
作者&投稿:帅发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

形容词: actable 名词: actability 过去式: acted 过去分词: acted 现在分词: acting 第三人称单数: acts 四、词语搭配:perform a plucky act 作出勇敢的举动 play the baby act 作出幼稚的举动 practise an act 练习一个动作 praise an act of charity 颂扬善行 put on an act 装模作样 barba...

Motherly love is a huge flame. (Romain Rolland)世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。(但丁)The world there is a most beautiful voice, and that is the call of the mother. (Dante)慈母的胳膊是慈爱构成的,孩子睡在里面怎能不甜?(雨果)Mother is the charity arm of the ...

在他执教的头两个赛季里,拿到了两项重要赛事的冠军。2004-05赛季,利物浦在冠军杯决赛0比3落后的情况下神奇逆转AC米兰,登上了欧洲之巅,贝尼特斯也成为继切尔西主帅穆里尼奥后,第二个在两个赛季里接连夺取联盟杯和冠军杯的现役教头。2006年,利物浦再次上演神奇逆转,击败西汉姆夺取了足总杯冠军。 2006年6月,贝尼特斯和...

As you all know, blood donation is a charity activity, blood donation is to help those who are seriously ill, I think, blood donation does not need to be formatted, but to have affinity. The blood itself is a good help, but because some people are afraid of blood, but they know that...

英语完形翻译,拒绝机器翻译,在线等 答案:ACBBBDBCCCDDDBD
26 A 27 C 28 B 29 B30 B 31 D 32 B 33 C 34 C 35 B 36 A 37 A 38 A 39 D 40 B 41 D 42 D 43 D 44 B 45 D 有点疑问,35题个人认为应该选B,是放在帽子里,而不是放在艺人的口袋里 翻译如下:我过去活的很自私,我得接受(这个事实),但是一个时刻改变了我。午餐...

他为美国做出了超乎我们大多数人想象的牺牲,因为这个无畏无私的领导人所付出的努力,我们才有了更好的生活。我对他表示祝贺,也对佩林州长所取得的成果表示祝贺。同时,我也期待着能在接下来的几个月内,和他们共同努力履行对这个国家的诺言。 我想感谢我在这个旅程中的搭档,一个全心全意参加竞选的男人,一个为同他...

2015---2016学年英语周报高二课标第9期book5 unit4 making the n_百度...
41-45 DBDCA 46-50 DADDB 51-55 BCBCC 56-60 BCDAC 61. delighted know 63. so 64. as 65. It 66. beinginterviewed 67. on \/ upon asked 69. which 70.Only 短文改错:71. ... in Saturday night. in → on 72. ... Dad don't k...

1-5 DCABB 6-10 ACCAD 11-15 BBAAC 16-20CBDCA 21. To find 22.covered 23. were invited 25. into 27. giving 28.that \/ who 29. performance 30.before 31. ... see off ... see→ saw 32. ... wait room ... wait→ waiting...

攸柄18868286045问: 爱心行动 用英文怎么说 -
南开区虎力回答: Charity Activity

攸柄18868286045问: 这几个词用英文怎么说 -
南开区虎力回答: 垃圾食品junk food 慈善活动charity activity 长沙发couch(坐卧两用的长沙发)davenport(可坐两三个人的长沙发,尤指沙发床) 像沙发一样的躺椅chaise longue (法语)补充的是sofa potato

攸柄18868286045问: 英语翻译我们应该尽可能花多的时间计划这次慈善活动.We( )to spend ( )( )time( )we can ( )this charity activity. -
南开区虎力回答:[答案] We(ought)to spend (as much) time ( as ) we can (planning) this charity activity. ought to do sth 应该做某事 spend some time (in) doing sth 花费时间做某事

攸柄18868286045问: 「公益活动」一词在英文中最准确的翻译是什么? -
南开区虎力回答: 翻译不是字对字,语境不同,译法也不一样. 英语中的活动,经常用的是 campaign A campaign is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achieve something such as social or political change. 译文:运动是...

攸柄18868286045问: 用英文翻译:他一直乐于参与慈善活动 -
南开区虎力回答: He's be willing to do the charity activity

攸柄18868286045问: 她做了很多慈善活动,关心那些需要帮助的人用英语怎么说 -
南开区虎力回答: 英语:She has done a lot of charity activities, caring for those who need help.句子解释: charity 英[ˈtʃærəti] 美[ˈtʃærɪti] n. 慈善(行为); 施舍,捐助; 慈善机关; 仁爱,宽容; [例句]The National Trust is a registered charity. 全国托管...

攸柄18868286045问: 急找英语作文高手解决2
南开区虎力回答: Dear 王心(的拼音记得分开):Next Sunday 花样(这两个字的拼音记得要分开) Square of our city will organize a charity activity named "love will more you and I" . The purpose is ask somebady for money to help the children who are in need. ...

攸柄18868286045问: 求一篇九年级水平的英语作文今天上午你们班举行了爱心义卖(charity sale)活动,同学们把自制的飞行模型,风筝等手工艺品带到操场义卖.本次活动进展... -
南开区虎力回答:[答案] March 12th Thursday, This morning our class had a charity sale on our school playground,All of my classmates joined in the activity.They took their model planes,kites and other handicrafts to the charity sale,At the begining of the charity sale,many ...

攸柄18868286045问: 《英语作文翻译》如果你是英语高手,请进…非真人勿进,??!!谢谢啦
南开区虎力回答:I'm Lihui.I want to raise money to help children who has problems.So i want to organize a charity activity.The name called 'Love touched me'. It'll be held in next Sunday.I plan to take part in this activity. I learn many things that many children need ...

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