
作者&投稿:福龚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

there is a good chance to do chatity work if
there is a good chance to do chatity work ifyou are interested in crafting.如果你对手工艺很感兴趣,那么机会来了,做这份工作吧 good luck!

回答如下:quantity 数量 quality 质量 ablity 能力 city 城市 curiosity 好奇心 Christianity 基督教徒 commodity 日用品 stupidity 愚蠢,糊涂事,厚颜无耻 prosperity 繁荣 reality 现实 superiority 卓越 antiquity 古代、古代建筑 ambiguity 模棱两可 audacity 大胆 possibility 可能性 university 大学 punctality...

quickly迅速地,badly很坏地�⑤-th序数词词尾:ninth第九,eighth第八�⑥复合词:blackboard黑板,workshop车间,afternoon下午,classmate同班者,note---book笔记本, bare-foot赤脚的,

In our work, quality first 在我们的工作里面,质量第一

I am very optimistic and easy to get along with. I have many friends. Teamwork spirit is very important in this age. I think if we want to make big achievement, it’s very important to learn how to cooperate with other people. My motto is "characters determine destity", so...

meetmet见面 wele欢迎 thank谢谢 love爱 work工作 drinkdrank喝 taste尝 *** ell闻 feedfed喂养 shear剪 milk挤奶 look看 guess猜 help帮助 pass传递 show展示 use使用 clean打扫 open开启 close关上 put放 paint绘画 telltold告诉 kick踢 bounce反弹 riderode骑 stopstopped停 wait等 findfound寻找到 drivedr...

1. 他昨晚时睡时醒。off and on 【He slept off and on last night】【He was asleep off and on last night】2. 你有可能去国外工作吗?possibility 【Is there any possiblity for you to go abroad to work 】【Do you have any possiblity of going abroad for working】【Are you in...

ity,ty cruel(残酷的, 悲惨的)—cruelty(残忍, 残酷) pure(纯的, 纯粹的)—purity(纯净, 纯洁, 纯度) ment move(移动, 迁居)—movement(运动, 动作) retire(退休, 引退, 退却)—retirement(退休, 引退) ness dark(黑暗, 夜)—darkness(黑暗, 漆黑) happy(快乐的, 幸福的)—happiness(幸福, 快乐) ...

1、 具体的“站、立”stand v.站立 assist v.协助。as=to,sist词根“站立”,字面义“站在一边”,从而起到协助的作用,想一下手术时站在医生身边协助的助手。consist v.组成,con前缀“共同”,sist词根“站立”,如所有同学站在一起才能组成一个班级。constituent n.成分,stit词根“站立...

1、aperiodic adj. 不定期的;非周期性的 短语 aperiodic dampong 非周期阻尼 ; 过阻尼 aperiodic task 非周期任务 aperiodic variation 非周期性变化 aperiodic instrument 不摆式仪表 aperiodic discharge 非周期放电 aperiodic group [数] 非周期群 aperiodic disturbance 非周期性扰动 ; 非周期扰动 aper...

夏狱15116334268问: Bata春季产品有哪几个系列?
光山县丙谷回答: 产品线分为三大系列“城市职场(City Work)”、“城市休闲(City Causal)”和“城市假日(City Vacation)

夏狱15116334268问: 我身高170,想买个巴黎世家的机车包city还是work更适合我? -
光山县丙谷回答: 巴黎世家的包就好在质量轻,皮薄又耐用,就是那种软趴趴的风格才好!关于大小么,City差不多装一些日用品,A4的资料也能放下,work还能稍放些衣物.看你具体打算如何用了.

夏狱15116334268问: Many people move from the countryside to cities for work.为什么countryside不加复数,而city要加复 -
光山县丙谷回答:[答案] 这里the countryside指的就是某一个特定的村庄,该村庄里的人到许多其他的城市(cities)里去工作,其他城市是有很多的

夏狱15116334268问: the ()they built last year is far from the city括号中选work还是works为什么?
光山县丙谷回答: 此处的work为工厂的意思,is为限定词,为单数,所以用work

夏狱15116334268问: Many people move from the countryside to cities for work. 为什么countryside不加复数,而city要加复 -
光山县丙谷回答: 这里the countryside指的就是某一个特定的村庄,该村庄里的人到许多其他的城市(cities)里去工作,其他城市是有很多的祝学习进步

夏狱15116334268问: 同一个城市工作 的英语
光山县丙谷回答: working in the same city.请采纳谢谢

夏狱15116334268问: pancevoasia city work是什么国家 -
光山县丙谷回答: 法国............

夏狱15116334268问: wants,city,the,work,move,to,Jim,to,for.连词成句 -
光山县丙谷回答: Jim wants to move to the city for work.

夏狱15116334268问: I can't find work/job in thie city. -
光山县丙谷回答:[答案] I can't find work in thie city. I can't find a job in thie city.

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