
作者&投稿:怀京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jueng Hai Na Pai Klai Mai Mee Mae Kam Amla So that you have gone so far away without bidding farewell. 你就这样走远了 连声告别不说 สุดปวดร้าวต้องทนเหงาเรื่อยมา Sood Puad Rao Tong Ton Ngao Ruey Ma It's s...

③Some people laim that….is superior to..Others,however,disagree with it.④Some peoplebelieve.Others maintain.Still others claim …⑤Some people suggest….Others,however,hold the opposite opinion.⑥On the one hand,people tend to.….On the other hand,they feel….⑦Some people argu...

③Some people laim that….is superior to..Others,however,disagree with it.④Some peoplebelieve.Others maintain.Still others claim …⑤Some people suggest….Others,however,hold the opposite opinion.⑥On the one hand,people tend to.….On the other hand,they feel….⑦Some people argu...


忏魂曲》又名《黑色星期五》。西方音乐史上被神诅咒的三曲之二 .作者为美国人,曲成而亡.本是赎罪的宗教曲,但据说听此曲子而自杀 的人已达千人.所以又名为《恶魔曲》.被禁!!!再也无缘听到.魔曲之 · 黑色的星期天 造成100多人自杀的 《黑色的星期天》(goomy sunday)当时被人们称为“魔鬼的邀...

Only time...And who can say if your love grows,As your heart chose?Only time...Who can say why your heart sighs,As your love flies?Only time...And who can say why your heart cries,When your love dies?Only time...Who can say when the roads meet,That love might be,...

1. 阿尔巴尼亚语 Gëzuar, gëzuar, të sigurt, të shëndetshme 2. 阿拉伯语 سعيدة ، سعيدة وآمنة وصحي...

2.We're d_elighted___to hear that you've arrived safe and sound.3.I'm sorry to be late because my flight was d_elayed___.4.Harvard University has a lot of o_ther___ students from Asia.5.After getting off our plane,we move to the luggage c_laim___ area to ...

LIME是石灰色。一、读音 英 [laɪm],美 [laɪm]。二、短语搭配 laminated lime:叠层石灰。lime green:石灰绿。lime brick:石灰砖。三、示例 Lemon and lime were both temporarily out of stock.柠檬色和石灰色暂时都缺货。

That love might be,In your heart.And who can say when the day sleeps,If the night keeps all your heart?Night keeps all your heart...Who can say if your love grows,As your heart chose?Only time...And who can say where the road goes,Where the day flows?Only time...Who...

蔡爬19815247431问: 为什么是claim to do sth.而不是claim doing sth.? -
龙潭区冠心回答: 这是关系到动词后面是跟不定式还是动名词做宾语的问题. 有些及物动词,如:want,hope,wish,decide,plan,refuse,manage...后面只能跟不定式做宾语,claim属于此列. claim做“声称;断言”一义时的用法: 1,claim+that从句 2,claim to do sth,楼主的问题,就是这个用法. 3,claim sth 而有些及物动词则相反,后面只能接doing作其宾语.至于为什么这样,我们就无法探究了.语言的东西,我们只能去学,去记,有些方面,我们是永远也不知道为什么是这样,也不必要知道.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.

蔡爬19815247431问: claim接从句用不用虚拟语气? -
龙潭区冠心回答: 1、claim to do sth,如,He claimed to go to the court to sue his classmate. 2、claim +that从句,表示宣称、宣扬过去已经发生的事件、命令、公告、通知等,不用虚拟语气,如,He claimed that he had finished the job ten days ago. 表示决定、决心、计划要做某事时,用虚拟,如,He claimed that he go to the court if his classmate would not return his money.

蔡爬19815247431问: claim to do是什么意思? -
龙潭区冠心回答: claim: 是及物动词,不能直接接to do. 英汉词典例句: claim a reward 要求报酬. claim a victory 声称取得胜利. This question claims attention. 这个问题需要注意. He claims we've already met. 他声称我们已经见过面了.(但是他没有证据)

蔡爬19815247431问: claim是及物动词为何带to -
龙潭区冠心回答: 及物动词后面也可以跟动词不定式作宾语的呀,例如 I like to play basketball.我想去打篮球.这里动词不定式就是作宾语的.提供claim的 用法,希望对你有帮助claim vt. vi (on/ for) & n. claim sth claim to do; claim that1)(根据权利)要求,认领;...

蔡爬19815247431问: 是claim to do还是 claim doing -
龙潭区冠心回答: 是claim to do 没有 claim doing 的用法

蔡爬19815247431问: 动词不定式to have seen怎么替换? -
龙潭区冠心回答: claim做及物动词,只有如下两种用法 claim sth.claim+that从句 没有claim to do的用法 所以应换成that they have seen

蔡爬19815247431问: claime 用法
龙潭区冠心回答: 我想是问claim 的用法,所以回答如下: • claim 可用作名词和动词,有以下几种含义:提出要求; 要求;声称; • 需要;认领;要求;声称;索赔;断言;值得.常见用法如下: 1.It is claimed that: 有人宣称据称 • It is claimed that soap ...

蔡爬19815247431问: claim表示声称的时候,即使是过去声称也常用一般时吗?类似的词还有?seem 也是这类词吗?这类词后加that从句,从句的时态会根据这类词的时态而改变... -
龙潭区冠心回答:[答案] 谁告诉你表示声称的时候只能用一般时态啊?可以过去式的啊,做动词的话,过去声称也是用claimed啊.claim 音标:[kleɪm] 词形变化:claimantclaimedclaimingclaimsv.(提出)要求;声称;断言;需要;索取;认领n.要...

蔡爬19815247431问: make the claim接 that 从句中谓语动词形式 -
龙潭区冠心回答: 这要看具体语境,如果表将来,就用将来,如果是过去就用过去式,没有固定的形式从句中"that"的用法 定语从句的关系代词 that的用法: 若先行词指人或物则代替先行词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语 The animal that \which is lost is a panda....

蔡爬19815247431问: claim后通常跟动词的什么形式 -
龙潭区冠心回答: claim to do/be sth claim to have done sth 只有这两种

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