
作者&投稿:宠纪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

频凌18593597205问: 用英语翻译“狡辩”,谢谢了! -
虎丘区浓氯回答: chicanery n.法律上的狡计, 卑鄙手法, 奸计 狡辩, 诡辩 use chicanery 玩卑鄙手段

频凌18593597205问: 谁有国外学生必须掌握的高中单词?!
虎丘区浓氯回答: 你好,很高兴为你答题~ abjure abrogate abstemious acumen antebellum auspicious belie bellicose bowdlerizechicanery chromosome churlish circumlocution circumnavigatedeciduous deleterious diffidentenervate enfranchise epiphany ...

频凌18593597205问: 英语作文保护传统文化――汉字100字 -
虎丘区浓氯回答: Traditional Culture Won't Be Lost It seems we are living in the conflict between modern and traditional cultures every day.Hearing the blaring of horns the moment you step out of your house,seeing the so called "pop" the moment you open your ...

频凌18593597205问: i am not always here是什么意思 -
虎丘区浓氯回答: i am not always here 我不是一直在这里 双语对照 例句: 1. I am not playing here. Don't chicanery. 我没有在这里玩.不要狡辩.2. Right here. Where I always am. 就在这.就像我一直以来的那样.

频凌18593597205问: 长难句分析,新概念英语4. 21课文最后一行. -
虎丘区浓氯回答: We still do;并列句 we all want a code to live in a world in which undeclared aggression , war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives现在分词作状语 in which undeclared aggression , war, ...

频凌18593597205问: 过度旅游造成危害的作文 -
虎丘区浓氯回答: In recent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in our nation's economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over, it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems. 近年来,旅游业已经...

频凌18593597205问: 帮忙写一篇 关于 旅游对景区的危害和解决危害问题的建议的 英语作文
虎丘区浓氯回答: Enigma plagues unknown answers- of what has transpired of this love. The audacity to leave me behind only to start a new beginning- has left me stumbling into a fruitless state -- I'm alive yet barely breathing. Tangled in a web of chicanery- ...

频凌18593597205问: 为自己找借口必↖::::::::!的:词语 -
虎丘区浓氯回答: 强词夺理【拼音】 qiǎng cí duó lǐ【英文】 swear black is white. <to be willing to do or say anything in order to get what one wants; chicanery; chop logic; sophistication>【释义】 强词:强辩;夺:争.指无理强辩,明明没理硬说有理.【出...

频凌18593597205问: 100个单词的意思 -
虎丘区浓氯回答: 发誓放弃 废除 节制的 锐敏,聪明 战前的 吉兆,幸运 吉利 掩饰 好战的 任意删改 诡计 染色体 无教养的 遁辞 环航 落叶 有害 羞的 衰弱 解放 突然显现 昼夜平分点 欧元 短暂 删除 滑稽愚昧的 软弱的 受托人 阻饶议事的议员 配子 笨拙的 擅自改划的...

频凌18593597205问: 广电网线玩DNF卡 但是开网页很流畅
虎丘区浓氯回答: 玩网络游戏的话,还是推荐你用电信而不要用网通,因为现在江南大多数游戏服务器都是电信服务器,网通服务器只是少数.你要用网通的网络去连电信的服务器的话,就必须要经过网通和电信的对接口,而那个对接口是很短的,而且离你这里肯定很远,我有个同学原来还是网通4M带宽的呢,一样卡,现在换了电信,非常流畅,我也不是给电信做广告啊,你去试试电信的网络来玩DNF就知道差距了


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