
作者&投稿:紫钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

也有其它的研究发现专业填卷人的答卷对问卷结果并不构成显著的影响。通过自己的研究,Hillygus等人也发现:专业填卷人在填写问卷时会花费更多的时间和努力,但同时也更多地跳过非必答题、使用‘不知道’选项或者在开放性问题中提供无用的信息。荷兰的Suzette Matthijsse等人调研了19家调研平台的9461名用户,...

Anne - Nan, Nancy Anthony - Ant, Tony Antoinette - Toni, Netta Arnold - Arnie Arthur - Art Augustine - Gus, Gussy, Gussie Augustus - Gus, Auggy B[edit]Barbara - Barb, Barbie, Babs, Bobbie Barnaby - Barney Barry - Baz Bartholomew - Bart, Barty, Barry Basil - Baz Benjamin...

Episode 2,15) ---Wendy2004 Ace Lightning (第一季23到26;第二季12) ---Jessica Fisgus2004 Dark Oracle (Season 2, Episode 2) ---Ainsley参考

经是19835466397问: 在线急求欧亨利小说《二十年后》英文版
岳普湖县盐酸回答: After Twenty Years The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. Theimpressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators werefew. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts ofwind with a taste of rain in them ...

经是19835466397问: 欧亨利的二十年后的英文版剧本 急求!最好可以附带中文版的 如果好可以追加悬赏分 -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: 英文:The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well ...

经是19835466397问: 以《在20年后》为题写一个英语作文
岳普湖县盐酸回答: The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively. The impressiveness was habitual and not for show, for spectators were few. The time was barely 10 o'clock at night, but chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh ...

经是19835466397问: 点解选WITH?跪求!!
岳普湖县盐酸回答: 寒冷的阵风风力“与”体验雨人以及几乎日,这里的街道

经是19835466397问: gust是什么意思 -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: 名词 n. [C][S1][(+of)]1.一阵强风(或狂风) The wind was blowing in gusts. 吹来了一阵阵强风. 2.(雨,烟等的)一阵突发 3.(怒,笑等的)爆发 In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces. 一阵盛怒之下,他将画撕成碎片.不及物动词 vi.1.一阵阵地劲吹(或移动) The wind will gust up to 40 miles an hour. 阵风劲吹,时速将达每小时四十英里

经是19835466397问: 大神帮我翻译一个英语句子 -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: I wish sleeping in was one of the possibilities.我希望睡在其中是可能性之一.说明:sleeping in was one of the possibilities 为宾语从句 sleeping in 动名词作主语 was 系动词作从句的谓语.

经是19835466397问: 电影《舞者的纯情》中那首桑巴的曲子是什么? -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: tic tic tac 是一首拉丁舞曲,后来改版为法文歌和英文歌~~~ 中文的是朱茵唱的,叫踢踢踏~~~~ 就是韩剧《舞者的纯情》里面文根英在比赛的时候跳的那首桑巴~~~~ 原版拉丁舞曲:《Tic Tic Tac》

经是19835466397问: 形容四季天气的常见英语形容词,分类!越多越好,最好是平常生活中用得多的. -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风、雨) temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作:fall) winter 冬 frost 霜 hail 冰雹 snow 雪 ...

经是19835466397问: 请问有人整理雅思口语的天气词汇么? -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: 寒冷的-chilly 霜冻-frost 冰冷的-icy 雨夹雪-sleet 暴风雪-blizzards 雪堆-snowdrift 融化-melt 透不过气的-stifling 潮湿的-humid -damp 燥热的-scorching -boiling 温和的-mild 毛毛雨-drizzle 大雾-thick fog (以上必备的) 下面是选记的 易变的-...

经是19835466397问: SUPER GUST 是什么意思? -
岳普湖县盐酸回答: gust: [ gʌst ] n. 突然一阵,风味 [ 过去式gusted 过去分词gusted 现在分词gusting 第三人称单数gusts ] 例句与用法 1. A gust of wind blew the door shut. 一阵大风吹来,把门关上了. 2. A sudden gust of wind wafted the papers off her desk. 一阵突...

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