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pointy hunks of plastic指的是什么
pointy hunks of plastic的中文意思是:尖尖的塑料块。

hunk什么意思介绍如下:英\/hʌŋk\/。美\/hʌŋk\/。n.(尤指食物切下或掰下的)大块,大片;魁梧性感的男子;猛男。adj.同“hunky”。复数: hunks。The hunk of Bollywood is known for his distinctive fashion choices.宝莱坞大块着他的与众不同的时尚选择。Brain scans prove...

As the huge hunks of fudge were pried loose, they went tumbling and bouncing down the mountain, and when they reached the bottom they were picked up by cranes with grab-buckets, and the cranes dumped the fudge into open waggons – into an endless moving line of waggons ...

74、“I’llsuremissbeingtogetherforChristmasthisyear.Eatafewextrahunksoffudgeforme,OK?” 75、祝老师圣诞节充满平安和爱。 76、那年平安夜,你是上帝赐予我的礼物!而如今,分手依旧还是在钟声敲响之际,我的心,漫天飞雪! 77、wishingyouandyourfamilyaverymerrychristmas. 78、值此圣诞佳节,老板,献给您及您的家人。

hunks [英] ['hʌŋks][美] ['hʌŋks]n.守财奴,性情乖僻之人; 大片,大块( hunk的名词复数 ); 富有魅力的健美男子;[例句]The gym I go to is full of hunks but I am too shy to speak to them.我去的健身房全是帅哥,不过我太害羞了,没和他们搭上话。[...

首先,我认为中国兵器中的枪不应该是GUN,而应该是SPEAR.传说中的唐伯虎及其唐家霸王枪 Tang Bohu and the Overlord Spear of His Family in Tale.兵器谱前三甲都是谁?根据秋香姐的回忆录《我和唐帅哥不得不说的故事》记载,“第一是小李他妈的飞刀,第二是书生夺命剑,第三是唐家霸王枪 ”。Who...

Die Young-Ke$ha的中文意思
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young 就让我们疯到顶点就像这是最後一个晚上 [Beat break]Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young 让我们疯到顶点就像这是最後一个晚上 Young hunks, taking shots 年轻猛男,都站出来 Stripping down to dirty...

殳杨13328193281问: chunks of language 什么意思 -
安化县治咳回答: chunks of language 语块 The paper explores the way to build the best menial lexical through which the relationship between prefabricatedlanguage chunks and mental lexical is discussed. 摘要文章探讨了如何建构学习者最佳的心理词典,并进一步探讨了预制语块和心理词典的关系.

殳杨13328193281问: 【except、except to】 两者用法的差别谁给我举例讲讲? -
安化县治咳回答: except、同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、except:除了,只是. 2、except to:反对. 二、用法不同 1、except:except可接反身代词、副词、介词短语或状语从句,也可接(省略to的)动词不定式、动名词、基数词,还可接that或wh-从句. 2、except to:except与介词to或against连用,意为“反对…”,与介词for连用表示“不包括在…之内”. 三、侧重点不同 1、except:except用作介词可表示“除…之外”,通常指所排除的事物不在所述范围之内,后面可接名词或代词. 2、except to:短语except to +名词、代词、动名词,“反对,表示异议”

殳杨13328193281问: 英语中of 怎么用什么时候用 -
安化县治咳回答: of 是英语所有格的一种,表示'的' 的意思 . 通常都是 of+名词,比方 the name of your CD. 你的CD的名字 除此之外,还有很多不同词组,就需要单独看了 比方说 a number of 大量的 清楚了吗? 如有疑问,欢迎追问.

殳杨13328193281问: agoodchunkoftime是什么意思 -
安化县治咳回答: a good chunk oftime 一块好的时间 chunk 英[tʃʌŋk] 美[tʃʌŋk] n. 厚厚的一块; (某物) 相当大的数量或部分; 强壮、结实的马; [例句]They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice.他们必须当心大块浮冰.[其他] 复数:chunks

殳杨13328193281问: of的用法 -
安化县治咳回答: 1.动词+of.of意为“有关,由于”: beg of(sb.)请求某人,complain of抱怨 2.动词+sb.+of+sth..其中of有“剥夺,有关”之意: accuse of控告(谴责,非难)某人, 动词+sth.+ of +sb..介词of表动宾关系,后接动作的宾语 3.动词+sth.+ of +sb.....

殳杨13328193281问: break off什么意思 -
安化县治咳回答: break off 释义:1断绝2折断3中断4突然停止 双语例句:Let's break off for lunch. 我们暂停工作去吃午饭吧.Great chunks of the ice crust, which has covered the mountains through the winter, break off and drop heavily into the thawing sea beneath. ...

殳杨13328193281问: 介绍新疆500字英语作文介绍新疆的英语作文、500字 -
安化县治咳回答:[答案] " We Xinjiang good place,good grazing land of North and south of the Tianshan mountains,......Melons and fruits,cattle and sheep ...In former days desolate sands becomes fertile land ..." Many people are familiar with this song,this song of praise ...

殳杨13328193281问: 九年级上册英语作文东莞特色美食英文介绍内容包括东莞是一座美丽的城市它与米 -
安化县治咳回答: Sugar ring Dongguan Central Plains south over snacks. Sugar ring in Dongguan has changed flour glutinous rice flour. Traditional sugar ring, do not cake and India, just rubbing strips, pinch as circular, hard enough to eat. Sugar ring shape, from ...

殳杨13328193281问: Chunked 什么意思 -
安化县治咳回答: "chunked"是指被切成了大块状,在此作动词"verb"用,是"chunk" 的过去式.chunk(noun.)1. a large, short, thick piece of something that does not have an even shape; as of meat or wood (大块(没有固定形状的块体);常用于木头或...

殳杨13328193281问: 香和臭这两个单词非常像是哪两个单词呢,好像一个是有l另一个不是, -
安化县治咳回答:[答案] flagrant 和 fragrant,一个是 l,另一个是 r ! 1.flagrant (臭,但不是指气味臭!可是很多人误认为其是指气味、味道臭,错... We see only a few quick birds,as well as some fragrant shrubs sheltered by gleaming white chunks of granite. Rich,dark brown ...

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