
作者&投稿:茹江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hilda 保护者 女性 斯干那维亚 Hina 女性 印度 Hinda 母鹿 女性 印度 Holly 冬青 女性 古英语 Honey 蜂蜜,爱人 女性 古英语

Hina 女性 印度 Hinda 母鹿 女性 印度 Holly 冬青 女性 古英语 Honey 蜂蜜,爱人 女性 古英语 Honna 女性 希腊 Honora 光荣,荣耀 女性 拉丁语 Hope 信任,信仰 女性 英语 Hortense 园丁 女性 拉丁语 Huberta 清晰的头脑 女性 条顿 Hue 百合花 女性 越南 Huyana 下雨 女性 美洲土著 Hyacinth 风信子 女性 希腊 Hye...

德文名:Kleine Beere 英文名:Hina-Ichigo ·喜欢:莓大福 ·口头禅;哦?·武器:草莓蔓藤 ·人工精灵:小铃\/贝莉贝尔\/莓铃\/果铃\/贝铃(Berry Bell=ベリーベル)·媒介:珂琳奈(前前任)柏叶巴(前任)樱田纯(现任)◆◇第七人偶 蔷薇水晶(伪)美丽而执着◇◆ 中文名:蔷薇水晶 日文名:ば...

水银灯:攻击招式:发射黑羽毛、做防御的青焰、操纵人偶、水银剑、黑翼(可化为黑龙)。武器:羽翼与羽毛、水银剑 人工精灵:美美\/玫玫\/冥冥\/芽芽 技(水银剑):攻击力强,命中率中等,3发 A技(弓箭式):攻击中等,命中率高,6发 R技(羽毛):攻击力超低,命中率高,自动追踪,50发 P技(巧克...

Hansika Hildred Hansila Hildy Hanski Hilerie Hantaywee Hiliary Happy Hillari Haqikah Hillarie Haralda Hillary Hariet Hilleary Harita Hilleri Harlea Hillery Harlee Hilliary Harleen Hillory Harleigh Hilma Harley Himani Harleyanne Hina Harly Hina...

日文名:すいぎんとう 德文名:Mercury Lampe 称呼:主席、银殿、汞灯、女王、天使、安琪儿 自信而善良的金蔷薇金丝雀 very萌的金,后援团为提琴党 日文名:カナリア 德文名:Kanarienvogel 称呼:小金、金殿 好强而重情的绿蔷薇翠星石 穿着巴戈利亚公主服的她,左眼艳红,右眼翠绿。是苍星石的姐姐...

15.纯情房东俏房客(Love Hina) 16.DNA2 15集 ★★★☆☆ 17.东月西阳 13集 ★★★☆☆ 18.成惠的世界 12集 ★★★☆☆ 19.菜菜子的解体诊书(nanako kaitai shinsyoi) 6集 ★★☆☆☆ 20.妹妹公主(Sister Princess) 21.月咏(Moon Phase) 25集 ★★★☆☆ 24.蔷薇少女(Rozen Maiden) 13集 ★...

西许15162256889问: chinese holidays作文 -
中站区肝乐回答: Nowadays, internationalization is a big tendency all around the world,which promotes the culture exchange between the West and the East,as a result,many western festivals and holidays appears inour daily life,such as Christmas,Halloween,...

西许15162256889问: China new year 的英语作文 -
中站区肝乐回答: Chinese New Year Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are ...

西许15162256889问: china public holidays
中站区肝乐回答: China public holidays In 2004, there were calls for the Golden Week holidays to be cut back, due to their disruption of the regular economy. In 2006, delegates to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference brought up proposals to cancel...

西许15162256889问: 请英语高手写一个关于 中国公共假日的 一篇文章以china public holidays为核心. -
中站区肝乐回答:[答案] China public holidays In 2004,there were calls for the Golden Week holidays to be cut back,due to their disruption of the regular economy. In 2006,delegates to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference brought up proposals to cancel both ...

西许15162256889问: 清明节不超过50个字的英语作文加翻译初一年级 -
中站区肝乐回答: China's traditional holiday tomb-sweeping day. First of all, this day is a national legal holiday, everyone will have a holiday. Second, in the day of this day is to pay tribute to our ancestors. Many people will go to the grave. Sacrifice to the death of ...

西许15162256889问: Simon is going to China - --------his holiday此题用on好还是用for好 -
中站区肝乐回答:[答案] go on a holiday表示状态,正在进行中,我们正在度假 go for a holiday 表示打算,我们要去度假

西许15162256889问: 国庆节是中国非常重要的节日,祝大家在国庆节过得快乐!这句话用英文翻译 -
中站区肝乐回答: The National Day is one of the very important festival and may you have a good time during holiday!

西许15162256889问: 中国传统节日和英国的传统节日的日期和习俗(用英文)] -
中站区肝乐回答: Valentine's Day (Saint Valentine's Day) is the United States and British a very important holiday, time is of the annual February 14.With regard to the origin of Valentine's Day has many different interpretations, and now most can not research, ...

西许15162256889问: 汉英互译:端午节已成为中国的又一个公共假日 -
中站区肝乐回答: The Dragon Boat Festival has been a public holiday in China .祝学习进步!天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢 !:)

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