
作者&投稿:但陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

示例:Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。二、helpful 英 ['helpfl]     美 ['helpfl]adj. 有帮助的;有用的 示例:These things are helpful for my life.而且对我的生活是有帮助的。三、grateful 英 ['ɡreɪtfl]  ...

You o are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. 你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。 We never knew o people better suited to each other. 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。 You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。 2. 新婚 God b...

⑤It’s okay to fall apart for a little while . You don’t always have to pretend to be strong , and there is no need to constantly prove that everything is going well. (偶尔崩溃一下没关系。你不必假装坚强,没有必要一直都要证明一切都进展顺利)⑥May you be fathful to ...

When you're all alone in the lands of forever,Lay under the milky way,On and on it's getting too late out,I'm not in love this time this night.(la la la la)Take some time,Mellow out,Party up,But don't fall down,Don't get caught,Sneak out of the house.nobody's...

The class are, in general, very bright.总的说来, 这个班级的学生都很聪明。What a nice bright day!今天天气多晴朗!The guard blew his whistle,...I wore my caot,with golden lining,bright colours shining,worderful and new.穿上彩衣,镶金色毛带,神奇而鲜艳亮色有光彩。五、常见句型用作形容词(...

As far as I concerned, there are many advantages in using inter such as helping us study, relaxing our nerve after class and geting usdful information much faster than regular ways. On the other side, long time of inter surfing would be bad for our health and makes us less interested in...

D双音节形容词按上述两条规则之一变化。以ful或re结尾的词通常添加more和most:doubtful more doubtful most doubtful obscure more obscure most obscure 以er,y或ly结尾的通常加er和est:clever cleverer cleverest pretty prettier prettiest(注意y变成i)silly sillier silliest E不规则的变化有:bad ...

暮光之城小说中的经典台词拜托了各位 谢谢
Isabella Swan: [to Edward] I know what you are. You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change colour and you never eat or come out into the sun. Edward Cullen:"Say it out loud. Say it. " Isabella Swan: ...Vampire. " 贝拉:我知道...

新年的祝颂语in english
Kung Hei Fat Choy = 恭喜发财 Have a safly family = 合家安康 Have a builtyful day = 梦想成真 Healthy body = 身体健康 Have a good job everyday = 学业猛进\/学业进步 May you be fortunate = 大吉大利 May you excel at your studies = 学业进步 May you be happy all the time =...

And once they are done, they expect absolution.But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness.Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.Most who disclose revengeful motives marry the punishment that follows. Only the truly repentant at any right at ...

吉刘17160925225问: careful reading是什么意思 -
东海县维尼回答: careful reading 仔细阅读网络释义 1. 精心阅读 2. 精读,熟读 3. 细看 例句:1. However, a more careful reading reveals that plato maps out both the paths of ascentand of descent. 但是,更仔细的阅读展示出柏拉图描绘了升与降两条路的途径.

吉刘17160925225问: 什么是careful reading -
东海县维尼回答: carefully reading. 中文意思: 仔细阅读. 因为用现在分词, 用副词carefully 修饰.

吉刘17160925225问: 英语阅读分为 reading.careful reading吗? -
东海县维尼回答: skimming,scanning,本身就是fast reading的两种阅读形式,前者是跳读,主要用于抓文章中心或作者的写作意图;后者是略读,也就是快速浏览,用于理解文章结构和与中心有关的细节. fast reading和careful reading是另外一种说法,既快速阅读和仔细阅读,careful reading是用来掌握文章事实细节的.

吉刘17160925225问: 高中英语fast reading和careful reading后各设置什么样的问题? -
东海县维尼回答: 1.查找地点,特征就可以fast reading.有目的去寻找就ok2.正误判断careful reading属于事实细节题 即通过阅读全文,对文中叙述的事实、细节进行理解或判断.此类题型一般分两种.一种是考查原文细节本身,一种是考查某些细节在文中的意义.细节题有常见的几种表现形式:例证题(文中举例的作用),是非判断题,数字和年代,和一些细节内容(what,wher,who,how,which,why)常见的问题形式有:①Which of thefollowing statements is true/false?②Which of thefollowing shows the right order of....?

吉刘17160925225问: fast reading和reading fast有区别吗 -
东海县维尼回答: 有 前面的是名词 快速阅读 后面的是读地快的意思 fast是副词 修饰动词read

吉刘17160925225问: 英语四级的题型都有什么 -
东海县维尼回答: 英语四级题型及分数分配 一、听力理解(35%,共249分); 二、阅读理解(35%,共249分); 三、综合测试(15%,共106分); 四、写作(15%,共106分); 其中,听力理解分为四小题,一、短对话;二、长对话;(都是选择题)(共10%),三、短文理解:选择题 四、复合听写(共20%) 阅读理解分为三小部分,一、快速阅读(10%)(是非+句子填空或其他),二、仔细阅读,(25%)包括“篇章阅读理解”:选择题,“词汇理解”:选词填空 三、综合测试包括:(一)、完型填空或改错:选择题或改错(5%);篇章回答或句子翻译:简短回答或中译英(10%)

吉刘17160925225问: 英语四级都有哪些内容 -
东海县维尼回答: 听力理解、阅读理解、综合测试和写作测试.听力理解部分的比例提高到 35% ,其中听力对话占 15% ,听力短文占 20% .听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括短文听写和选择题型的短文理解;听力题材选用对话...

吉刘17160925225问: 任务型阅读迅速提高的方法 -
东海县维尼回答: 一、熟悉题型的特点 任务型阅读是由文字和图表共同组成的,先给出一篇短文,可能是记叙文、说明文或议论文,题材广泛,涉及人文、地理、历史、体育等各个领域,然后以图表形式展示文中的信息,给出10个空格让学生填出正确词汇,这...

吉刘17160925225问: 高中英语fast reading和careful reading后各设置什么样的问题?什么类型的题目属于fast reading后可以设置的?什么样的是careful reading后可以设置的?如... -
东海县维尼回答:[答案] 1.查找地点,特征就可以fast reading.有目的去寻找就ok2.正误判断careful reading属于事实细节题即通过阅读全文,对文中叙述的事实、细节进行理解或判断.此类题型一般分两种.一种是考查原文细节本身,一种是考查某些细...

吉刘17160925225问: 大学英语新四级考试分值分布?? -
东海县维尼回答: 试点阶段的四级考试主要由听力理解、阅读理解、完型填空或改错、写作和翻译四部分组成.其中听力理解部分分值比例为35%,阅读理解为35%,完型填空或改错部分为10%,写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%,其中写作部分15%,翻译部分5...

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