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你参考下,然后觉得专业有帮助请给一个采纳。将糯米淘洗干净,用冷水泡4-5小时,笼屉上放干净的屉布,将米直接放在屉布上蒸熟。因米已经过浸泡,已经涨了,不需要象蒸饭那样,在饭盆里加水。蒸熟的米放在干净的盆里,待温度降到 30-40度时,拌进酒药,用勺把米稍压一下,中间挖出一洞,然后在...

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《音乐之声》中的 something good Perhaps I had a wicked hildhood也许我的童年很调皮 Perhaps I had a miserable youth也许我曾在痛苦中度过少年时代 But somewhere in my wicked miserable past但是,在那调皮痛苦的昔日 There must have been a moment of truth一定有片刻的真实。For here you are...

即善于从普通的小事中写出深意来。文章的六要素要交代清楚。一件事情的发生,离不开时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过和结果这六方面,即常说的“六要素”,只有交代清楚这几方面,才能使读者对所叙述的事,有个清楚、全面地了解。范文如下:Hildhood memories like a treasure chest, there are ...

即善于从普通的小事中写出深意来。文章的六要素要交代清楚。一件事情的发生,离不开时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过和结果这六方面,即常说的“六要素”,只有交代清楚这几方面,才能使读者对所叙述的事,有个清楚、全面地了解。范文如下:Hildhood memories like a treasure chest, there are ...

写作思路:可以写和父母之间的故事回忆,也可以写和老师或者同学之间的故事的回忆,中心要突出且明确,语句要连贯,条理要清晰。正文:There are many beautiful memories in my "memory record". Whenever I open it, the past is vividly in my mind.在我的“记忆录”里珍藏着许多美好的回忆,每当...

扈顺13268918720问: 以“ChildhoodMemories”为题的英语作文 -
临潭县塞而回答: Childhood memoriesWhen I was a child I used to spend every summer in a small house in village. All things there looked like magic. May be I thought so because I was child (you know children have more imagination than adults) or may be… no, no ...

扈顺13268918720问: 求一篇两三分钟的英语的演讲 关于childhood memory、可以写记住的一件事也可概括、急用!!
临潭县塞而回答: 1. My favourite childhood memory I grew up in the beautiful seaside city .I could still remember the good old days. The sea I saw was pure , clean and blue, We could hear the cries of seagulls as they circled over the sea. In my memory , the sea and ...

扈顺13268918720问: 想起的英语单词怎么写 -
临潭县塞而回答: 想起=remember;recall; think of;call to mind;cross one's mind;pass through one's mind ;例子:The sight recalls the days of childhood to me.那情景使我想起了童年. 有用请采纳

扈顺13268918720问: 你的故事使我想起了我的童年英语填空 Your story made me ( ) ( ) my childhood.有急用呀,一下子想不起来了,用remember又不行 -
临潭县塞而回答:[答案] remember不行,它是记忆、记住的意思.得用表示想起的单词才行,用 think of和 recall都可以.

扈顺13268918720问: 我需要写一篇英语作文,是关于自己记得很清晰的一件事 -
临潭县塞而回答: Lots of people say that childhood is a beautiful part of one's life.It is full of happy laughter and sad tears.I don't remember my childhood clearly.I only remember I was a naughty girl and played with my friends every day.I often got injured because of ...

扈顺13268918720问: 关于童年记忆的英语作文100到120字之间 -
临潭县塞而回答:[答案] Childhood Memory I remember it like yesterday.We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track.He promised me and my sister that if he won,he would take us all to Rye Playland. The minutes felt like hours.It was the longest ...

扈顺13268918720问: 谁有关于童年回忆的英语作文 -
临潭县塞而回答: Childhood Memory I remember it like yesterday.We were all waiting patiently for my father to come home from the race track.He promised me and my sister that if he won,he would take us all to Rye Playland.The minutes felt like hours.It was the ...

扈顺13268918720问: “童年”“想起”“情况”用英语怎么说
临潭县塞而回答: 童年childhood 想起think of情况condition或situation

扈顺13268918720问: 童年人和成年人的区别英语作文 -
临潭县塞而回答: our baby, because that's all the wonderful memories of our childhood, but remember how we can, we don't get them out of the childhood., Now we go to sleep with our mobile phones, like holding our baby to sleep.. However, in the middle of the night was awakened by the nightmare of the night,

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