
作者&投稿:实贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

inquire after sb. \/ sth. obstacle n. [( to )] sth.which prevents action, movement or success [常与 to 连用]障碍(物),妨碍,阻碍,干扰 e.g.1.Thebiggestobstaclein our waywas a tree trunk intheroad. 2.Fear of change is an obstacle toprogress. Collocations:put \/ place obstaclesin the ...

Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bike. 5) Why… \/ why not…: 6) help 可带to,也可不带to, help sb (to) do sth: 7) but和except:but前是动词do时,后面出现的动词用不带to的动词不定式。 8) 由and, or和than连接的两个不定式,第二个to 可以省去: 9) ...

为什么不能说i saw a ladder lean against the building
因为这样的话一句简单句中就出现了两个动词,一个是saw,一个是lean(斜靠着)记住在一句简单句中出现两个动词一定是不可能的 改为:I saw a ladder that is leaning against the building.而且see sb. do 表示看到全过程 see sb. doing表示看到正在发生的状态,这里看到的应该是梯子正在斜靠的...

A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。...http:\/\/\/sbpage\/prob.htm有很多的 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是?...030 A fat kitchia,a lean will. 大大的灶间,小小的心愿。 2002-02-12031 He’s gone,and ...

adv part (For special uses with vs and in compounds, eg bring sb to, come to, set-to, lean-to, see the v entries 可与动词连用及构成复合词, 如bring sb to、 come to、 set-to、 lean-to, 其释义见各动词词条. ) (usu of a door) in or into a closed position; shut (通常指门)...

a reward for services rendered 服务的酬金 render good for evil 以德报怨 render insult for insult 以侮辱对侮辱 render sb a service\/render a service to sb 为某人服务 render help to disaster victims 向灾民提供援助 render thanks to God 感谢上帝 2. present or send in (an account)for payment ...

B L A S B M L组成英文单词或词组?
The horizon bounded by a propitious sky, azure , marbled with pearly white.地平线上祥和的天空,蔚蓝中夹杂着大理石般的珠白色。It features fine marbled meat where fat meat minutely blends with tender lean meat.其特点是,脂肪细细地渗透进入柔软的瘦肉中,形成被称为霜肉的高品质牛肉.The ...


古代迷信,认为太 岁之神在地,与天上岁星(木星)相应而 行,因此兴建工程等要躲开太岁的方 位,否则就要不吉利 [ local tyrant ] 旧时对土豪的憎称 例: 镇山太岁 ◆太岁头上动土 【tàisuìtóushɑnɡdònɡtǔ】 [ provoke sb. far superior in power or strength scratch Buddhas head ] ...

+from + sth.\/ sb. \/a place borrow from向…借, choose from选自, excuse from免除, keep from阻止做,prevent from不准做, protect from不受…之害, receive from收到,remove from移动;除去, save from保全;拯救, separate from分离开来,stop from阻止。 2. be +形容词+ from be absent from缺席,be ...

公宣13980655501问: 英语单三形clean后加什么? -
普安县润丹回答: clean away(v.+adv.) 除去 remove (dirt, etc.)clean down(v.+adv.) 把…洗干净 wash out thoroughlyclean of(v.+prep.) 把(斑点、污渍等)从(某物)上清除掉 wash (sth) clean of (marks, dirt, etc.)clean off(v.+adv.) 除去 remove (dirt, especially ...

公宣13980655501问: clean up ,clean off ,clean away有什么区别啊?都是清扫,整理? -
普安县润丹回答: clean up 收拾干净,扫除清洗 强调动作的结果就是打扫干净 We spent all Saturday morning cleaning upclean off 除去,清除 强调打扫动作的本身 He used a tissue to clean his fingerprints off the gun.clean away 把...清除掉,清除, 强调动作的结果是消失或者距离上的消失 Please clear your books away so that I can serve dinner

公宣13980655501问: clean off clean away -
普安县润丹回答: clean off 除去,清除 强调打扫动作的本身 He used a tissue to clean his fingerprints off the gun. clean away 把...清除掉,清除, 强调动作的结果是消失或者距离上的消失 Please clear your books away so that I can serve dinner

公宣13980655501问: clean,put,away,the,clothes,let's连词成句怎么做啊???
普安县润丹回答: Let's put the clean clothes away Let's put away the clean clothes 两个都对,因为the clean clothes 不是代词

公宣13980655501问: 请大家帮我区分以下搭配:clean up,clean down,clean out,clean off -
普安县润丹回答: 例如;It's time you cleaned__the drawers of your desk 打扫干净,整理,赚钱,获利. clean down, 刷干净 clean out,清除,打扫干净 例如;It's time you cleaned__the drawers of your desk填UP.整理你的抽屉,比较贴切.

公宣13980655501问: who cleans为什么clean要加s -
普安县润丹回答: who疑问词作主语时,谓语动词一定用单数第三人称形式,叫做“状况不明,视为单数”.例句:Who is singing in the room?谁在房间里唱歌呢?但是如果说话人确信回答中要用复数主语(尤其是问句中的某些词语表明回答中要用复数主语时...

公宣13980655501问: put aside,put away,put b有什么区别?
普安县润丹回答: 区分一下其英文解释: put away - to store away, place out of the way, clean up, or organize; to eat a great deal (informal); to send someone to prison; divorce; kill gently put aside - to save money; to ignore or intentionally forget something, ...

公宣13980655501问: clean,put,away,the,clothes,iet's 连词成句
普安县润丹回答: Let's put away the clean clothes.意思是,让我们一起来收拾干净到衣服吧.

公宣13980655501问: 英语中打某人某部位用bit+sb+prep.+部位 具体哪些部位用什么介词? -
普安县润丹回答: 英语中身体部位名词前的介词使用总结 英语中身体部位名词前的介词,有些与汉语是相同的,但有些与汉语却截然不同.下面列举一些常见的用在身体部位名词前的介词. 1. in:表示在身体部位内部用in,这是较理解的,但在英语中,涉及身体...

公宣13980655501问: put aside,put away,put b有什么区别? -
普安县润丹回答: put side 放在一边 put away收起来,收好 put by 储存,抛弃,回避

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