
作者&投稿:兀有饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1000110110111请按任意键继续. . .include<stdio.h> include<stdlib.h> int getlen(int n){ if(n==0||n==1)return 1;else return getlen(n\/2)+1;} void main(){ int n,t;int a [100];int i;printf("请输入一个十进制数:\\n");scanf("%d",&n);t=getlen(n)-1;for(i=0;...

My love for you never changes (我对你的爱始终不渝)You say anything 言语伤つけ合う言叶でも (你说些什么吧 即使是互相伤害的言语)Say anything 断ち切れない心に (说话吧 在剪不断理还乱的心里)You say anything… Say anything (你说些什么吧...说吧)Now you've gone away (...

《an unforgeuttable help》英语作文
I decided to help them.I bought some books and sent to them,I also gave them money."Best wishes for them!"I thought.Then I got very happy because I tried my best to help them.Roses given,fragrance in hand.So helping others is useful,we can help people all the time.

盲女惊魂记 Waut Until Dark (1967) 丽人行 Two for the Road (1967) 偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million (1966) 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady (1964) 巴黎假期 Paris - When It Sizzles (1964) 谜中迷 Charade (1963) 双姝怨 The Children's Hour (1961) 第凡内早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) 恩怨...

Parliament has voted the town a large sum of money for a new road.国会投票通过为该城镇提供一大笔资金修建一条新公路。(投票)提倡;建议:They voted to give a concert to get some money for the hospital.他们建议举办一次音乐会为该医院弄些钱。公议决定;公认:The musical evening was ...

I met a male who bemoaned the truth that everyone automatically refers to him as black American, despite the fact that he has only recently emigrated from Ghana. "I'm African, but I'm surely no one American," he said. "For census purposes, we're inquired apt fit ourselves ...

I will be waiting for you我会等着你不想再让你看到我痛苦的眼泪you let me know 像谎言般的爱情我不会放弃得 因为是你音译:花样男子 OST 插曲 星光眼泪 Ashily 卡布秀の制作sae ha yan byeol bi chi nun mul eul gan ssa yodda ddeut han ba ram eh nun mul i nae ryeo yogeu dae neu ggi na...

one great thing about volunteering的英语作文?
I’d like to visit old people’s home to clean up for them. I’d also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital. In a word, I’d like to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit...

.DPS,每秒伤害 UT,UT1种聊天工具,很多打团队FB的通过UT来听RL指挥打 国家队,同一服务器的玩家或是同1UT的人组团一起进入某战场 军装,适合PVP的装备 空降,对方或己方人少时突然有国家队进入 空难,对方或己方国家队突然同时退出战场 滑水,打副本时候不专心,也叫摸鱼 下面是一些职业的简称:...

例:I was with my husband for eight years in total. 我和我丈夫在一起总共8年。 扩展资料 total的用法 1、total的基本意思是“总的,全部的”,强调一切都计算在内,有强烈的计算意味,在句中只能作定语,不能作表语。引申可作“完全的,彻底的”解。 2、total无比较级和最高级形式。 3、...

韩乳13462413331问: But for的用法 -
监利县振源回答: but for 表示虚拟语气,相当于without,这里表示一种假设,如果没有摩擦力,人们既不能走也不能站立.表示的是一种虚拟的假设,因此用于现在相反.再者,与现在事实相反应该用过去式,叫时态退位是吧~ 因此选择DB项用于否定应为 weren't able to 故不能选B were able to 的否定式为weren't able to 没有were neither 的用法

韩乳13462413331问: but for 针对不同时态的虚拟语气时态 是怎么变化的 -
监利县振源回答:[答案] 主要是主句变化. 对过去情况的虚拟:but for=without. 主语+情态动词(could、would...)+have done 对现在的虚拟:主语+would do 对将来的虚拟: 主语+would do

韩乳13462413331问: but 和but for 的区别 -
监利县振源回答:二者区别: 一、意思不同: but:但是,表转折. I'm sorry but I can't stay any longer. 很抱歉,我不能再待下去了. but for :倘若没有;若非;要不是 . But for your help, I might have failed. 假如没有你帮忙,我兴许会失败. 二、用法...

韩乳13462413331问: But for和otherwise的虚拟语气该怎么用?? -
监利县振源回答: but for总表示“要不是”,与动词虚拟语气连用 1. But for you everyone has helped. (LEG)除了你之外,大家都帮忙了. 2. But for a half hour or so for lunch I am here all day. (Yeats)除了大约半小时的午饭时间,我整天都在这里. otherwise ['ʌðə...

韩乳13462413331问: But for的用法But for friction,people - _______ - neither walk,nor even stand up.A) can B) were able to C) will be able D) could这里的but for是隐含了虚拟语气吗... -
监利县振源回答:[答案] but for 表示虚拟语气,相当于without,这里表示一种假设,如果没有摩擦力,人们既不能走也不能站立.表示的是一种虚拟的假设,因此用于现在相反.再者,与现在事实相反应该用过去式,叫时态退位是吧~ 因此选择D B项用于否定应为 weren't able ...

韩乳13462413331问: but for 在虚拟语气中应注意什么?
监利县振源回答: 对现在的虚拟:would+do;对过去的虚拟:would(not) + have done. 比如:But for your reasonable advice,i wouldn't have fininshed my paper excellently.Without bring in him as the PM(project manager项目经理)of our company,the important program would have failed.

韩乳13462413331问: but for ,in spite of .,apart from except for 的区别 -
监利县振源回答: but for +n/doing 要不是 in spite of +n/doing 虽然;不管;不顾;纵使 apart from=except +n/doing 除开;除...之外 except for +n/doing 用于表示对主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定.它不表示同类事物之间的关系,我觉得应该是in spite of 意思是纵使他们不同,他们也发展处了一段明显而真切的感情

韩乳13462413331问: But 和but for和 Except 和except for什么区别用例句解释 -
监利县振源回答: besides, except, but的区别和用法 1. 基本区别 三者均可表示“除了”,但 besides 表示一种累加关系,意指“除了什么之外,还有…”;而 except 或 but 则表示一种排除关系,意指“除了什么之外,不再有…”: Besides his wife, his daughter ...

韩乳13462413331问: otherwise或as if以及but for 引导的虚拟语气的用法 -
监利县振源回答: otherwise : 用otherwise的虚拟条件句中,前一部分是陈述语气,后一部分是虚拟语气. 如:I ran all the way to school , otherwise I would have been late . 我一路跑到学校,不然就迟到了 . as if : 这个短语引导的虚拟语气很复杂,这是从大学的...

韩乳13462413331问: But for the heavy rain, they - ----earlier -
监利县振源回答: 选C 由but for可以看出考查的是虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设时从句用had done,主句用would/should/could/might+have done 其实这句话就相当于:If it hadn't rained heavily,they would have come earlier 前面是从句,后面是主句

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