
作者&投稿:佴彩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

c h i n e s e的发音
hinese的中文意思、音标、例句及语法 单词音标 英语音标:[ˌtʃaɪˈniːz]美语音标:[ˌtʃaɪˈniːz]转载需注明“转自音标网\/19-9974.html”,违者必究 中文翻译 n.中国人;汉语 adj.中国的;中国人的;汉语的 单词例句 ...

1. what time 几点 2. go to school 去上学 3. get up 起床 4. take a shower 洗淋浴 5. brush teeth 刷牙 6. get to 到达 7. do homework 做家庭作业 8. go to work 去上班 9. go home 回家 10. eat breakfast 吃早饭 11. get dressed 穿上衣服 ...

2023年关于元旦英语作文一The history of the New Year's day hinese new year is a chinese traditional festival.we also call it the spring is on lunar january 1st.on new year’s eve,all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner.there are some vege...


Thank you, my brother. We will enjoy the Chinese New Year with you and wish you good health and all the best.

英语 急急急!
they didn't seem to understood what i said.2)他毕业后上了大学 he went to university after he had graduated .3)那为年轻的小姐靠唱歌为生 the young lady makes a living by singing.4)许多职业篮球运动员受过伤.many profeddional basketball players got hurt.5)天一直在下雨 it ...

I am sure Mr Green is interested in Cihinese traditional festivals.Bill wants to know if they are going to watch the dragon boat race.She is very afraid of becoming fat\/She is very afraid of gaining weight.Mr Chen didn't tell us whether he had been to Beijing.Some students ...

穿过 go through 沿着go down 旅途愉快have a good trip 到达 arrive at\/in…先做某事do sth. first 有点 kind of 来自be from\/come from 什么动物what animals 别的什么动物what other animals 吃草eat grass 吃树叶 eat leaves 白天睡觉sleep during the day在晚上 at night 和...玩耍play...

英语句子改错 在线等!30分,快的好的追加20!
1 to 改成 for 2 do 改成 does 3 going to play 改成 playing 4 I and Tom 改成 Tom and I 5 your 改成 yours 6 in 改成 for 7 doing 改成 do 8 in 改成 on 9 去掉 the 10 去掉 to 11 joined 改成 has been in 12 months 去掉 s 13 in 改成 on 14 to do 改成 on ...


文萍18850219544问: 中国政府,用英语怎么说?
罗定市酚氨回答: 中国政府The Chinese GovernmentThe Government of China.

文萍18850219544问: 一个英语问题中国政府 the Chinese government 为什么要加定冠词the ,不能说Chinese government ? -
罗定市酚氨回答:[答案] 因为Chinese是专署名词 (就是唯指定,在没有第二个)我们老师以前这样解释的~ 在使用的句子中 必须用THE来修饰~

文萍18850219544问: 【英语词组】什么时候名词n+n=nsecurity regulationssafety regulations.a+n安全规则,对的China government.n+n中国政府 -
罗定市酚氨回答:[答案] 有的时候某个名词没有adj.形式,就可以直接+n.达到adj,的效果.如food safety食品安全,rescue worker救援工作者之类的如果这个单词有adj.形式,最好用形容词形式.如果随便n+n=n,就有点像中国式英语(趋于口语化)不过,...

文萍18850219544问: 【日常英语】Chinese和china's有什么区别? -
罗定市酚氨回答:[答案] Chinese在有些语境里面是跟China's一样:Chinese可以做“中国的”讲比如Chinese government = China's government.但是除此之外Chinese还有别的释义: 中国人,中国人的,华人华裔(的).总的来说Chinese意思上包括了C...

文萍18850219544问: 英语任务型阅读题1.the Chinese government b()Tai Shan's parents to Washington.2.taishan became very p().3.B( ) TAISHAN returned to their homeland,m(... -
罗定市酚氨回答:[答案] 1,bring 2,popular 3,Before ,many 4,Today 5,hundreds 6,wishes

文萍18850219544问: 一个英语选择题 解释下 -
罗定市酚氨回答: The Chinese government 是单数名词,不是+S就是+ED,reserve是名词,前面应该加形容词protected选B

文萍18850219544问: The Chinese Government highly appreciate the purpose of the non...
罗定市酚氨回答:[选项] A. farmer B. farmers C. farmer's D. farmers'

文萍18850219544问: 根据中文翻译句子(中国政府非常关注食物安全)The Chinese government - __ - ___ - __ - ___the food safety -
罗定市酚氨回答:[答案] (中国政府非常关注食物安全) The Chinese government __paid__ __more__ attention___ _to__the food safety

文萍18850219544问: 选择题:The chinese government is the control of population growth in the country -
罗定市酚氨回答: D be committed to 献身于,致力于中国政府致力于控制该国的人口增长.

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