
作者&投稿:局高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、爱情是一件很麻烦的事情,一入门就纠缠不清,难以脱身。Love is a very troublesome thing, as soon as you get started, you can't get away from it.2、求而不得,舍而不能,得而不惜,这是人的最大的悲哀。It is man's greatest sorrow to seek, to give up and not to give u...


Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall...

区分英语单词前缀是com,还是con一般取决于后续词根的首字母。1、如果后续词根首字号为b,p,m前面就用com;2、如果后续词根菌开手不是b,p,m,且为r,l之外的字手前面就用con-。con-con是拉丁语前缀,有with,together的意思,中文意思为“共同,互相,一起”。例如: conclude结束;总结(con+cl...

跳舞dance,舞蹈者dancer 唱歌sing,唱歌者singer 驾驶drive,驾驶员driver 教teach,教师teacher 计划plan,策划者planer 玩play,玩者player trainee受训者 trainer训练员 employe(e)雇员employor雇主 ,addressee收件人 (addresser, addressor发件人) ,rejectee被弃者 (rejecter抛弃者)wait等待 waiter 侍应生...

display 展览,陈列(dis-分着,play-播放、展示,分着展示——展览,陈列)separate 分开(se-分,par=pair-一对、一双,ate-动词后缀——把一对儿分开——分开,隔离)前:pre-(在…之前),pro-(往…前);举例:preface封面(pre-前,face-脸、面,在前面的脸——封面)progress前进,进步...

Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall...

no effort spare no pains不以为然not approve object to不义之财filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness不亦乐乎extremely不远千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance不约而同happen to coincide不择手段by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair ...

the humiliation his pain extremely, exceptionally despaired, constrains fire of the revenge finally recklessly and flaming ignites crazily in chest , has performed play of the another sinister and ruthless revenge. He uses most brutal hand the section carries on the retaliation to his per...

To tell or play jokes; jest.开玩笑,嘲笑:讲笑话或开玩笑;说俏皮话 To speak in fun; be facetious.闹着玩地说话;爱开玩笑及物动词)To make fun of; tease.取笑;嘲笑 Latin iocus * see yek- 拉丁语 iocus *参见 yek- jok“ingly adv.(副词)joke, jest, witticism, ...

霜妮18489755148问: 用所给的单词填空 :play full go come child give behind The city of Hamelin is__of mice.A man__to help the people of Hamelin.The man__beautiful music.The ... -
巴中市兰索回答:[答案] 用所给的单词填空 :play full go come child give behind The city of Hamelin is ( full ) of mice.A man ( comes ) to help the people of Hamelin.The man ( plays ) beautiful music.The mice walk ( behind ) the man.They walk away from the city.The people of ...

霜妮18489755148问: 侠盗猎车开了为什么会有no.disc insert the vice city play disc -
巴中市兰索回答: 这是因为你光盘的问题,如果是PS2版的话,有可能机器读不了碟,有时候也会打了一半的时候,因为盗版碟使用寿命短的关系,碟子毛掉了,也会不读碟.我也遇到过这种情况.不行你可以再买张光碟.

霜妮18489755148问: 请帮我这段中文翻成英文 有加分, 40分 -
巴中市兰索回答: It can be said that Peiking Opera's costume and performance are a...

霜妮18489755148问: Our team is going to play a___ - City Team.I hope we can win.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 -
巴中市兰索回答:[答案] Our team is going to play (against,) City Team.I hope we can win. 我们的球队打算与市队比赛.我希望我们能赢. against,反对.这里表示比赛的对手.

霜妮18489755148问: you city people play well什么意思 -
巴中市兰索回答: 结合语境

霜妮18489755148问: 傻白甜,城会玩,小鲜肉用英语怎么说 -
巴中市兰索回答: 你好!傻白甜,城会玩,小鲜肉 Silly white sweet, city will play, small meat

霜妮18489755148问: 初一英语作文 -
巴中市兰索回答: Dear Bill I'm glad you will come to our city. Now let me tell you something about my city's weather.It's hot and dry in my city in summer.Students don't have to go to schoo...

霜妮18489755148问: 英语翻译填空
巴中市兰索回答: The play will be performed at the City Theatre.

霜妮18489755148问: In this desolate city play a life是什么意思? -
巴中市兰索回答: 孤孤单单的在这个城市里打拼.

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