
作者&投稿:帛变 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. There are some old cars.(改为单数句) There old . 3. He has a new book.(改为复数句...A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I I J j K k L l M m N n O o P p ...url=CFPQlK_35Xpy5FWUcDPVpIhz_ORrG4bDxzxMaWQBWDvw8Y8OtYHGnLDzLw5auY8NPvkpfKjF1MPo-2TV...

I still remember the author of the book "Aesop" said such a sentence: "the United States over the wisdom of the body of the United States." Yes Ah, some people devoted to the appearance of the axis origin, the United States is now the one, the ugly one is negative, they...

I am a year two postgraduate from China. I am very interested in one of your paper and did some deep reseach on it. However, I am not sure how to check the final result. Would you mind sharing your final result? Thanks a lot....

感到幸运 so lucky 如此幸运 六、例句:1、You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident.你真幸运,经过那场车祸还能生还。2、Some people seem to be always lucky.有些人似乎从来是幸运的。3、I was very lucky to get the book so cheap.我这本书买得这么便宜是很幸运的。

各位英语大神 求助啊
1否定句:Frank didn't read any intererting books about histouy.一般疑问句:Did Frank read any intererting books about histouy? Yes,he did.\/No,he didn't.2.He didn't clean his room just now.Did he clean his room just now? Yes,he did.\\No,he didn't.3.Thomas didn'...

巴金散文 生命

Player haters we just gonna pop some cris 玩世不恭讨厌我的人们我们只是将要向你们亮剑 when we big players finally gonna ball you out.当我们拥有强大的力量之后我们将要让你们遵守我们的轨迹 player haters you gotta put a stop to this,玩世不恭讨厌我的人们你们将要停下做这件事 we ain'...

[f] 发音组合:f ph 代表单词:five life fat photo telephone [θ]发音组合:th 代表单词:think teeth thank both mouth [s] 发音组合:s c 代表单词:seem set say face race ice price [ʃ] 发音组合:sh s ss ch 代表单词:ship fish sure assure machin...

狂玲18834431803问: 短语buysomefruit是什么意思 -
东至县养血回答: 你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:...买些水果 buy some fruit

狂玲18834431803问: buy some fruit什么意思
东至县养血回答: 买一些水果

狂玲18834431803问: Let"s+buy+some+fruit是什么意思
东至县养血回答: 让我们买些水果吧

狂玲18834431803问: 你们打算吃些水果吗? Are you going to buy some fruit?为什么要用some. -
东至县养血回答: 中英文不是一个意思.中文说的是,“你们打算吃...” 而英文则问的是, “你们打算买些...为什么用some? fruit 是可数名词,后面应加s. 用some来表达”几种水果“的意思.希望对你有帮助.

狂玲18834431803问: 你们打算吃些水果吗?Are you going to buy some fruit?为什么要用some.麻烦不懂的不要乱说. -
东至县养血回答:[答案] 中英文不是一个意思.中文说的是,“你们打算吃.” 而英文则问的是,“你们打算买些. 为什么用some?fruit 是可数名词,后面应加s.用some来表达”几种水果“的意思.

狂玲18834431803问: 买些水果的英文是什么 -
东至县养血回答: Buy some fruit.买些水果 What kind of fruit do you want to buy?你想买哪种水果 How much is this fruit?这个水果多少钱

狂玲18834431803问: 买一些水果的单词 -
东至县养血回答: buy some fruit .因为水果是不可数名词,所以不用加s. 关于水果的单词有: olive橄榄 peach桃 pear梨 plum李子 Hami melon哈密瓜 melon甜瓜 papaya木瓜 honeydew melon蜜瓜 pineapple菠萝 sugarcane甘蔗 strawberry草莓 apple 苹果 pear 梨 apricot 杏 peach 桃 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜 orange 橙 lemon 柠檬 mango 芒果 strawberry 草莓 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 mulberry 桑椹

狂玲18834431803问: 这儿有一些水果用英语怎么说 -
东至县养血回答: 答案: 【buy some fruit.】 买一些水果. 【me yc真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

狂玲18834431803问: Honey,let's buy some fruit.是什么意思? -
东至县养血回答:[答案] 亲爱的 ,咱们买点水果吧

狂玲18834431803问: 买水果英语怎么说 -
东至县养血回答: buy some fruits.

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