
作者&投稿:胡败 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

延姜14758584408问: 上海早晨7点档的一名男主持人叫什么名字 -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 是Zhang Mengxi Zhang Mengxi, graduated from the Chinese Department of 拍《若男和她的儿女们》时,恰逢上海开设音乐频道,剧组有人推荐了她.从此

延姜14758584408问: 帅哥Gay - Asian - Thai Twink - Splash. - 标清.mpg高清完整版下载地址有么?谢谢 -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 帅哥Gay - Asian - Thai Twink - Splash.-标清.mpg高清完整版下载地址: thunder://QUFodHRwOi8vYWlrYW5keS5vcmcv5biF5ZOlR2F5IC0gQXNpYW4gLSBUaGFpIFR3aW5rIC0gU3BsYXNoLi3moIfmuIUubXBnLmZsdj9maWQ9cWxpcExUTWxxWVl...

延姜14758584408问: 哇!中国的文化是如此地令人着迷,中国的天津也是如此美丽,并且美食众多.天津的小伙更是帅气而富有魅力 -
大石桥市尤尼回答: Wow! The Chinese culture is so fascinating, China tianjin is also beautiful, and gourmet many. Tianjin...

延姜14758584408问: 一个中国男孩 英汉互译. -
大石桥市尤尼回答: a Chinese boy

延姜14758584408问: 关于赞美英语的英语句子10句(大概15词/句) -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒.)【每天都可以用!】2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好.)【国际最通用的表扬!】3. we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲.)【最高级的表扬!】4. i'm very pleased with your work....

延姜14758584408问: 语文老师比数学老师帅数学老师比语文老师丑数学老师比语文老师老小汽车比自行车快自行车比小汽车有趣小汽车比自行车大 的英语怎么写?
大石桥市尤尼回答: The Chinese teacher is more handsome than the maths teacher . The maths teacher is uglier than the Chinese teacher . The maths teacher is older than the Chinese teacher , A car is faster than a bike . A bike is more interesting than a car . A car is bigger than a bike .

延姜14758584408问: 帅的英语单词怎么写 -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 帅 [名] commander in chief; commander in chief, the chief piece in Chinese chess; a surname; [形] smart; (英俊; 潇洒; 漂亮) beautiful; graceful; [例句]他穿着制服显得很帅.He looks quite smart in his uniform.

延姜14758584408问: 枪神纪小帅听的是什么歌? -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 歌词里有孤独两个字

延姜14758584408问: Man开头的短英文名,男. -
大石桥市尤尼回答: manne 曼勒 ~ I believed it need some connection with your Chinese name, so do u mind to share your Chinese name /.?

延姜14758584408问: 干杯与国际象棋英文的区别? -
大石桥市尤尼回答: 干杯: Cheers cheer 原意喝彩,欢呼,大家一起欢呼,也就有了干杯的引申之意; 国际象棋:Chess Chess 指的的棋类,象棋,区分于中国象棋Chinese chess,一般chess指的就是国际象棋 引申下Checkers 西洋跳棋,跟国际象棋比较像 在国际象棋中,将军(同中国象棋将军)叫做check check的原意为检查,下棋时,需要对手检查,也就是被将军了, 而被将死就是checkmate, checkers也就是check+ers(...的人或...的事)也指的西洋跳棋、国际跳棋,但跟国际象棋不同. 有时候两个容易混淆.

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