
作者&投稿:函之 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

All things are difficult before they are easy.(凡事必先难后易。) [放弃投机取巧的幻想。] 8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。) 9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。) 10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the ...

红警中的英文:Among the Red Police Police 读法 英 [pə'liːs]     美 [pə'liːs]n. 警察;警方 v. 维持治安;管辖;监督 例句 1、United Nation forces are sent to police the troubled area.联合国部队被派去维持该动乱地区的秩序。2、Hundreds of military ...

games, team can win the championship.9、我不尊重任何人,包括乔丹,因为我要胜利。I don't respect anyone, including Jordan, because I want to win.10、我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科比-布莱恩特。I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be kobe Bryant....

“Hey listen, you know you don’t have to be up on your high horse all the time. You are actually on the same level like us.” 「喂,听着,你可以不用一直表现得自以为是、高人一等的样子。你其实跟我们是同个等级的。」10. to be holier than thou 表示表现得很正义,或是很...

1,《Hero》《Hero》是由美国流行女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉演唱的一首歌曲。歌曲由玛利亚·凯莉与华特·亚凡瑟夫谱写,作为第二支单曲收录在玛利亚·凯莉第三张录音室专辑《Music Box》中,于1993年10月19日由哥伦比亚唱片公司发行。2,《Through The Rain》《Through The Rain》是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉演唱的...

砰砰一路进房间吧 我知道你想要,一首英文歌的歌词大意
When it be going like that boom boom,当我听到嘣嘣的声音,girl i want to put you all up in my room.女孩,我想把你在我房间抱起。I wanna put you all up against that wall.我想把你抵住墙。Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off.把你扔到床上和把你的衣服脱掉。Eve...

...tomorrow morning?---___.See you then. A.All righ.
A 试题分析:考查交际用语。A好的。B请再说一次;C快点;D不是真的这样;句意:—我们明天10点见面怎么样?—好的。那时见。根据句意说明A正确。点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语...

翻译git fresh唱的Booty的歌曲,翻译成中文,只要第一段就行!
When it be going like that boom boom,当它会像那砰砰的 girl i want to put you all up in my room.女孩,我想把你推进我的房间。I wanna put you all up against that wall.我要把你按在墙上 Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off.把你扔到床上再把你的衣服脱掉。Every...

Living Rosters - The 2K Insider and his team of NBA analysts continue to keep NBA 2K10 fresh with up-to-date team and player information, including roster and lineup moves, trades, injuries and player ratings. Now track all of the changes through the season with interactive ...

Jack: Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no ...

戢盆19481518878问: c#编程实现 键盘录入10个学生的姓名存入一维数组, 再利用foreach依次读取显示 -
贵港市鞣酸回答: 控制台程序: using System;namespace Sample {class Program{static void Main(string[] args){string[] student = new string[10];for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){Console.WriteLine("请输入第{0}个学生姓名:",i+1);student[i] = Console....

戢盆19481518878问: 英语翻译给十个学生打电话 -
贵港市鞣酸回答: make phone calls to / give a ring to / phone / call (up) / ring (up) ten students

戢盆19481518878问: 怎样才能准确记忆有关call的几个短语的意思 -- call on, call at, call for, call upon, call out, call up -
贵港市鞣酸回答: 解答:这几个短语确实非常不容易记忆,我们先弄清它们的意思,然后再来记忆!call on/upon表示"短暂访问",后面常接人作宾语;用于正式场合时,表示"要求(某人)做某事".Both sides were called on to observe the ceasefire.双方都...

戢盆19481518878问: C语言:有10个学生,每个学生的数据包括学号、姓名、3门课的成绩,从键盘输入10个学生的数据, -
贵港市鞣酸回答: #include<stdio.h> struct Student { char name[100];//名字 char num[100];//学号 double class1;//第一门课成绩 double class2;//第二门课成绩 double class3;//第三门32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333365653261课...

戢盆19481518878问: 编写程序处理10个学生的信息,每个学生的信息包括:学号、姓名、三门成绩 -
贵港市鞣酸回答: 望采纳,缺分啊~~#include"stdio.h"struct student{ int num; char name[15]; int math, Chinese, English; int ave; };ma...

戢盆19481518878问: 在句子中Callup需要大写吗? -
贵港市鞣酸回答: 在句中call up不需要大写. 在句子中间只有人名,地名,星期,月份的首字母,我I,需要大写.还有一些复合地名需要大写. call up英文释义 叫醒,[军]召集,朝上方叫喊,给…打电话

戢盆19481518878问: call for,call off,call on,call up有哪些区别?求精锐详解. -
贵港市鞣酸回答: 1、call for 音:英 [kɔ:l fɔ:] 美 [kɔl fɔr] 翻译:要求;需要;去接(某人);去取(某物) 2、call off 音:英 [kɔ:l ɔf] 美 [kɔl ɔf] 翻译:取消;点名;转移(某人的注意力等);把…叫走 3、call on 音;英 [kɔ:l ɔn] 美 [kɔl ɑn] 翻译:号召;...

戢盆19481518878问: A) calls on B) calls for C) calls up D) calls off 的区别,谢谢啦 -
贵港市鞣酸回答: call on:拜访,访问,号召,呼吁 call for:去接(某人), 去取(某物),需要,要求 call up:朝上方叫喊 ,美〉给…打电话, 〈英〉叫醒,【军】召集,使回忆起 call off:把…叫走,取消; 停止 ,转移(某人的注意力等),点名, 逐一念出

戢盆19481518878问: 如何区分call up 和call on -
贵港市鞣酸回答: call up打电话;召集,召唤 call on呼吁,约请,拜访 call on 1) 拜访 I'll call on him tomorrow. 明天我去拜访他. 2)号召;呼吁 3)邀请 call up: (1) 打电话给 make a telephone call to [例句]Call me up tomorrow:my telephone number is 536291....

戢盆19481518878问: call up call in call on哪一个有呼吁的意思? -
贵港市鞣酸回答: call on有呼吁的意思.三个词的解释如下: call up 给…打电话;朝上方叫喊; 叫醒,使回忆起 call in叫(某人)进来; 来访;找〔请〕来;用电话通知 call on 拜访;号召,呼吁;要求,请求

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