
作者&投稿:施古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(h) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible in any event for loss or damage to, or in connection with, goods if the nature or value thereof has been knowingly mis-stated by the shipper in the bill of lading.6. Goods of an inflammable, explosive or dangerous nature to ...

They live in France. 他们住在法国。 2.(表示时间)在…时期, 在…之后, 在过程中 In her twenties and thirties she had had no difficulty getting jobs. 她在二三十岁时找工作一点也不困难。 I cannot see you now, come back in half an hour. 我现在不能见你, 半小时后回来。 3.(表...

英语I went for an infusion today怎么翻译?
I went for an infusion today:我今天去输液了 关键词语:infusion:英 [ɪnˈfjuːʒn] 美 [ɪnˈfjuːʒn]n. 灌输;浸泡;注入物;激励 [ 复数 infusions ]相关短语:infusion set 输液器 ; 输液装置 ; 小儿吊瓶 ; 输液器具 infusion jar ...

She came back to the classroom for she had left her books in the classroom. 她返回到教室是因为把书留在了那里。 from 从..., 来自..., 因为...。 Where are you from? 你是哪里人? He died from an accident. 他死于一场事故。 in 在..., 在...之内,从事于..., 按照..., 穿着......

求英语中 for, in ,on的用法
in“在里面”和“中间”②;at表示小地点, “入口、车站、电影院”③;home出现定语、冠, 须用in把at换④;“夜间、车辆”若有限, 及“在途中”on在前⑤。注: ①在表示地点时,指“在……之上(与表面接触)” “靠近、接壤”及“在左右边”都用on。例 There is an English-Chinese ...

Only a few students are in the classroom.只有几个学生在教室里。定冠词的用法。1) 定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同类中其他的人或事物。The bag in the desk is mine.桌子里的书包是我的。Is this the book you are looking for?这是你要找的书吗?Do you know the man ...

javascript中for in用法
document.write("for in用法举例--数组");var obj=["zhao","liang","zl","an"];for(var j in obj){ document.write("索引"+j+"、"+obj[j]+"");} document.write("for in用法举例--对象");var obj2={"name":"zl","age":"24","sex":"男"};for(var j in obj2){ docume...

for, to和of的区别是什么?
Let me pick it up for you.让我为你捡起来。Watching TV too much is bad for yourhealth.看电视太多有害于你的健康。4. 表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如:I usually do the running for an hourin the morning.我早晨通常跑步一小时。We will stay there for two days.我们将在那里...

友友们,请帮我找一篇英语论文,题目:Active Learning in the...
In this way the English classroom, the teacher is considered to be a prophet of knowledge of English, as in a limited period of time provided for in the language learning content to teach students an important task. Classroom teachers are at the center, is a leading teaching and learning ...

ask for an increase in salary 为什么要在for后加an?

泷志15582921439问: may与can的用法有什么不同
宁津县头孢回答: Can 的用法: (1)“can”表达能力句型 can + V …(=be able to + V…) 例:I can do it in another way.(=I am able to do it in another way.) (我能以别的方法来做这件事.) 例:He said he couldn't walk any step farther. (=He said he was unable ...

泷志15582921439问: 情态动词的用法 -
宁津县头孢回答:[答案] Grammar—Modal-verb Ⅰ.情态动词 一、can/could 1.表示能力时 was/were able to 具体做成某件事(=managed to do ) could 只表示能够 2.can+感官动词 can taste/ see/ hear/ smell/ feel/ believe/ decide/ understand 3.can表示惊讶、不敢相信 Eg: How...

泷志15582921439问: 各种各样的句子求英霸们帮忙解惑 -
宁津县头孢回答: 英语句子按照用途可分为:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四种.疑问句包括:一般疑问、特殊疑问、选择疑问、附加疑问、感叹疑问和反问句.(详细讲解各种分类的定义和特点)英语句子按照其复杂程度可分为:简单句、并列句和复合句...

泷志15582921439问: 英语被动语态 -
宁津县头孢回答:[答案] 被动语态 英语中时态很多,但语态不多,只有两种,即:主动语态和被动语态.今天我们着重讲被动语态. 1. 定义:被动语态... 例如中文常说:我被他打,这就是一种被动.但有时由于句子结构上的需要也要用被动,例如It is not unusual for workers in ...

泷志15582921439问: it was really stupid—him to refuse the invitatio -
宁津县头孢回答: for him to refuse the invitation 是实际主语, it 代替它是形式主语 In Spring time, he Earth is like a child that knows poems. 春天的地球像个会作诗的孩子.

泷志15582921439问: 如何区分instead和however -
宁津县头孢回答: however 与instead的区别 首先要明确,instead和however不是连词,而是副词. 其次,however解释为“然而”,表示一种转折,说明后面陈述的内容与前面的内容相反. instead虽然也表示转折,但它的意思更侧重于“取而代之”这层意思...

泷志15582921439问: can't wait for , can't wait to do sth. 与 can't wait doing sth.三者有什么不同? -
宁津县头孢回答: can't wait for不能等待 can't wait to do sth不能等待做某事;迫不及待地要求做某事. 没有can't wait doing sth 只有could not help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事 eg; I can't wait for you 我不能等你 eg; I can't wait to watch TV 我等不及去看电视 eg:He could not help laughing 他情不自禁笑了起来 没有can't wait doing sth的用法

泷志15582921439问: 初中英语范围内 动词(+.)+to+.或者动词(+.)+for+.的固定搭配整理 -
宁津县头孢回答:[答案] 1 be good at /do well in擅长于做某事 2 be busy (in) doing 忙于做某事 3 find great pleasure in 4 be interested in 5 spend+时间/钱(in) doing sth.花…做某事 6 be helpful in/for 7 lose oneself in 8 have problem/difficulty/trouble(in) doing 做某事感到有困...

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