
作者&投稿:骑毕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

褒诚19626228859问: chinadaily怎么设置双语版
龙安区奥拉回答: chinadaily设置双语版的步骤:1、下载并打开ChinaDaily手机客户端.2、根据自身情况,进行设置.详细设置点击“settings”进入.可设置字体大小.3、选择类别,如“Business”,点击进入,就可阅读相关方面的新闻.4、在阅读新闻过程中,若是遇到生僻词汇,可长按该词汇,页面顶端便会出现该词汇的中文含义.此外,点击右上角菜单,可收藏该文章等.

褒诚19626228859问: 介绍中国日报的英语作文,80字左右,单词简单 -
龙安区奥拉回答: "China Daily" is China's national English-language newspaper, founded in 1981, was released worldwide on more than 90 million copies, which were issued overseas in more than 60 million copies. "China Daily" as China to understand the ...

褒诚19626228859问: 有哪个网站可以查看双语(中、英)文章 -
龙安区奥拉回答:这是个双语新闻的网站 有助于提高英语水平 且具有即时性

褒诚19626228859问: China daily上面的文章有没有翻译的? -
龙安区奥拉回答: 有时中文版中国日报的内容和英文版有相关的内容,可以对照,但是很多时候中英内容不一样.

褒诚19626228859问: 以“china daily”为题目的英语作文 -
龙安区奥拉回答: In some places in our country the surroundings is worsening with the air filled with heavy smoke, many mountains turning deserted and rivers polluted. Waste is scattered here and there. So I strongly suggest that government take effective measures ...

褒诚19626228859问: 书面表达 请根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文. 《中国日报》(China Daily) 是新中国成立以后我国创办的第一家全国性的英文报纸.请用英文为来访... -
龙安区奥拉回答:[答案] 答案: 解析: China Daily is the first national English-language newspaper that was founded on June 1 1981 by China after the People's Republic of China was founded It appears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly. ...

褒诚19626228859问: 翻译一段china daily的文章 -
龙安区奥拉回答: 自里约热内卢从2016申奥成功的欢庆之夜醒来后,巴西已为未来几年所要付出的艰辛工作展开宏图,以迎接将成为这一拉丁美洲最大国家的历史性时刻的奥运盛会

褒诚19626228859问: 书面表达. 请用英语为China Daily写一篇关于保护野生动物的短文.内容应包含: 1. 许多野生动物濒临灭绝,保护野生动物势在必行. 2. 分析造成野生动物... -
龙安区奥拉回答:[答案] 参考答案: Many wild animals have already died out and hundreds of others are becoming endangered. So it is necessary to protect wild animals. If nothing is done, we may find ourselves alone on the earth. Wild animals are endangered for many ...

褒诚19626228859问: 介绍“china daily"报纸的英语作文 -
龙安区奥拉回答:[答案] China Daily, established in 1981, is the only national English-language newspaper in China. The average daily circulation is more than 200,000, one-third of which is abroad in more than 150 countries ...

褒诚19626228859问: China daily 的中文翻译的去哪找 -
龙安区奥拉回答: 没有的,它不是双语报,是给住在中国的老外看的 有句子看不懂可以在google里让它翻译,不过也是比较惨的 如果不懂的太多,看这个提高也不快,不如选比自己水平就稍微高一点的材料,不要逼得太紧了 光看21st century 4级都考600+类 我觉得够了(不过你可能还觉得不够吧...) China Daily新出的手机报倒是双语的,一天两期,也还比较方便 文章比较短

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