
作者&投稿:敖徐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am sure Mr Green is interested in Cihinese traditional festivals.Bill wants to know if they are going to watch the dragon boat race.She is very afraid of becoming fat\/She is very afraid of gaining weight.Mr Chen didn't tell us whether he had been to Beijing.Some students ...

古城旅游景点介绍文案英语 古城旅游景点介绍文案英语版
平遥古城遥古城始建于西周宣王时期(前 827一前782)自公元前221年,秦实行“郡县制”以来,平遥城一直是县治所在地,一直延续至今。平遥古城历尽沧桑,但自明清以来的六白多年间,平遥城市面积和布局基本末变,成为迄今为止国内保存最完整的一座明清时期的古代县城.The_ity_all_tretches_or_bout_ix_ilometers.The_own...

介绍平遥旅游景点英语作文 介绍旅游景点英语作文高中

只汤17076137358问: 英语作文chinese traditions -
南澳县美敏回答: Chinese traditions play an integral role in everyday life for every person.It is at the very core of Chinese culture and revolves around values and how people interact with each other,gives a sense of personal identity and sense of self worth.These ...

只汤17076137358问: 英语翻译中国的传统是chinese tradition 还是chinese traditional? -
南澳县美敏回答:[答案] 前一个 这个是个名词词组两个词需要都是名词 后者是不对的 traditional是形容词

南澳县美敏回答:[答案] traditional Chinese food Chinese food已经是一个通用的表达了,不能拆开

只汤17076137358问: 求关于Chinese tradition的文章 -
南澳县美敏回答: 文化风俗(Chinese Traditional) Chinese like hilarity. On festivals, it is more happy and everywhere is full of exciting air. Though in the freedom Chinese washed and globed by the western culture, every traditional entertainments of the festivals have...

只汤17076137358问: its our Chinese tradition 这句话形式对吗? -
南澳县美敏回答: 回答如下:有误,应该是:It's our Chinese tradition. 这是我们中国人的传统.

只汤17076137358问: 中国风英文怎么拼?
南澳县美敏回答: Chinese tradition. Chinese Style Chinese custom.

只汤17076137358问: 英语翻译:传统文化
南澳县美敏回答: traditional culture

只汤17076137358问: culture tradition是什么意思
南澳县美敏回答: 意思是: 文化传统.例句:In the development of social economy, the culture tradition must be kept. 在社会经济发展过程中,文化传统必须保持.详细解释:culture 英[ˈkʌltʃə(r)] 美[ˈkʌltʃɚ] n. 文化; 养殖; [生物学] (微生物等的) 培养...

只汤17076137358问: 求作文 ,以“Chinese tradition”为题的初中英语作文,60字左右,浅显易懂一点的 -
南澳县美敏回答: A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is ...

只汤17076137358问: tradition是可数名词吗?Chinese people have lots of traditions.为什么用复数 -
南澳县美敏回答:[答案] 这个是说各种各样的习俗 表示种类用复数 fishes各种各样的鱼

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