
作者&投稿:弭战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有关秘鲁的介绍 要求西班牙语中文翻译 1000字以上
El habitante de perú conserva muchos costumbres de los espa�0�9oles.como por ejemblo,a ellos les gustan muchísimos las peleas de gallos,la corrida,también les gustan la película,y el teatro.y viajar.hacen un viaje contestantemente por la región cultural y...

一分两分的分 做量词 英文怎样翻译?
coining of silver pennies ceased with the reign of Charles II, apart from a small regular issue as Maundy money [with negative](a penny)used for emphasis to denote no money at all 身无分文,不名一文(用于强调)we didn't get paid a penny.我们一便士也没得到。cent noun a mo...

c'est un jeune peintre que j'ai rencontré dans une exposition de peinture. Il était sympa et bavard. Nous nous avons partagé beaucoup d'idées sur la culture,en particulier la peinture. Il est optimiste,juste comme le soleil qu'il a décrit dans ses peintures. Nous sommes ...

New York is one of the biggest cities in America.Lesson Eight is easier than Lesson Ten.West Lake is the most beautiful lake in China.Can you show me the fastest way to the postoffice?His room is more bright than yours.She works as hard as Jane.My aunt has a black cat ...

求diam's的jeune demoiselle歌词及翻译!!
Jeune demoiselle recherche un mec mortel Un mec qui pourrait me donner des ailes Un mec fidèle et qui n'a pas peur qu'on l'aime Donc si t'as les critères babe laisse moi ton e-mail Dans mes rêves mon mec à moi à la voix de mes ...Il a du charme et du style...

Though there are many international students here in this school, students from China make up the majority of them and everyone speaks Chinese. As a result, I feel I have learnt none of the real American culture and neither have I become part of the true life of the American ...

■(play someone for)treat someone as being of (a specified type) 将某人看作(某种类型的人) don't imagine you can play me for a fool. 别以为你能把我当傻瓜。 ■(play a trick\/joke on)behave in a deceptive or teasing way towards 欺骗,逗弄 [with obj.]perform on (a musical ...

求英语大神帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文,不要翻译器翻的!要注意语法!【亲 ...
As the student from different countries,when you show me the text books and uniform of your school.I can feel the difference in culture of two countries,which makes me interested,and looking forward to go there one day.(你说的向往啥意思,我这里翻译的是希望有一天能够去那里)...

怎么汽车喇叭都被译成小号了?在过道里存放自行车者将被处以5-10元的罚款。Parking bicycle in the corridor shall be subject to a fine of 5 to 10 yuan.医院附近不准小贩叫卖,不准按喇叭,以免影响病人休息。To refrain from disturbing patients, no hawkers and honking are allowed around the...

Dear,Very glad to hear from you again!You can feel what a happy life my daughter and I lived from the DV I sent you today.I was divorced on 20 Jul.2004, since then I have been lived by myself. My daughter will come back to me on holidays, and sometimes I went to ...

长兴虽18230569535问: cameras什么意思 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: camera[英]['kæmərə][美][ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə]n.照相机; 摄影机; 复数:cameras

长兴虽18230569535问: Camera中文怎么说? -
万柏林区盐酸回答:[答案] camera 英['kæmərə] 美[ˈkæmərə,ˈkæmrə] n.照相机;摄影机 名词复数:cameras [例句]Panono :panoramic ball camera ,$499 Panono:全景球形照相机,499美元

长兴虽18230569535问: 高清网络枪机用英语怎么说 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: 高清网络枪机 HD network cameras

长兴虽18230569535问: 请问照相机用英语怎么写? -
万柏林区盐酸回答: camema

长兴虽18230569535问: 摄像机外壳厂家用英语怎么说 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: 摄像机外壳厂家 Camera shell manufacturer 摄像机 [词典] camera; vidicon; walkie-lookie; pickup camera; telecamera; [例句]摄影师用摄像机为后代记录下了这个场景.A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity

长兴虽18230569535问: 傻瓜相机用英语怎么说 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: automatic miniature camera 傻瓜相机 注:camera 英 [ˈkæmərə] 美 [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə] n. 照相机; 摄影机; [其他] 复数:cameras

长兴虽18230569535问: lt'sjenny'scamera的翻译 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: lt's jenny's camera 中文意思是:是珍妮的相机 也可以读作:It's Jeanne's 英 [ˈkæmərə] 美 [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə] n.照相机;摄影机 复数: cameras

长兴虽18230569535问: 所有的古老的电影摄像机用英语怎么翻译 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: 翻译如下:所有的古老的电影摄像机 All the old movie cameras

长兴虽18230569535问: 求指教,“摄影摄像”翻译成英语怎么说 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: 摄影摄像 [词典] photography and vedio recording; [例句]中国电影电视技术学会摄影摄像专业委员会委员. Member of the Professional Photography Committee, China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

长兴虽18230569535问: IR cameras要怎么翻译?IR指什么??谢谢 -
万柏林区盐酸回答: IR CAMERA 网络释义 IR CAMERA:红外线摄影机 | 摄像机 | 红外一体摄像机 IR 基本翻译 红外辐射(Infrared Radiation);

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