
作者&投稿:季飞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

跪求Jingle Bells中文译音!
呃……虽然小学毕业以后就没干过这种事了,但是帮一下你吧,我自己翻的,建议你还是多听一下原版,然后跟着读,不要光看字的发音,那样会很死板……下面 连在一起的字要连着读,有括号的轻读……祝你好运~jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!知音勾 贝奥思,知音勾 贝奥思,知音勾...

耿hristmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day ,people eat Christmas puddings.At christmas Eve ,chridren put their stocking on their bed.They want to get present from Santa Claus。People decorate Christmas tree.They are happy. 圣诞节在12月25日 在那天 人们吃圣诞布丁 在圣诞...

Enjoy Reading English 英文手抄报素材,英文演讲稿素材(3~4分钟...
hristmas is based on the story of Jesus’ birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew (see Matthew 1:18-2:12) and the Gospel according to Luke (see Luke 1:26-56). Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of the Nativity, as early as ...

there may very well be people who have given up

还是要幸福-田馥甄 morning-卫兰 beauty and the beast-手嶌葵 天梯-C AllStar Let The Feelings Go-Annagrace lights on-Katy B Possessionless-Delta Goodrem We belong Together-Mariah Care Heartbeats-Amy Diamond All about your heart-Mindy Gledhill Anchor-Mindy Gledhill you are my angel-周美欣 ...

歌名hristmas magic。歌手也叫hristmas magic。lat不知道了。

hristmas Is Coming I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy,C...

求IU翻唱过的所有歌曲, 谢谢啦
少女时代GEE和 说出你的愿望吧 SJ的sorry sorry bigbang的谎言和太阳的i need a girl(boy)TIME AFTER TIME Loving You ay You Love Me etter in Time ut Your Records On I'd Do It All Again Lucky Kiss Me Way Back Into Love ke A Star ields Of Gold hristmas Time Again If I ...

帮个忙~~ 这题实在不会~~
1:march (March) 2:month (common noun)3:day (common noun)4:thesday(Tuesday) 5: holiday (common noun)6:christmas(Christmas)7:cereal (common noun)8:cocoa puffs ( Cocoa Puffs )9:dr.cube (Dr.Cube)10:doctor (common noun)11:city (common noun)12:boston (Boston)13:street (...

happy new year的英语手抄报的内容
(此信短短无墨香,字里行间祈愿忙,夜夜华灯伴星光,日日希冀暗流淌,愉悦新年好时光,心中情谊总激荡,愿你新的一年愉悦无忧,新年欢畅! )It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and...

东野娴18716286953问: Christmas Carol》的英文简介狄更斯的作品 -
枣庄市血塞回答:[答案] A Christmas Carol in Prose,Being a Ghost Story of Christmas 又名 A Christmas Carol.Charles Dickens著,最早出版于1843年12月19日,是著名的圣诞故事.作者写这本书的时候正好是当时人开始逐渐失去传统圣诞节的衰...

东野娴18716286953问: 谁读过《a chrisdtmas carol》这本书?急需中文简介.越详细越好! -
枣庄市血塞回答: 《a chrisdtmas carol》(《圣诞颂歌》)是英国伟大的批判现实主义作家查尔斯• 狄更斯的三部圣诞小说之一.它奠定了现代圣诞节的寓意和内涵,同时也告诫人们要拥有一颗善良、仁慈、怜悯、容忍之心.只要善良仁慈、积德行善、乐善好施...

东野娴18716286953问: 急需《A Christmas Carol》的英文简介 -
枣庄市血塞回答: A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas 又名 A Christmas Carol. Charles Dickens著,最早出版于1843年12月19日,是著名的圣诞故事.作者写这本书的时候正好是当时人开始逐渐失去传统圣诞节的衰败期.该书出版后就...

东野娴18716286953问: christmas carol 这本书讲的是什么啊!中文啊!
枣庄市血塞回答: 中文名是:圣诞颂歌

东野娴18716286953问: 跪求a christmas carol的读后感!!明天返校要交,在线等! -
枣庄市血塞回答: A CHRISTMAS CAROL 是狄更斯的大作,以人和鬼灵的沟通来揭露人性.主角原本是一个吝啬的,不讲亲情的老人,但是在圣诞夜的前一天遇到鬼灵,鬼灵带他看到了他的侄子对他的爱,他的童年,以及他的伙计对他的宽容,在死亡之前他忏悔,最终变成了美名远扬的大善人. 电影真实感人,惹人深思.苛刻,吝啬,贪婪,欲望都是人性中丑陋的部分,一个人的强大并不是看他能把这些发挥得多么深,而是克服了多少.

东野娴18716286953问: a A Christmas Carol主要内容最好是可以中英对照的..摆脱了..各位大哥大姐.摆脱了急用.是书..... -
枣庄市血塞回答:[答案] a foul old man who was wrapped his cold,uncaring heart in chains.Chains of greed.Bigotry.Contempt.Apathy.Selfishness.He detested the world,and was alone.Until the night his long-dead partner Marley ap...

东野娴18716286953问: 《圣诞颂歌A Christmas Carol》 -
枣庄市血塞回答: 《圣诞颂歌》是狄更斯三部圣诞一,创作于1843年,故事说的是性情刻薄、冷酷的守财奴艾柏纳泽·斯克鲁奇(Ebenezer Scrooge),面对温暖的圣诞节却讨厌周遭的一切庆祝活动,于是上天派来3个精灵让他看看自己过去的所作所为,以及亲友私下对他的态度.这一切渐渐唤醒他人性的另一面——同情、仁慈、爱心及喜悦,瞬间,他那固有的自私及冷酷迅速崩塌,消失殆尽,从此变成了一个乐善好施的人.

东野娴18716286953问: 介绍 A Christmas Carol时间三分钟左右.写出来. -
枣庄市血塞回答:[答案] The tale begins on Christmas Eve seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge's business partner Jacob Marley.Scrooge is established within the first stave (chapter) as a greedy and stingy business...

东野娴18716286953问: 圣诞颂歌 The Christmas Carol英语读书笔记字数不要太多80~90 -
枣庄市血塞回答:[答案] This story represents a very original forces,the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream,then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others,charity!I hate that mean the orig...

东野娴18716286953问: a A Christmas Carol主要内容<英语> -
枣庄市血塞回答: a foul old man who was wrapped his cold, uncaring heart in chains. Chains of greed. Bigotry. Contempt. Apathy. Selfishness. He detested the world, and was alone. Until the night his long-dead partner Marley appeared. A hideous spectre forced to ...

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