
作者&投稿:勇竖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、business 英 [ˈbɪznɪs] 美 [ˈbɪznɪs]n. 商业;[贸易] 生意;[贸易] 交易;事情 2、affair 英 [ə'feə] 美 [ə'fɛr]n. 事情;事务;私事;(尤指关系不长久的)风流韵事 3、matter 英 ['mætə] ...

bussiness英语读法:[ˈbɪznəs] 。business,英语单词,名词,意为“商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业”。短语搭配 business cycle:[贸易]商业周期;经济周期;景气循环;商业循环。Business Manager:[经管]业务经理;商务经理;营业部经理;业务经理。on business:出差办事;...

business的意思是:n. 商业;[贸易] 生意;[贸易] 交易;事情。一、英英释义:n.a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it;the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects;business concerns collectively;the volu...

business:英[ˈbɪznəs];美[ˈbɪznəs]n.商业;买卖;生意;商务;公事;营业额;贸易额;营业状况;商业机构;归(某人或某机构)管的事;重要事情,要点;事情 复数:businesses 短语搭配 Business.业务 business cycle.[贸易]商业周期;经济周期;景气循环;...

商业 的英文:business ; commerce business 读法 英 ['bɪznəs]     美 ['bɪznəs]n. 商业;事务;生意 例句 1、He had no head for business.他毫无商业头脑。2、He was inexperienced in business.他在商业方面缺乏经验。短语 1、give up business放弃业务 2、...

It's not our business.这不关我们的事。9 N-SING 事件;情况;活动 You can use business to refer in a general way to an event, situation, or activity. For example, you can say something is 'a wretched business' or you can refer to 'this assassination business'.搭配模式:supp...

bought his uncle's business.购买他叔父的企业Volume or amount of commercial trade:贸易量,交易量:商业贸易的容量或数量:Business had fallen off.贸易量已经下降了Commercial dealings; patronage:商务业务;赞助:took her business to a trustworthy salesperson.将她的主顾交给一个可靠的推销员One's rightful or ...

in the business of 1. (打算)从事 我不提起控诉。 I am not in the business of making accusations. like nobody's business 1. (非正式)非常高的程度(或标准) 这些野草疯长。 these weeds spread like nobody's business. mind one's own business 1. 别多管闲事 他向她大喊,让她滚,别多管闲事。

business 和 commercial的区别
“business ”和 “commercial”的区别为:1、二者词性不同:“business ”是名词,“commercial”是形容词。2、二者使用场景不同:“business ”泛指所有的营生、生意,另外也有“事业”的意思。“commercial”特指买卖交易,商务活动。3、但是二者在日常使用上也有相同之处,比如“商务代表”翻译成 “...

侯芳15279114617问: Business supplies the food you eat什么意思?
安徽省马来回答: 商家提供食物

侯芳15279114617问: 为什么我不可以用具
安徽省马来回答: Business-Supply Store (最正确和地道的翻法) 或者用Business Supplies Store 天惠商务用品行--->TianHui Business-Supply Store 行是一定要用“STORE”来解释的在这里 还有,这里的商务绝对不可以用COMMERCE这样的词语 用品最好是用SUPPLIES 但是加了“-”后就不用加S了

侯芳15279114617问: Business proposal范文 -
安徽省马来回答: Dear Mr. Adams: Your name was given to us by Korea International Trade Association in your city as one of leading importer of silk product in the United States. We are a leading manufacturer and exporter of the products in Korea. We produce all ...

侯芳15279114617问: 请高手帮帮忙分析下这个句子.谢谢!Businessoftenpu
安徽省马来回答: 成本比较复杂的是第一句. 该句的主句是:“Business often purchase parts,components or supplies”,其中Business(公司)是主语,Purchase(购买)是谓语,Parts, ...

侯芳15279114617问: 英语翻译After delivery,Party B with supplies goods business to examine together confirmed in latter 30th with the spare cash 20% pay in full. -
安徽省马来回答:[答案] After delivery,Party B with supplies goods business to examine together confirmed in latter 30th with the spare cash 20% pay in full:货物运送结束后,乙方需与供货方一道检查货物情况并在30天内将其余的20%货款付清

侯芳15279114617问: 会计里supplies是指什么,如果是原材料那raw material呢?他俩是不是一样的?请高手指点迷津~ -
安徽省马来回答: supplies是指原材料,是指为了贸易所必须的一些开支,并非销售对象.raw material也是原材料的意思,一般用于加工业相关的公司.其他会计中的词汇: 1. 物料 supplies;2. 资产 assets3. 流动资产 current assets4. 现金及约当现金 cash ...

侯芳15279114617问: 英语翻译1企业用银行本票购买办公用品2企业用银行汇票购买材料 -
安徽省马来回答:[答案] 1.Business with the bank draft to buy office supplies 2.Business with the bank drafts to purchase materials 个人认为企业可以用business表示

侯芳15279114617问: 帮忙翻译一段话,请尽量准确,今天中午用 -
安徽省马来回答: U.S.-wide business supplies a leasing company for leasing, conferences, exhibitions, celebrations, provide comprehensive integrated service to the company, companies adhering to the "customer comes first, quality service," the company ...

侯芳15279114617问: supplies什么意思 -
安徽省马来回答: supplies 英 [səp'laɪz] 美 [səp'laɪz] n.供应;补给;日用(必需)品;供应量;供给物( supply的名词复数 );储备物质;粮食 v.供给( supply的第三人称单数 );补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向…提供(物资等) 双语例句 1 Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate. 食物和药品供应不足.2 A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies. 泄漏的煤油污染了水源.

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