
作者&投稿:郝昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Business casual or formal. You would usethis if the recipient is someone you haven't met in real life.Cordially Formal. Used in business correspondencewhen the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflictbetween the sender and the recipient.Using an ending...

在牛津字典中,Business Casual 被定义为“A style of clothing that is less formal than traditional business wear, but is still intended to give a professional and businesslike impression.”,翻译起来也是简单明了:没有传统商务装正式,但依旧有那种商务正式感的感觉。Business Casual 保留了正装...

carrying bags of the students and teachers dressed in casual clothes on the street laughing with joy to return home. Also looking forward to this holiday season seems to give them plenty of rest and pleasant memories.--- ⑶ 2010 Nian 2 Yue Saturday, 6 Today, my cousin and her...

the pure.the bright,the beautiful, 一切纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的,that stirred our hearts in youth, 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的,the impulses to wordless prayer, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的,the dreams of love and truth; 让我们梦想着爱与真理的;the longing after something's lost, 在失去...

Clothes: formal clothes, suit, informal clothes, casual clothes shirt, trousers, tie, bow tie, uniform Transportation: bus, train, subway, tube, metro, taxi, cab Magazine reporters: housing magazine, entertainment magazine, sports magazine, economy magazine, IT magazine Listening situation: shopping...

有些餐厅有服装仪容规定(dress code),像是米其林餐厅都至少要穿轻便西装(business casual 或 *** art casual);也有餐厅要求必须留下能够致电确认订位的电话,如果打电话找不到人,订位会被取消。订位时请留意页面上的餐厅公告。研究菜单 有些餐厅会随当日备料变换菜色,网站上不一定会公布菜单。...

and optimistic at every step, longitudinal the world.Monkey business casual shoes to play, comfortable high quality cast true to the style, symbol of strength, a model of elegance to your leisure or business, whether in negotiations, can calmly show the charm of success....


(随便,随意,随性)这三个单词的区别在哪? 中文博大精神。具体意思要看你怎么用。 比如说 你说一个人很随便,是滥交?还是说他不修边幅?英文是两个词喔。但是中文就一个词搞定了。 具体您可以参考 at will (随性 跟 随意 我个人觉得差不多的) casual Verwendung, Anwendung, Ver...

钱包 wallet(男士)purse(女士)手表 watch 其他(太阳眼镜,手套,领带)others( sunglasses, glove, tie)Footwear 运动鞋 sportshoes 休闲鞋 leisure-shoes 靴子 boots Men’s apparel 运动服 Sports wears or activewear 休闲服 leisure wear 休闲裤 casual pants 短裤 shorts ...

尉福15913097082问: business casual怎么穿? -
临潭县依星回答: 表示B C是介于正装与休闲装之间的一种服饰.牛仔裤绝对不能出现.男生可以白衬衫(休闲西装外套看天气如何)+休闲西装裤+休闲皮鞋,注意,不要运动鞋.女生可以仿照OL的打扮.或者白衬衫/肉色类衣服(小西装外套看天气冷暖)+一步裙/休闲西装裤+皮鞋.注意.也是不可以运动鞋的.妆的话要淡妆.还有包包,不要太休闲的包包.一般OL背的那种就可以.

尉福15913097082问: Business Casual 应该怎么穿 -
临潭县依星回答: Business :不能穿球鞋、拖鞋、牛仔裤、帽衫、无领衫. Casual :不用打领带. 上身推荐各色衬衣,纯色、修身为佳,最好不要穿休闲衬衣, Dress Shirt 为妙,切忌花哨. 下身推荐深色西裤、休闲裤(黑色、深灰、深咖啡色). 鞋子必须为皮鞋(突...

尉福15913097082问: Business Casual是什么样的衣服?内容是welcome party -
临潭县依星回答: “Business Casual”的出现,使得办公室环境不再令人窒息,白领女性真该为此庆祝一番.不过,到底什么才是真正的“Business Casual”呢?休闲职业装是整洁清爽、轻快又不失稳重的服饰,千万别将它等同于开派对或外出逛街吃饭穿的...

尉福15913097082问: 商务便装用英语怎么说 -
临潭县依星回答: 商务便装Business Casual 这到底是什么鬼!维基百科定义如下:Business casual is an ambiguously defined dress code that has been adopted by many professional and white-collar workplaces in Western countries. It entails neat yet casual attire ...

尉福15913097082问: 西方社交场合怎么穿 -
临潭县依星回答: 一,White Tie或者说是Ultra-formal这是最最正式的场合,什么授勋仪式、宫廷晚宴之类的,我们平常百姓大概一辈子也碰不上一次.男士要穿燕尾服(tailcoat),配套的是白色马甲,白色衬衫,白色领结.裤子两侧有两道笔直的竖条.裤子不用...

尉福15913097082问: business casual 具体指什么样的风格和衣服 -
临潭县依星回答: BusinessCasual 商务休闲装,既是带有商务风格的休闲装 你可以从中文的翻译来理解,大概就是既有商务风格,又不过分严肃,可以带有一些时尚感觉.我认为主要是一个靠感觉来把握的概念.当然这种东西肯定是图片更为直观,推荐题主在各大搜索引擎输入关键词BusinessCasual直接参考图片更为直观.

尉福15913097082问: business casual是什么意思? -
临潭县依星回答: 商务休闲

尉福15913097082问: 美国MBA面试着装有什么讲究?
临潭县依星回答: 您好,很高兴能够回答您的问题 1. 商务正装 Business formal 长袖衬衫+领带+西装外套+西裤+皮鞋(男) 长袖衬衫+西装外套+西裤/裙子+皮鞋(女) 一条的连衣裙+西装...

尉福15913097082问: 美国MBA面试女生穿什么?
临潭县依星回答: 美国MBA面试中,除了交流上的礼仪,着装也很重要,下面,天道留学小编为您讲解美国MBA面试着装的一些要点,希望对大家有所帮助. 1. 商务正装 Business formal ...

尉福15913097082问: 翻译这个:business casual什么样的服装搭配才算business casual? -
临潭县依星回答:[答案] 职业休闲装,比如现在很多西服都设计得很随意,不像以前那么死板,颜色和款式也多了很多,就是所谓的休闲西装

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