
作者&投稿:阮富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

CAD 的基本知识是什么
V(VIEW) -V(-VIEW)视图对话框 VP(DDVPOINT)设置三维观察方向 -VP(VPOINT)使用坐标值或角度定义三维视图 W(WBLOCK)写块 -W(-WBLOCK) WE(WEDGE)创建三维实体并使其倾斜面沿 X 轴方向 X(EXPLODE)将合成对象分解为其部件对象 XA(XATTACH)将外部参照附着到当前图形 XB(XBIND)外部参照绑定对话框 -XB(-XBIND)...

set off和set out有什么区别?
set off与set out的区别如下:1.set out和set off都有出发的意思,set off更含开始(旅行、赛跑等)的意思,set out意思是从某地出发上路 。例:what time are you planning to set off tommorrow?你明天打算几点钟启程?they've set off on a journey round the world.他们已经开始环游世界.she s...


Array:拼版或陈列 参考资料:http:\/\/\/html\/jishuwenzhang\/20090225\/2598.html

80386和某些486主板采用这种封装形式。 PGA(Pin Grid Array Package)芯片封装形式在芯片的内外有多个方阵形的插针,每个方阵形插针沿芯片的四周间隔一定距离排列。根据引脚数目的多少,可以围成2-5圈。安装时,将芯片插入专门的PGA插座。为使CPU能够更方便地安装和拆卸,从486芯片开始,...

数组是什么意思 最好详细点!
a:array [1..10] of integer;i,s:integer;begin for i:=1 to 10 do read(a[i]);for i:=10 downto 1 do write(a[i],' ');writeln;s:=0;for i:=1 to 10 do s:=s+a[i];writeln('s=',s);end.例2:用筛法求100以内的素数(质数)。分析:素数是除了1和它本身以外没有...

小)写字符状态输入小(大)写字符)Ctrl(Control,控制键)Alt(Alter,转换键)Insert,Delete(插入、删除)Home,End(我文书时用于回到文书开头、结尾的键)Page Up,Page Down(向前、后翻页键)Num lock(数字锁定键)Scroll lock(屏幕滚动锁定键)Enter(确认键、也有回车换行的作用)...


Gaze upon him -- ponder him well -- and then say if you can give your honest votes to a creature who has earned this dismal array of titles by his hideous crimes, and dares not open his mouth in denial of any one of them! There was no possible way of getting out of it, and ...

free pascal 的保留字的意思是什么?
type daytype=(sun,min,tue,wed,thu dri,sat);(13)of (见case、array、set、file)3、语句专用符号 (14)case 分情况语句 格式:case 表达式 of 常数表1:语句1;常数表2:语句2;……常数表n:语句n;else 语句 n+1 end (15)do (见for、while)(16)downto (见for)...

夷高19616013845问: carry的词组 -
平原县涵雪回答: 1 carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成 2 carry on 开展;维持;继续 3 carry to 把什么拿到哪里 4 carry for 为了谁拿什么一般后面家人 5 carry away 6 carry forward 发扬, 结转 7 carry through 帮(某人)渡过难关; 使(某人)保持勇气 8 carry...

夷高19616013845问: carry sth.down the road什么意思啊,例句,谢了 -
平原县涵雪回答: 把东西沿路搬走

夷高19616013845问: carry him down the road -
平原县涵雪回答: carry him down the road 这一路上驮着他.

夷高19616013845问: What I need to do is carry out the plan as arranged. 为什么不是carrying而要用carry? -
平原县涵雪回答: 这里的carry是省略了to 的不定式作表语, 表示动作还没有发生, 由主从"需要我去做的事"推断出来的..如用动名词(car...

夷高19616013845问: carry的词组及例句 -
平原县涵雪回答: carry about 带着;随身携带 1. Those who have much to carryabout within them have little to fulfill.那些心中牵挂的事情多的人能够完成的事情就少. carry away 运走;使失去自制力 1. Several houses in the village were carried away when the river ...

夷高19616013845问: Because the weather was very hot ,he carried the bed on to the roof of his horse.介词为什麽用两个 -
平原县涵雪回答: 这很正常,介词有事可以连用.这里的on表示向上的意思,用up代替更好. carry the bed up to the roof. 相似的用法还有: Get the cleaner from behind the door. 从门后把吸尘器拿出来、

夷高19616013845问: carry、pull、push的区别.详细解答,举例说明. 5分钟内悬赏20分.
平原县涵雪回答: carry(a) support the weight of (sb/sth) and take (him/it) from place to place; take from one place to another 携带, 搬运, 传送, 运送(某人[某物]): carry shopping, a suitcase, a rucksack, etc 携带着购买的东西﹑ 手提箱﹑ 背包等 * a train ...

夷高19616013845问: the big box is too heavy for me to carry.为什么不加it -
平原县涵雪回答: the big box is too big (for me) to carry too...to是固定句型,表示太···而不能.the box 是主语,后面的 too heavy for me to carry 是一个小的短语在本句充当表语修饰主语,整句话 the big box(主语)is(系)too heavy to carry(表)这个箱子太重了搬不了

夷高19616013845问: The young man is -- carry that heavy bag. A.strong enough to B.enough strong to C.not strong enough -
平原县涵雪回答: A.strong enough to 是对 的 be +adj+enough+ to do sth是足够...做某事,固定短语 祝你进步

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