
作者&投稿:兆昆涛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

老兵级能力:STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER 精英级能力:SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF 精英主武器:M60E 伤害:25 攻击间隔:20 射程:4 伤害对装甲:100%,80%,70%,50%,25%,25%,75%,50%,25%,100%,100 精英副武器:ParaE 伤害:25 攻击间隔:5 射程:7 伤害对装甲:100%,100%,...

红警尤里mod 谁能帮我详解一下以下代码?
UIName=Name:YMCV;中文名,在csf文件里产生中文关联 Name=Yuri Construction Vehicle;没有任何意义Prerequisite=YAWEAP,YAGRND;建造前提 Strength=1000;生命 Category=Support;部队类型 Armor=heavy;装甲 DeploysInto=YACNST;展开成尤里基地 TechLevel=10;科技等级 Sight=8;视野 Speed=4;速度 Owner=Yuri...

1. 剃刀巡洋舰:The sea belongs to the empire.(海是属于天皇老子的)2. 选取:They will submit or die.(他们要么投降,要么就死);Na gi na ta.(自报家门,剃刀);They won't stand against us.(他们不会对着我们干的。);All clear.(清光);where are they hiding?(他们躲拉块去了...

The six scenic areas include the Grand Rockery- the most renowned sight in southeastern China, the Ten Thousand-Flower Pavilion, the Hall of Heralding Spring, the Hall of Jade Magnificence, the Inner Garden, and the Lotus Pool. Yuyuan began as a private garden created by Pan Yunyuan, who...

Phial of Undersight 真视小瓶 暂时获得真视效果可以看见「呢喃男士」和「呢喃女士」Pitchfire 火油 暂时为右手武器附加火炎伤害Poison Arrow 毒素弓箭 造成毒素伤害的弓箭Poison Bolt 毒素弩矢 造成毒素伤害的弩矢Potato 土豆 投掷造成物理伤害Pouch of Salt 小袋盐 可获得100点盐Red Flask 赤壶 回复「生命」n「...

Yaah Baby!呀~宝贝儿! *尤里 Psychic ready.心灵控制准备就绪。 I know your thoughts.我知道你的...Fire on sight.看见就打。 *盟军战舰 Standing by.等待中。 Captain on the bridge.船长在梁上。

Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah 耶...Baby it's timeless (oh baby it's timeless)宝贝,它是永恒的 Timeless 永恒的 Don't let it fade out of sight 我们要它永葆青春 Just let the moments sweep us both away 让此刻带我们远离红尘 (just let the moments)只在此刻 Lifting us to where...

输入测站 S ( X , Y ,H ),仪器高 i ,棱镜高 v ——瞄准后视点 B ,将水平度盘读数设置为 ——瞄准目标棱镜点 T ,按“测量”,即可显示点 T 的三维坐标。 4、点位放样 (Layout) (1)功能:根据设计的待放样点 P 的坐标,在实地标出 P 点的平面位置及填挖高度。 (2)放样原理 1)在大致位置立...

...see, hear, taste, smell, and touch affects y...
小题1:ways sense小题2:减少你周围的噪音,并且听轻松的音乐。小题3:Go and find something beautiful and enjoy the view.小题4:Stop working and focus only on the taste of the food you’re eating.小题5:The following are tips on how to please your senses to reduce stress. ...

Y-(拼)银币。 YY-(拼)1毫无根据的消息或说法。2影牙城堡(副本)。3银英怪物。这是相对精英怪物而出现的词汇,银英怪物的头像都围有一圈银龙。 ZG-(英)Zul'Gurub,祖尔格拉布(副本),有的服务器也称ZUG。 ZS-(拼)战士。 ZUL-(英)Zul'Farrak,祖尔法拉克(副本)。 ZZ-(拼)剃刀沼泽(副本)。 矮子副本-...

只泰13649535544问: 关于by的用法! -
巩留县瑞达回答: by the way顺便, by time,day by day 日渐 little by little一点点one by one 一个接一个 piece by piece 一点一点side by side肩并肩 step by step一步一步by hand 手工 by mistake 错误 by plane乘飞机 by post 邮寄come by bicycle 乘自行车 go by ...

只泰13649535544问: 能否提供些有关sight的词组,,例如by sight for sight -
巩留县瑞达回答: 1.the sight of a place 一个地方的名胜 2.lose one's sight 失明 the sight of sb. 在某人看来 4.a sight of sth. 许多;大量 sight 看得见;在望 6.out of sight 看不见 7.catch sight of 看见 first sight 乍一看;初见 9.set one's sights on 力求;立志于 10.know somebody by sight 面熟 11.sightseeing 游览;观光 12.shortsighted 目光短浅的;近视的

只泰13649535544问: 几个词的区别?by sight 和 by the sight by name 和 by the name -
巩留县瑞达回答:[答案] 词组中用不用定冠词区别很大 如 in the hospital 在医院 in hospital 在医院住院 in the Church 在教堂 in Church 在教堂做礼拜 上面的几个词组都没查到,可以通过在句子中理解

只泰13649535544问: 当by+时间名词 的时候 时态应该是什么样的? -
巩留县瑞达回答: 一般时,完成时,都可以!例句:The documents need to be ready by next Friday. I reckon the film should be over by 9.30. By the end of the day we had sold over 2,000 tickets. By the time we got home we were tired and hungry.

只泰13649535544问: 几个英语问题
巩留县瑞达回答: 1.选择A know by sight 是固定用法,解释为:面熟,(只是)见过(未曾交流) 2.regret的用法: regret to do 接不定式,意思为对要做的事表示遗憾. 这里重点是该事情还未做到 regret doing 对做过的事遗憾、后悔. 重点是该事情已做 例句...

只泰13649535544问: catch sight of 与catch sight by用法区别 -
巩留县瑞达回答:[答案] 问题是没有catch sight by 这样的短语. Don't let me catch sight of you doing it again! 别让我再看到你干这种事了! 来自《用法词典》

只泰13649535544问: 麻烦解答一下这个英文题告诉我选什么,为什么这么选 -
巩留县瑞达回答: 你好,答案选A.chancei haven't imagined the man i knew only by_____turns into my husband now. A.chance B.heart C.sight D.experience 这种题目需要看前后搭配之类的,这里要看byby chance强调偶然意外情况下发生的事情by heart强调凭记忆,牢记某某事by experience 凭经验;通过经判断某事 希望有帮到你,谢谢! 望采纳!

只泰13649535544问: 包含sight的一个 词组表示“看见”的意思 求改词组 -
巩留县瑞达回答: fall in love with someone at first sight. 一见钟情

只泰13649535544问: by的用法 -
巩留县瑞达回答: prep. 被,经,由,在...之旁 ad. 经过,在近处 介词 prep. 在…旁;靠近 near to;beside · Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边. · Stand by me! 站到我的身旁来! · We spent our holiday by the sea. 我们在海边度...

只泰13649535544问: 英语分析题目l probably know him )but not(?) the sight;by name a sight; by name sight;by name the sight;by the name2(?)Mr.Jones called ... -
巩留县瑞达回答:[答案] 1.know him by the sight .but not by the name根据句意 .能认出他来.但不知道名字.(看他才能认出 而不是以名字)所以 by 后面要带 the 特指 by the sight .by the a bad temper 固定结构表示 心情很不好i...

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