要加s清楚点,还有close和closed的区分!! 20分!! -
常德市爽前回答: ①为什么She usually goes to the singing lessons on Monday and Friday. 答:有usually这类词,为一般现在时,类似的词还有often,always等..第三单数人称He/She/It以及单数物品和单个人名,在一般现在时的时候,他们后面的动词要加s,以s,...

俞军13727757911问: 动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某一部位是什么意思 -
常德市爽前回答: 表示一人触碰别人某部位. 在句型动词 + sb. + 介词 + the + 身体某一部位中要用the,而不能用人称代词或不定冠词.例如: take sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸 hit sb. on the head 打某人的头 pat sb. on the shoulder ...

俞军13727757911问: 自己设定一个一阶自衡惯性系统(自行选定放大系数、惯性时间参数和时滞参数),验证切线法 -
常德市爽前回答: close all; clear all; dt = 0.01; tmax = 20; t = (0:dt:tmax)'; s = tf('s'); H = 6*exp(-s)/(3*s+1) u = ones(2001,1); y = lsim(H, u, t); figure(1); plot(t, u, t, y); legend('u', 'y') ylabel('Step Response') xlabel('Time, Seconds') grid%下面是系统辨识过程%先求出曲线的...

俞军13727757911问: matlab编程计算下列表达式:s=1!+2!+3!+4!+……+ 20!( -
常德市爽前回答: clear all close all x=1:1:20; lx=length(x); for k=1:1:lx s=0; s=s+factorial(x(k)); end >> s s = 2.4329e+018 >>

俞军13727757911问: 在MATLAB中求y=ln(x^2+(1+x)^0.5)的二阶导数应该怎么输指令 -
常德市爽前回答: 试试如下代码: clc;clear;close all; syms x y; y=log(x^2+(1+x)^0.5); s=diff(diff(y,x),x); s 结果ans = - (1/(4*(x + 1)^(3/2)) - 2)/((x + 1)^(1/2) + x^2) - (2*x + 1/(2*(x + 1)^(1/2)))^2/((x + 1)^(1/2) + x^2)^2

俞军13727757911问: Do you know when the store closes?当中的close为什么加s. -
常德市爽前回答: do后面紧接的动词用原型,所以know是原型,而closes的主语是store,属于第三人称,故动词要加s

俞军13727757911问: matlab小程序,输出1 - 500所有完数,如1+2+3=6 -
常德市爽前回答: clear; clc; i = 1; for k = 1:500sumk = 0;for m = 1:k/2if mod(k,m)==0 %取模,即求因子sumk = sumk+m; %是因子的话相加endend if sumk==k; %比较因子和 和 原始值y(i) = k; %如果相等 输出i = i+1;end end y 结果: y =6 28 496

俞军13727757911问: 英语作文,当遇到暴风雨的时候我们该怎么办 -
常德市爽前回答:[答案] In the Case of a ThunderstormBefore a thunderstorm, you should: Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall ... This will reduce the risk of lightning traveling from one person to another. Take a headcount after every close strike. This will ...

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