
作者&投稿:荡贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

select是一个含义丰富的英语单词,它在不同的语境中有着多种角色。作为动词,它意味着选择或从菜单中选取,如在句子"So, then we had to select our fare."中,表示需要确定费用。作为形容词,它形容被精心挑选或只为精英阶层保留的事物,如"selected"或"exclusive"。名词方面,select也可以指被挑选...

ten yuan now_expensive
Ⅴ.l.C 2. B 3. A

允胥18960436307问: 以choose开头的英文励志句子5 - 10句 -
宁武县加味回答:[答案] “Life is partly what we make it,and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” ― Tehyi Hsieh “It's good to let God pick a man for you.We don't do so well when we pick them ourselves.They end up lipsticks in a drawer,all those wrong colors you ...

允胥18960436307问: 以choose开头的英文励志句子5 - 10句 -
宁武县加味回答: “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” ― Tehyi Hsieh “It's good to let God pick a man for you. We don't do so well when we pick them ourselves. They end up lipsticks in a drawer, all those wrong ...

允胥18960436307问: choose怎么用?帮我翻译一个句子
宁武县加味回答:for you to choose in the future 保证正确哦,希望能帮到你.Thank you!

允胥18960436307问: 选择的英语单词怎么写 -
宁武县加味回答: choose 是个动词, choose from sth从……中选择 choose to do sth选择去做某事

允胥18960436307问: 用英语怎么说choose有没有三单,要不要 -
宁武县加味回答: 名词:choice,selection,alternative,option

允胥18960436307问: “不错的选择”用英文怎么说? -
宁武县加味回答: good choice 好选择;明智的选择;不错的选择 例句: 1、In this case, a shortcut key is a good choice. 这种情况下,快捷键就是一个不错的选择.2、I think the art museum is a good choice. 我认为艺术博物馆是个不错的选择.重点词汇:...

允胥18960436307问: 选定用英语怎么说 -
宁武县加味回答: choose,select,make choice of

允胥18960436307问: 关于英语的问题choose的过去式有哪些分别用它的过去式写几个句子 -
宁武县加味回答:[答案] 过去式chose过去分词chosen 用法和choose相同只是用的时态不同罢了,比如昨天我为我儿子选了一件新衬衫:I chose a new T-shirt for my son yesterday.

允胥18960436307问: 从……中挑选……英文短语? -
宁武县加味回答: choose. ..from....

允胥18960436307问: 相信你的选择,值得你选择.翻译成英文,优美一点的句子,感谢 -
宁武县加味回答: Believe that the choice you make is the best one for you.若有疑问,欢迎追问~~

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